Aish |
Aish, Stella
Alberts |
Alberts, Alvin
Alberts, Beverly
1947 |
Alberts, Bruce
1944 |
Alberts, Marlene
1950 |
Allan |
Allan, Leslie
Allen |
Allen, Catherine Rebecca
1981-03-02 |
Allen, Clive
Allen, Elizabeth
1979-04-17 |
Allen, Hugh
Allen, Lucelle
Allen, M
Allen, M. John
1946-04-25 |
Allen, Rachel Mary
1979-04-17 |
Allen, UnknownFatherofJohn
Allen, Xavier
Anderson |
Anderson, Mabel
Avenell |
Avenell, Mr.
about 1889 |
Avenell, UnknownHub
Aves |
Aves, Ivy
Aves, Lily
1907-03-06 |
Aves, Russell
1908-03-06 |
Aves, Walter
1870 |
Ayloffe |
Ayloffe, William
1563 |
Ayre |
Ayre, Unknown
Baines |
Baines, Alan
Baines, Douglas Smith
Baines, Frank
Baines, June
1933 |
Baines, Norman
Baker |
Baker, Brendan
1965 |
Baker, Madelaine Myfanwy
1998 |
Baker, Sebastian Christopher
1997-04-15 |
Ball |
Ball, Betty
Ball, Casey
1975 |
Ball, Edward
Ball, Kelly
1969 |
Ball, Marilyn
Ball, Michael
1974 |
Ball, Patrick
1972 |
Ball, Raymond
1940 |
Ball, Robert
1944 |
Bard |
Bard, James
Bard, William
Bauer |
Bauer, Barbara
1950 |
Bayton |
Bayton, Cate
estimated 1960 |
Bayton, Jane
estimated 1957 |
Bayton, John
estimated 1930 |
Bayton, John
estimated 1963 |
Bearden |
Bearden, Margaret
Bigelow |
Bigelow, Veronica
Bird |
Bird, Roseamond
1636 |
Bishop |
Bishop, Alexandra
1988 |
Bishop, Christiana
1993 |
Bishop, Christine
1953 |
Bishop, Mark
1958 |
Bishop, Theodora
1990 |
Body |
Body, Mary
Bolnest |
Bolnest, Beatrice
Bradt |
Bradt, Albert
Bradt, David
Bradt, Joan
Bradt, Lois
1952 |
Brett |
Brett, Dorothy
Briggs |
Briggs, Eliza
1853-12-12 |
Brodie |
Brodie, Margaret
1928 |
Brooks |
Brooks, Mary
estimated 1792 |
Broughton |
Broughton, A.
Broughton, R.
Brown |
Brown, Charles
estimated 1844 |
Brown, Rosa
Burns |
Burns, Alexander Philip
1979-04 |
Burns, Christopher Philip
1991 |
Burns, Eleanor Anne
1997 |
Burns, Nicholas Stephen
1994 |
Burns, Oliver Dougall
1977-05 |
Burns, Philip Stanley
1923 |
Burns, Roger W.
1950 |
Burns, Rosamund Jane
1953 |
Burns, Sheona Rosamund
1982 |
Burns, Stanley
Burns, Stephen Philip
1960 |
Burns, Unknown
Burns, Unknown
Butler |
Butler, David
Butler, Lizzie Selina
Caldecott |
Caldecott, Frances
Calder |
Calder, May
1920 |
Cannon |
Cannon, Joan
1942 |
Carson |
Carson, Colin
1940 |
Carson, Glen
about 1968 |
Carson, Joanne
Carson, Kim
Carson, Kim
1972 |
Carson, Maud Hannah
1960-08-15 |
Chalmers |
Chalmers, Mary
estimated 1721 |
Chandler |
Chandler, Delia Elsie
1896 |
Chandler, Dorothy Ellen
1905 |
Chandler, Ethel Nellie
1891 |
Chandler, Florence Emily
1893 |
Chandler, John William
1901 |
Chandler, Nellie
1898 |
Chandler, Nelson Russel
1908 |
Chandler, Percy
Chandler, Walter Percy
1902 |
Chapman |
Chapman, John
Cheyne |
Cheyne, Judith
1955-07-23 |
Cheyne, Mark CDR
1917-03-14 |
Coghlan |
Coghlan, Amanda Louise
estimated 1968 |
Coghlan, John
estimated 1940 |
Coghlan, Sarah Jane
estimated 1970 |
Coghlan, Simon James
estimated 1980 |
Colman |
Colman, Gwendoline
