Sterne, John

Birth Name Sterne, John
Gender male



As to who the parents of John, the records are unclear. A copy of the notes:

Walter Sterne held Sterne's manor and 90 acres of land at Haslingfield, 1250.
William Sterne married Alice ? died 1294.
Walter Sterne married Matilda, died 1317.
William Sterne took over Sterne's Manor from Anglesey Prior in 1353, died 1354.
Robert Sterne died 1378.
Walter Sterne (Ward of Lord Scales) went to Stapleford, died 1421.
Robert Sterne married a Norfolk heiress, died 1444.
Robert Sterne died 1459.
Henry Sterne went to Stow-Cum-Quy.
Henery Sterne borne 1471, sold Sternes Manor at Haslingfield to Queens College, went to live at Malton.Co. Cambridge.
Thomas Sterne refused to accept the title from the College which in 1520 bought off his claim for a hundred marks.

Note: Henerey is mentioned in "Visitations of Cambridge." There is confusion as to whether Henery was in fact Henry, or if Henry was the father of Henery.

"Henery Sterne of Stokequi (Stow Cum Quy) in Com. Cambridge descended of Sterne of Stapleford in the same Com."

Henery had two sons, William Sterne of Stokequi who married Emme Raiisford of Yorkshire, two sons, and Robert who married (unknown) with one son.


"W' Sterne of Stowqueye, yeotnan, bur. in y* Middle Isle of y ch. To William his son his Mansion House which descended from his Father Henry. To his sou Ueorge his four mess. &
gardyns in S' Botolph with" Algatu. etc. Mess, in Coleman S' London to hi- son William. To
Margaret his daughter wife of W"" Tuinpson. John & William sons of William. To William &
John sons of his brother Robert. To y" poore 6 barrels of herrynges one every year. His
executors William and George his sons to bestow at his Burial daye 10 muttons 1 qt of wheate
1 q' of malte. Dated li .Jan. 1554. (Phillips.)





Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1517      


Family of Sterne, John and Harvye, Lucy

Married Wife Harvye, Lucy ( * + ... )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1540      
Name Birth Date Death Date
Sterne, Willilam1579-08-07
Sterne, John
Sterne, Thomas1612-05-05