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  • in reply to: Computer Setup #891

    Good to know! Mine is a Creative SoundBlaster brand, I believe. Not entirely sure of the exact model, though. I haven’t really messed with it since 2010. It used to belong to my dad… 😛

    Haven’t experienced issues with VR yet! There was another driver update released the other day, though, so I may install it. Since VR is a newish thing, it’s probably a good idea to stay on top of the driver updates 🙂

    It booted okay today so not really sure why it was taking a minute or two to sort out the line for a couple of days. /shrug

    Probably going to need to reach out on the Linux forums about the audio. A cursory look at the docs didn’t give me an idea on if the jacks can be remapped from input to output on Linux like they can on Windows.

    Haven’t tried hooking up another monitor yet. Want to try and get the kinks out of things before I do too much. 🙂

    Sounds good. Will be watching for the thread! 🙂

    in reply to: Project Ideas #886

    Sorry, not ignoring you! Just been a bit preoccupied over here lately. 🙂

    in reply to: Random #884

    I wouldn’t say I’m sold on it just yet, still trying to figure out my way in it. The tutorial left a lot of things out, unfortunately.

    Not yet sure of the feasibility of playing on a shoestring budget as I haven’t run the numbers yet but I’ll get there!


    Wasn’t aware that Wiki gave out stars! Cool!

    in reply to: Styles #883

    Spiffed up the top breadcrumb!

    in reply to: Computer Setup #882

    Will probably need to remap the audio jacks as well. No idea how to do that so some reading is required!

    Seems rather contentious! Just installed Synaptic here and it’ll definitely serve my purposes of searching out packages for install. 🙂

    I do have one in the closet from fifteen years ago. It’s an old X-Fi. I may dig it out and see if it still works at some point

    So after hooking up the VR headset and having it unplugged at bootup, the video card is getting confused about which video output to use even though the monitor is the only one hooked in to the card. Takes a minute or so for it to figure it out and then it works right. Rather minor problem but I may take a look in the UEFI and see if there’s a way to correct things in there but I suspect it’s something in the card’s firmware and would need to be fixed by a card revision

    Anything else I should consider doing? Been a long time since I had to set up a system 🙂

    in reply to: Software: On & Off the Web #881

    I used to have it set to randomize the screensaver. Sometimes I’d get a bouncing cow while other times a BSoD. Was quite fun!


    in reply to: Plugins #872

    For reference purposes, here’s the tab in the style pack that adds theme support to bbPress:

    Not seeing much else of interest in the style pack at the moment but that’ll likely change as we go through stuff!

    in reply to: The Thread That Broods #870

    Running Ublock Origin on the browser. Very handy! 🙂

    As far as the firewall goes, there are a few different options available: 🙂

    in reply to: Random #869

    Oh! I’ve just about hit the limits of a free player in Eve. Well, with skill training at least. It only takes about a month of skill training to max out the skills available to free players. Not sure about game content yet as I just got out of the tutorial the other day 🙂

    And finally got Starfield added to the wishlist. Took me long enough 😛

    Another large one: 125 GB! This is really getting out of hand!

    in reply to: Computer Setup #868


    Currently using Firefox but I’ve got Chrome downloaded. I’ll probably get it installed soon as I greatly prefer it 🙂

    Bit funny about security so I’ll post it in our private thread 🙂

    I wouldn’t exactly say they’re easy to work with but they’re getting better! Having a log-viewer definitely helps as the CLI tools can be a bit cumbersome with looking at the logs

    Yeah, I really should get a UPS. Will add it to the list!

    The VR base stations do make a noticeable humming noise but I wouldn’t call it obnoxious or anything 🙂

    Definitely not a fan of the Pop Store. It has a limited view that, while sleek, doesn’t give you enough information. For instance, it doesn’t always tell you the last update to the package or if it’s a Flatpack or not. Not a fan of Flatpack installs as it adds some dependency issues that the regular package managers take care of so things aren’t as neat and tidy with Flatpack. May try out Synaptic. I like having both a GUI package manager and a CLI one for different use cases. I like to use the graphical one to find software, the CLI one to install to help me monitor things so that I can better take care of issues if they arise

    Eureka! Windows audio has been resolved! Okay, you need to install the audio drivers from Gigabyte as well. Windows doesn’t source them automatically and I wasn’t able to find them on the Realtek website. Connecting is a bit finicky: you need to remap the jacks in the Realtek Audio Console to speaker output jacks. It does mean you lose line in and mic jacks, though, and the Mira doesn’t have front jacks so with this configuration you’ll definitely need a sound card if you want analog line-in and mic-in. The other option is to go USB for the line-in and mic-in.

    in reply to: Sounds and Music #867
    in reply to: Site Info (Deprecated: iiNet) #866

    Sounds good. Will need to get on the laptop to dig through Teams some more since we learned it can be finicky on a new system now. 🙂

    Will take a look at the admin area in a few minutes!

    in reply to: The Theme Park Thread #865

    Something like that. It would probably need to be metal to be accelerated by the coil gun. Sure, there are other methods that could be used but I like the coil gun idea! Would make it seem more futuristic! 😛

    Got some basic calculations for the capacitors done assuming a mass of 500 Kg (may be a bit low), velocity of 25 Kmph, and using the American standard of 120 Volts. Didn’t get to induction coils so that’s something I’ll need to read up on but it’s a start! Also have the basic circuit design! It starts off with a group of capacitors and then ends in a branch controlled by a switch. One branch leads to a dissipation doohickey and the other leads to the group of induction coils to launch the humans into their game.

    Probably! It may work out better to have depressurization stages to help keep it from working too hard down a long tube as the cumulative friction would cause the speed to slow down significantly otherwise for large objects. I think. I never was good with friction calculations, though 😛

    in reply to: Random #864

    Don’t have a heatgun yet! I’ve read that a hair dryer can double as one if you need it to 😛

    I’ve always used the -ise form of words as opposed to -ize myself. Probably comes from growing up with books written by British authors 😛

    Yep! The hunt continues! They also now think that time moved differently at the beginning of the Universe!

    in reply to: Cooking #863

    Great! Never had oxtail before. Closest I’ve had has been lamb neck, which is not at all close 😛

    What did you put in it?

    in reply to: Films & TV Shows #862

    Saw this one the other day. It was a riot!

    Got Kill Bill on the watch list now, too! 🙂

    in reply to: Site Info (Deprecated: iiNet) #857

    Out of curiosity, do we know who’s taking over the hosting?

    Don’t know much about CloudFlare myself but I could look into it some more. Granted, we won’t need it to combat traffic drains right now with it being a bug (insect or arachnid? it’s important!) but could be useful in the future

    On that note, I think I’ll look at getting some site work done over the next few days now that my computer testing seems to have gone well. Anything specific I should look into?

    in reply to: EM Client #853


    Are you looking for a new one, then? There are a lot of good free options around. I can take a gander if you’d like 🙂

    in reply to: Cooking #852

    Been meaning to say that I made duck soup the other week! No Marx Brothers were harmed!

    It was very good. It consisted of duck, duck broth, mushrooms, noodles, rice wine, rice vinegar, soy sauce, and chili oil. Incredibly easy!

    in reply to: NAS #850

    Great! Not seeing anything else missing! 🙂

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