1915 |
Corbin |
Corbin, Andrew
1989-06-26 |
Corbin, Mark
1986-03-16 |
Corbin, Phillip
1954-10-30 |
Corbin, Stephen
1984-03-03 |
Cottrell |
Cottrell, Ann
between 1839 and 1840 |
Cox |
Cox, William
Crowhurst |
Crowhurst, Douglas
Darwell |
Darwell, Emma
1829 |
Davis |
Davis, James
Davis, Jennifer Mary
1935-07-03 |
Dean |
Dean, Mildred
Dennis |
Dennis, Colin
estimated 1950 |
Dennis, Emerald Linda
estimated 1908 |
Dennis, Harold
estimated 1913 |
Dickson |
Drynan |
Drynan, Margaret
1880 |
Duffett |
Duffett, Claire
estimated 1987 |
Duffett, David
1952 |
Duffett, Gordon
1923-04-14 |
Duffett, Jonathan
estimated 1985 |
Duffett, Lawrence
1895-12-21 |
Duffett, Louise
estimated 1983 |
Duffett, Michael
1956 |
Duffett, Nicola
estimated 1987 |
Duffett, Olive Mary
1889-11-25 |
Duffett, Rebecca
estimated 1985 |
Duffield |
Duffield, Fanny
1842-08-04 |
Eastcote |
Eastcote, Sharon
Enger |
Enger, Eric
1966 |
Enger, Janice
1961 |
Enger, Roy
Evans |
Evans, Randall Scott
Farmer |
Farmer, Alvin
between 1973 and 1974 |
Farmer, Danell
1975 |
Farmer, Lawrence
Farmer, Tammy
1972 |
Fatherly |
Fatherly, John
Flannigan |
Flannigan, Catherine
1965 |
Fleming |
Fleming, Julie
Fleming, Reginald
Fleming, William
Fontine |
Fontine, Mary
Foulds |
Foulds, Jennie
1887 |
Fowler |
Fowler, Charles
Fowler, Charles
1956 |
Fowler, Donald
1952 |
Gaynor |
Gaynor, Margaret Seymour
estimated 1924 |
Giddings |
Giddings, Emily
about 1877 |
Gilbert |
Gilbert, Carol
Gilham |
Gilham, Kathleen Dorothy
1936 |
Gilham, Marie Phyllis
1931 |
Gilham, Thomas
Gilham, Thomas Russel
1934 |
Gillespie |
Gillespie, Braden
Gillespie, Christopher
Gillespie, Stuart
Goodman |
Goodman, Linda
Gosselyn |
Gosselyn, Mary
Gray |
Gray, Janice Margaret
1937-09-25 |
Gregg |
Gregg, Mabel
Grenier |
Grenier, Mario
Hagar |
Hagar, Mary
Haggard |
Haggard, Nada
1925-08-31 |
Haig |
Haig, John
Haig, Phyllis Hope
1904 |
Hammond |
Hammond, Ann
Harder |
Harder, Betty
Hardman |
Hardman, Irene Muriel
estimated 1908 |
Harker |
Harker, Bradford
1950 |
Harker, Cameron
1955 |
Harker, Judith
1948 |
Harker, Max Carlyle
1922-07-05 |
Harker, Neil
1981 |
Harker, Stacy
1978 |
Harris |
Harris, Gylda
1960 |
Harvey |
Harvey, Joyce
1929 |
Harvey, June
1934 |
Harvey, Richard
1925 |
Harvye |
Harvye, Lucy
Hattin |
Hattin, Stephanie
1964 |
Havell |
Havell, Margaret
Havenhand |
Havenhand, Denise
estimated 1957 |
Hennessy |
Hennessy, Moira
estimated 1905 |
Hilary |
Hilary, Alison
1952 |
Hockley |
Hockley, Terry
Hodgson |
Hodgson, Eleanor
1857 |
Holder |
Holder, Sarah Ann
1825 |
Holder, William
Holland |
Holland, Barbara
estimated 1954 |
Holmes |
Holmes, Eliza
Housden |
Housden, Anne
estimated 1931 |
Housden, Charles Albert
estimated 1908 |
Housden, Denise Joan
estimated 1939 |
Housden, Frances Joan
estimated 1931 |
Housden, James
estimated 1904 |
Housden, James
estimated 1935 |
Housden, Maureen
estimated 1941 |
Housden, Michael James
estimated 1933 |
Housden, Noël John
estimated 1906 |
Housden, Peter
estimated 1938 |
Housden, William George
estimated 1865 |
Howell |
Howell, Kathryn Evelyn
1958 |
HubOfJanice |
HubOfJanice, James
Hudson |
Hudson, Lily Maud
estimated 1895 |
Hudson, UnknownSonOfRosa
Hudson, William
Hull |
Hull, Andrea
Hull, Andrew
Hull, Anthea Lauren
1998-01-10 |
Hull, Jessica Lillian
1993-03-11 |
Hull, Julian Seymour
1951-01-05 |
Hull, Ruth Lily
1965-12-11 |
Hull, William George
estimated 1920 |
Jackson |
Jackson, Audrey
1914 |
Jackson, Francis
estimated 1918 |
Jackson, Henry
Jackson, Keir
Jackson, Michael
estimated 1948 |
Jackson, Robert
estimated 1951 |
Jackson, Sheila
estimated 1943 |
Jagula |
Jagula, Bernadine
Johnson |
Johnson, Ellen
1915-08-20 |
Johnston |
Johnston, John
Jones |
Jones, Beryl
1904 |
Jones, Hilary Ayre
1923 |
Jones, Mark Andrew Clement
1957 |
Jones, Oliver
1988 |
Jones, Richard Gordon
1949 |
Jones, Samuel
1985 |
Jones, Sarah Elizabeth
1962 |
Jones, Veenie
Jones, West Gordon
1924 |
Joosse |
Joosse, Colin
2015 |
Joosse, Lawrence
1955 |
Joosse, Matthew
1986 |
Joosse, Patricia Marjorie
1956 |
Joosse, Sarah
1988 |
Kidd |
Kidd, Emily Rose
1989-11-29 |
Kidd, Gordon Lindsay
1929-07-17 |
Kidd, Michael Phillip
1962-06-17 |
Kidd, Stephen
King |
King, Ann
1798 |
King, Johnny
Kirk |
Kirk, Pearl
estimated 1960 |
Kreitman |
Kreitman, Julia
about 1967-03-18 |
Lambert |
Lambert, Rosalie
estimated 1950 |
Layer |
Layer, Benjamin
1622 |
Layer, Catherine
Layer, Elizabeth
Layer, John
1586 |
Layer, John
Layer, William
Leler |
Lewin |
Lewin, George
Liable |
Liable, Evelyn
1940 |
Liable, Jack
1947 |
Liable, Jacob
Liable, Mabel
1933 |
Lines |
Lines, Elizabeth
Lucas |
Lucas, Emily
1898-09-28 |
Mackenzie |
Mackenzie, Mary Joan
estimated 1925 |
Mackenzie, Steele C.
Mackichan |
Mackichan, Ian
Mactier |
Mactier, Charmaine
1950 |
Mactier, David
Mactier, James
Mactier, Janet
1943 |
Mactier, Lynne
1945 |
Malanga |
Marsh |
Marsh, Rhona
1926 |
Marshall |
Marshall, Charlotte
1994 |
Marshall, Emily
1992 |
Marshall, Herrick
Mason |
Mason, Arthur
1944 |
Mason, Brett William
1980 |
Mason, Tighe Owen
1977 |
Mason, Wayde Kenneth
1975 |
Mathis |
Mathis, Alan
Mattison |
Mattison, Joan
McBurney |
McBurney, Alex
McBurney, Emily
McBurney, Timothy
1991-05-02 |
McCauley |
McCauley, David
1981-01-19 |
McCauley, James
estimated 1955 |
McCauley, Katie
1977-04-22 |
McCauley, Margaret
1983-05-11 |
McCauley, Philippa
1952 |
McConnell |
McConnell, Katherine
McConnell, Scott
McConnell, Sophie
McDougall |
McDougall, Benjamin
about 1898 |
McDougall, Maud
about 1873 |
McDowell |
McLachan |
McLachan, Carol
McManus |
McManus, Thomas
Meager |
Meager, Diana
Mercer |
Mercer, Francis
Mercer, Neal Austin
1970-11-07 |
Mercer, Samantha Claire
1969-02-09 |
Miller |
Miller, Brady
1990 |
Miller, Chelsea
1986 |
Miller, Edward
estimated 1957 |
Miller, Harley
1992 |
Miller, Stella
Millsted |
Millsted, Simon
Mining |
Mining, Ethel
Missing |
Missing, Harriet
about 1860 |
Mitchell |
Mitchell, Kate
Monica |
Monica, Anne
Montgomery |
Montgomery, Gordon
1971 |
Montgomery, Kate
1974 |
Montgomery, Paul
Moon |
Moon, Frederick
Moor |
Moor, Sarah
Moore |
Moore, Collin
1976 |
Moore, Edward
1974 |
Moore, Eric
Moore, Sherry Lyn
1972 |
Morris |
Morris, Elizabeth
Moule |
Moule, Jane
Muir |
Muir, Susan
1913-08-06 |
Mullaly |
Mullaly, Deidre
estimated 1944 |
Mullaly, John
estimated 1946 |
Mullaly, William
estimated 1905 |
Neal |
Neal, Joyce
1923 |
Noble |
Noble, Edward
1993 |
Noble, Frances
1957 |
Noble, Nicholas
1953 |
Noble, Victoria
1990 |
Nock |
Nock, William Alfred Cyril
Norman |
Norman, Janine
Norman, Leonard
Nunn |
Nunn, Andrew Christopher
1985 |
Nunn, Angharad Catherine
1987 |
Nunn, Christopher
1956 |
Nunn, Hugh
Nunn, Jeremy Peter
1959 |
Nunn, Lois Alexandra
1989 |
Nunn, Natalie
Nunn, Peter Hubert
1928 |
Nunn, Tobias Elliot
1991 |
Nunn, William
1994 |
Osborne |
Osborne, Rosalynde Fuller
1888 |
Oxenbury |
Oxenbury, Elizabeth Julie
1897-03-28 |
Parsons |
Parsons, Cyril
Patten |
Patten, Harriet
Patterson |
Patterson, Alistair
1929 |
Patterson, Diana
1949 |
Patterson, James
1924 |
Patterson, John
1919 |
Patterson, Richard
1952 |
Patterson, Robert
Patterson, Valerie
1926 |
Patterson, William
1954 |
Peachy |
Peachy, Bertha
Peachy, Clair
Peachy, James
Peachy, Nellie
Peckham |
Peckham, Walter
estimated 1900 |
Peters |
Peters, Florence Hettie
1882-11-03 |
Philbin |
Philbin, Alison
1986-05-16 |
Philbin, Christopher
1957-07-23 |
Philbin, Clare
1988-03-12 |
Philbin, Robert
1990-02-13 |
Phillips |
Phillips, Doris Lillian
1888 |
Phillips, Ena Muriel
Phillips, H. Dixon
Phillips, Kathleen
1885 |
Phillips, Winnie
Pitts |
Pitts, Graham
Pitts-Hull |
Pitts-Hull, Clea
Plater |
Plater, Dennis
Plater, HubofEmily
Pockipinski |
Pockipinski, Marvin
Pointer |
Pointer, Cheryl Deirdre
Pointer, Frank
1904 |
Poling |
Poling, Jemima Elizabeth
1832 |
Pope |
Pope, C. Kim
1955 |
Pope, Carleigh
1989 |
Pope, Jessica
1986 |
Pope, Lauren
1983 |
Pope, Virginia Doris
1956 |
Pound |
Pound, Alma Sylvia
1931-05-14 |
Pound, Ann
about 1847 |
Pound, Bertha Ann
1888-08-20 |
Pound, Bessie
about 1898 |
Pound, Charles
1862 |
Pound, Charles
1837-02-20 |
Pound, Charles
about 1797 |
Pound, Charles Herbert
about 1889-09 |
Pound, Dorothy Nellie
about 1889-09 |
Pound, Edith
about 1882 |
Pound, Edward
about 1877 |
Pound, Eliza
about 1860 |
Pound, Elizabeth
about 1871 |
Pound, George
about 1870 |
Pound, George
about 1895 |
Pound, Helen Elizabeth Clare
1904 |
Pound, Henry
about 1872 |
Pound, Jane
about 1878 |
Pound, Jeanine
1949 |
Pound, John
1906-08-30 |
Pound, Kate
about 1860 |
Pound, Maria
about 1864 |
Pound, Marie
estimated 1932 |
Pound, Martha Grace
1891 |
Pound, Muriel Annie
1908-12-26 |
Pound, Olive Rose
1895 |
Pound, Philip
about 1842 |
Pound, Philip George
1886-03-29 |
Pound, Phyllis
about 1916 |
Pound, Renee
Pound, Richard
estimated 1930 |
Pound, Sarah
about 1806 |
Pound, Sarah
about 1844 |
Pound, Sarah Ann
about 1865 |
Pound, Sylvia Margaret
1911-12-14 |
Pound, UnknownWifeof CharliePound
Pound, Violet
about 1893 |
Pound, William
about 1840 |
Pound, William
about 1867 |
Pratt |
Pratt, Mary
about 1589 |
Pratt, Robert
Price |
Price, Joan
Quantrill |
Quantrill, Christopher
1898-12-22 |
Quantrill, Olive
1926-02-28 |
Rawlingson |
Rawlingson, Ann
Read |
Read, Marian
1940-08-15 |
Reeve |
Reeve, Albert Edgar
1867 |
Reeve, Brian
Reeve, Clair
1967 |
Reeve, Dawn
1965 |
Reeve, Frank Albert
1907 |
Reeve, Margaret
Reeve, Martin
Reeve, Michael
1965 |
Reeve, Trevor
1968 |
Reeve, William
Reeves-Walker |
Reeves-Walker, Kate Frances
Reimer |
Reimer, Lindsay
Reynolds |
Reynolds, Emma
Richardson |
Richardson, Shirley
Rogers |
Rogers, Albert
estimated 1886 |
Rolfe |
Rolfe, Gertrude Minnie
1887-06-26 |
Rolfe, Ivy
Rolfe, John
about 1830 |
Rolfe, Maude
1876-08-23 |
Rule |
Rule, Martha
estimated 1841 |
Russell |
Russell, Olive
Ryan |
Ryan, John
Ryder |
Ryder, Claire
1972-05-25 |
Ryder, Edward
1979-08-19 |
Ryder, Jonathan
estimated 1948 |
Ryder, Victoria
1975-01-17 |
Saggs |
Saggs, Clara
Saggs, Henry
Salmon |
Salmon, Robert
Salmon, Robert
1974 |
Salmon, Theresa
1971 |
Salter |
Salter, Helen
1867 |
Salter Pound |
Salter Pound, Leslie William
1898-11-04 |
Salter Pound, Stanley George
1902-07-27 |
Saunders |
Saunders, Rhoda
Savage Boyce |
Savage Boyce, Alice Rachel
1850-01-01 |
Scales |
Scales, Beryl
estimated 1910 |
Schillinger |
Schillinger, Clara Beryl
Schoeffel |
Schoeffel, Derrick
Scott |
Scott, Ann
1894 |
Scott, Arthur
1867 |
Scott, Beatrice
Scott, Beatrice
Scott, Betty
Scott, Brian
1922-06-08 |
Scott, David
1876 |
Scott, Emily Maud
1864 |
Scott, Ernest
Scott, Ethel
1875 |
Scott, Florence
1870 |
Scott, Jack
Scott, Julie
1872 |
Scott, Karen
1956-12-09 |
Scott, Lawrence
1878 |
Scott, Olive
Scott, Rachel
1955-04-10 |
Scott, Robert
1857-03-05 |
Scott, Sarah May
1895-04-06 |
Scott, Sheila
Scott, Walter
1866 |
Scott, William
1893-09-14 |
Scott, William
1839 |
Shearman |
Shearman, Margaret
1907 |
Sheil |
Sheil, Ellen
estimated 1864 |
Sheil, Emily
estimated 1864 |
Sheil, FatherofEmily
Sheil, SisterofEmilySheil
estimated 1864 |
Sheil, ThirdsiblingofEmilySheil
estimated 1864 |
Sikah |
Sikah, Margaret
Simmons |
Simmons, Margaret
estimated 1912 |
Simon |
Simon, Joe
Simon, Joseph
1974 |
Slater |
Slater, Agnes Emily
1876 |
Slater, Barnard
1829 |
Slater, Benjamin
1977-08-19 |
Slater, Charles Henery
1853 |
Slater, David
1943 |
Slater, Diana
1944 |
Slater, Frederick Edward
1866 |
Slater, Jean
1919 |
Slater, John
1917 |
Slater, Louisa Ellem
1872 |
Slater, Margaret Eliza
1858 |
Slater, Matthew
1974-07-26 |
Slater, Robert
1972-06-01 |
Slater, Walter William
1860 |
Smart |
Smart, Edwin
1883-02-28 |
Smart, Eileen Eleanor
1912-03-14 |
Smart, Geoffrey Edwin
1920-08-30 |
Smart, Roseamond
Smith |
Smith, Alexander George
Smith, Irene
Spence |
Spence, Catherine
1954-04-27 |
Spence, Ellen
1993-07-12 |
Spence, Godfrey
1962-08-12 |
Spence, Harry
1915-06-09 |
Spence, Isobel
1997-03-28 |
Spence, Joseph
1996-06-15 |
Spence, Norah Katherine
1915-03-22 |
Spence, Richard
1957-12-06 |
Spence, Rosalind
1993-12-03 |
Stanfield |
Stanfield, Patricia
Stearn |
Stearn, Ada
Stearn, Agnes
Stearn, Alan Edward
1930-05-09 |
Stearn, Albert David
1858-05-19 |
Stearn, Alexandra
1966 |
Stearn, Alexandra
Stearn, Allan David
1942-03-02 |
Stearn, Andrew Mackenzie
1960 |
Stearn, Ann
1862 |
Stearn, Ann
Stearn, Ann
1841 |
Stearn, Annabelle
1944 |
Stearn, Anne
1933 |
Stearn, Anthony
about 1928 |
Stearn, Arthur
1832 |
Stearn, Arthur
1943-04-04 |
Stearn, Arthur
1878-07 |
Stearn, Arthur David
1921-01-16 |
Stearn, Arthur Edward
1857-08-08 |
Stearn, Arthur Richard
1855-08-09 |
Stearn, Ashlea
about 1992 |
Stearn, Athalie Mildred
1963-07-10 |
Stearn, Audrey
1932 |
Stearn, Audrey
1922 |
Stearn, Aura
between 1970-07-19 and 1970-07-27 |
Stearn, Barbara
Stearn, Beatrice Eleanor
1883-09-04 |
Stearn, Bernard Arthur
1912-02-12 |
Stearn, Bethiah Ann
1845 |
Stearn, Blair
1967-02-12 |
Stearn, Charles
1889 |
Stearn, Christopher
Stearn, Christopher
1969 |
Stearn, Clare Louise
1965-10-11 |
Stearn, Claude
1896 |
Stearn, Clement Hodgson
1888-06-14 |
Stearn, Colin William
1928 |
Stearn, Darlene
1955 |
Stearn, David
1927 |
Stearn, David
1830 |
Stearn, David
1880 |
Stearn, David
Stearn, David Herbert Stuart
1925 |
Stearn, David Hugh
1978 |
Stearn, David John Hodgson
1932-11-02 |
Stearn, Donna
1946-09 |
Stearn, Doris Mildred
1916-11-07 |
Stearn, Dorothy
1914 |
Stearn, Dorothy
Stearn, Edgar
Stearn, Edith
Stearn, Eleanor
Stearn, Eleanor Delma
1969-09-17 |
Stearn, Eliza Ann
1826-10-08 |
Stearn, Elizabeth
1851-01 |
Stearn, Emily
Stearn, Emily Ann
1839 |
Stearn, Emma
1832 |
Stearn, Eric Wilfrid
1909-08-09 |
Stearn, Ernest
1884 |
Stearn, Ernest Harold
1923-02-18 |
Stearn, Ethel
1889 |
Stearn, Evelyn
1888 |
Stearn, Evelyn
1917 |
Stearn, FirstWifeOfTim
Stearn, Florence
Stearn, Frances Emily
1891 |
Stearn, Frank
1897 |
Stearn, Frank Edward
1893-01-07 |
Stearn, Frank Ferdinand
1864 |
Stearn, Frank Reginald
Stearn, Freda
Stearn, Frederick
1869-11-16 |
Stearn, Frederick
1888 |
Stearn, Frederick
1887 |
Stearn, Frederick Harold
Stearn, Frederick Hayward
1860-01-19 |
Stearn, Frederick King
1828 |
Stearn, Frieda
Stearn, Geoffrey
1943 |
Stearn, George
1925 |
Stearn, Gertrude
1914 |
Stearn, Gladys Eliza
Stearn, Glenn
1949-03-07 |
Stearn, Gwendoline
1927 |
Stearn, Harold
Stearn, Harriet
about 1851 |
Stearn, Harriet Ann
1836-03-11 |
Stearn, Harry
1868 |
Stearn, Hazel
Stearn, Heather
1951 |
Stearn, Heather Ann
1980 |
Stearn, Helen
Stearn, Helen Beatrice
1867 |
Stearn, Henry
1890 |
Stearn, Henry George
1860 |
Stearn, Herbert
Stearn, Herbert Frederick James
1905-11-18 |
Stearn, Honor D.
1926 |
Stearn, Horace
1893 |
Stearn, Hubert Arthur
1896-10-19 |
Stearn, Hugh Arthur
1950 |
Stearn, Hugo Guy
1953-06-04 |
Stearn, James
1917 |
Stearn, James
Stearn, James
estimated 1799 |
Stearn, James
1828 |
Stearn, Janet
1943-01-14 |
Stearn, Jason
1972 |
Stearn, Joan
1930 |
Stearn, John
1904 |
Stearn, John
1919 |
Stearn, John Holder
1894 |
Stearn, Joyce
1930 |
Stearn, Judith Ann
1947-03-25 |
Stearn, Kate
Stearn, Kevin
1972-05-26 |
Stearn, Laura
Stearn, Laurence Mycroft
1957-08-23 |
Stearn, Leonard William
1900-04-15 |
Stearn, Leslie
Stearn, Lorna
Stearn, Louise
Stearn, Lydia
1997 |
Stearn, Mabel
Stearn, Marjorie
1917 |
Stearn, Mary
Stearn, Mary Ann
1837-07-20 |
Stearn, Maud
1877 |
Stearn, Maureen
Stearn, Maxie
1888 |
Stearn, May
1882 |
Stearn, May Clare
1968-03-01 |
Stearn, Meagan
about 1987 |
Stearn, Michael
1972 |
Stearn, Miriam
Stearn, Myles
1973-01-27 |
Stearn, Naomi
1993-04-13 |
Stearn, Nellie
1892 |
Stearn, Nellie
1908 |
Stearn, Nellie
Stearn, Neville
Stearn, Neville
Stearn, Nick
Stearn, Nicola
1961 |
Stearn, Olive
1923 |
Stearn, Ollie
1998 |
Stearn, Percy
1909 |
Stearn, Peter John Holder
1954 |
Stearn, Phyllis
1911 |
Stearn, Phyllis Maureen
1948-07-19 |
Stearn, Pippa
1958 |
Stearn, Queenie
1924 |
Stearn, Reginald
Stearn, Reginald E.
1913 |
Stearn, Renee
1917 |
Stearn, Richard
1987 |
Stearn, Richard James
1968-08-30 |
Stearn, Robert
1945-07 |
Stearn, Robert
Stearn, Robert
1953 |
Stearn, Robert Henry
1857-07-17 |
Stearn, Robert King
1842-01-30 |
Stearn, Robert King
1892 |
Stearn, Robert Wiillam
1914-09-14 |
Stearn, Rodney
Stearn, Roger
Stearn, Roger Hugh
1930-10-14 |
Stearn, Ronald
Stearn, Rosalynde
1994 |
Stearn, Ross
1946 |
Stearn, Russell
1930 |
Stearn, Sally Kathryn
1963-09-08 |
Stearn, Sarah
1799 |
Stearn, Scott
1969 |
Stearn, Sheila
1952-01-27 |
Stearn, Shirley
Stearn, Shirley
Stearn, Sidney
1919 |
Stearn, Sidney
1924 |
Stearn, Sidney John
1887-02-14 |
Stearn, Sidney John
1884 |
Stearn, Simon
Stearn, Stanley
Stearn, Stuart
1943 |
Stearn, Stuart Frederick
1855 |
Stearn, Sue
Stearn, Sylvia
Stearn, Sylvia
1976-05-08 |
Stearn, Tania
Stearn, Thomas
1995-08-19 |
Stearn, Thomas
1793 |
Stearn, Timothy
1944-05-19 |
Stearn, Timothy James Haigh
1965-04-05 |
Stearn, Trissie
Stearn, Walter
1860-05-27 |
Stearn, Walter
1877 |
Stearn, Walter
1912-11-03 |
Stearn, Wilfred
Stearn, Wilfrid Harry
1882-03-04 |
Stearn, William
1825 |
Stearn, William
1794 |
Stearn, William
1767 |
Stearn, William
1948-01-25 |
Stearn, William
Stearn, William
1817 |
Stearn, William Augustus
Stearn, William Herbert
1910-09-21 |
Stearn, William Holder
1849 |
Stearn, Zak John Hunt
1997-02-01 |
Stearn-Ryan |
Stearn-Ryan, Oscar Alan
Stearne |
Stearne, John
1741 |
Stearne, Nicholas
1701 |
Stearne, Richard
1679 |
Stearne, Thomas
Stephenson |
Stephenson, Alan
estimated 1941 |
Stephenson, Jack
1905 |
Sterne |
Sterne, Ann
Sterne, Benjamin
1649-01-22 |
Sterne, Catherine
about 1565 |
Sterne, Clement
Sterne, Dorkas
1640-01-11 |
Sterne, Edmund
1601-01-18 |
Sterne, Frances
Sterne, Frances
1586 |
Sterne, John
1632-10-25 |
Sterne, John
1595 |
Sterne, John
1517 |
Sterne, John
Sterne, Katherine
Sterne, Katherine
1637-12-21 |
Sterne, Mary
1653-07-25 |
Sterne, Robert
1648-01-22 |
Sterne, Robert
Sterne, Robert
1597-05-18 |
Sterne, Thomas
1652-12-06 |
Sterne, Thomas
1607 |
Sterne, Thomas
1644-04-11 |
Sterne, Thomas
1588-06-16 |
Sterne, Thomas
Sterne, William
1589-10-12 |
Sterne, Willilam
Stumpf |
Stumpf, Marjorie
Suffield West |
Suffield West, Agnes Winifred-
1889 |
Suffield West, Alice Clara
1894 |
Suffield West, Dorothy Kate
1902 |
Suffield West, Eileen Elizabeth Mary
1987 |
Suffield West, Eileen Frances
1884 |
Suffield West, Florence Edith
1891 |
Suffield West, Frederick William
1900 |
Suffield West, George
1863 |
Suffield West, George Frederick
1887 |
Sylvester |
Sylvester, Edith Margaret
1934-03-24 |
Tatters |
Tatters, Ann
Taversham |
Taversham, Winifred
Taylor |
Taylor, Allen
1824 |
Taylor, Allen Sheil
1900-08-12 |
Taylor, Anthony Richard
1890-09-28 |
Taylor, Hettie
Taylor, Jane
1868-04-03 |
Taylor, John
1866-03-30 |
Taylor, Joseph
1871-04-21 |
Taylor, Mabel Grace
1895-01-27 |
Taylor, Mary
1864-04-14 |
Taylor, Richard
1862-05-01 |
Taylor, Sylvia Victoria Alice
1907-07-22 |
Tennant |
Tennant, Bernice
Tennant, Gordon
Thompson |
Thompson, Ann
Thompson, Betty Kaye
Thompson, Keith
Thompson, Kimberly Sue
Thompson Evans |
Thompson Evans, Marcia
1953 |
Thompson Evans, Ryan
Thorley |
Thorley, William
estimated 1947 |
Townsend |
Townsend, Sarah
about 1851 |
Turnbull |
Turnbull, Eileen
1927-04-14 |
Twibell |
Twibell, Nadine
Twinn |
Twinn, Harriet
UnknownHubofCatherineAllen |
UnknownHubofCatherineAllen, Iris Matilda
UnknownHubofCatherineAllen, NotSureofName
UnknownHubofCatherineAllen, Violet
UnknownHubofRosalynde |
UnknownHubofRosalynde, Steve
UnknownWifeofJames |
Utteridge |
Utteridge, Laura Helen
Ventham |
Ventham, Mary
Ward |
Ward, Ginette
estimated 1950 |
Weaver |
Webb |
Webb, Mary Elizabeth
estimated 1858 |
Welwyn |
Welwyn, Olivia Jane
1983 |
Welwyn, Stephen Frederick
1988 |
Welwyn, Unknown
Widdows |
Widdows, Ann
estimated 1935 |
Widdows, Derek
about 1947 |
Widdows, Francine
about 1982 |
Widdows, Janice
estimated 1945 |
Widdows, Liliane
1961 |
Widdows, Marie
Widdows, Matthew
about 1981 |
Widdows, Tom
estimated 1910 |
Widdows, UnknownfirstwifeofTom
Wilding |
Wilding, Margaret
Williamson |
Williamson, Sonia
1933 |
Wilson |
Wilson, Phyllida
1930-07-08 |
Windjack |
Windjack, Jean
Windjack, Joseph
Windjack, Patricia
Winfield |
Wingate |
Wingate, Ann L.
about 1869 |
Wingate, Mark
Winter |
Winter, Annette
estimated 1957 |
Wise |
Wise, William
Woods |
Woods, Mary
1771 |
Woods, Violet
1891 |
Wright |
Wright, Geoff
Wright, Jane
about 1833 |