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    There we go! Always found it useful!

    Cool! Never tried a horror game before but it does look like a good concept. I do have some horror games I got for free, I really should give them a whirl!

    It’s never a good idea to live in a town with superheroes. The insurance premiums, disruption, and constant property damage would not be fun at all, especially on a daily basis!


    Huh, looks like EverQuest is still online. Don’t know why I thought of it last night as I never did play it


      Heh, not unless you’re a super villain, in which case concerns regarding peace, order, and harmony in the community can be left at the door, assuming of course such an item will remain in one piece after your episode of rampant destruction. 😛
      OMG, so many expansions to play- so tread carefully, for fear of falling into the evercrack!
      Was never happy with the new liquorice bags, will there ever be a happy solution?
      Shem the dog really likes the early spring sun!
      Sun for Shem


      But they still need to worry about getting punched in the face! Most uncomfortable! 😛

      Superheroes seem to cause a lot of collateral damage, even when they’re just combatting the forces of nature 😛

      I remember getting a card for free game time, I think it was for three months, with a computer of mine twenty years ago for the second game. Never used it for some reason, even though I did try WoW (wasn’t my cup of tea: too much grinding). I’m really surprised that they’re both still online. They definitely don’t do a whole lot of advertising so it makes me wonder how people find out about the games.

      Speaking of games, I’m still trying to determine what I like now. Been so long that I’m not really sure what kinds of games interest me. 😛

      If the bag is pure plastic, then it can usually be dropped off at a grocery store. I always wash out the recyclables with soap and water first to reduce contamination at the plant.

      Old fashioned candy stores can be fun! We don’t have any where I live but other cities in the state do. Really brings a feal of nostalgia!

      😀 Have you thought about setting up a dog bed for him there? He sure seems to enjoy that spot!


      Been re-reading the Tintin stories lately and they never get old. Every few years or so, I pick one off my shelf and they’re delightful every time! 🙂


        How about devising a new game based on an old one – like a game of “Prong”, involving the wielding of a pointed implement capable of popping balls bouncing of walls. Well- er, if the mechanics of such a game will not inspire, the name is catchy enough, no?
        No candy store in the immediate locale, one which boasts of being “environmentally focussed” might do well though.
        Yes, he likes it there, it’s a thoroughfare section though, so being tripped over and trodden on would come with the territory. Alternately, a nice, cosy spot nearby is one he will take to quite willingly. 🙂
        Ah yes, do allow this confession coming on strong, the first line in the article for Rin Tin Tin is “not to be confused with …”. Well, it turns out an irrefutable fact that the confusion did once exist, even to the point of imagining Snowy as some kind of international version Rin Tin Tin. 🥴
        We’re not in a technical drought yet, rather, drought affected. 🙁


        With a stag as the game piece? 😛

        We do have the Escape from the Swamp idea. Sadly, we weren’t able to grab it before Teams went belly up. Perhaps we could try to pick it up again?

        Yeah, they’re a bit of a rarity these days. 🙁

        Snowy was the underrated star of the series! I do love his commentary on the events in the stories. 🙂

        Over the years, three of my copies got misplaced. Hopefully they turn up at my dad’s place as I haven’t read those in a while. They also did a TV series based on the books. I only saw a few episodes and that was when I was a kid but I enjoyed them at the time. No idea how well they held up but I can see if one of the streaming services has them available.

        🙁 We have a similar issue out west. Many lakes and rivers are starting to dry up. Utah is turning into a salt flat, too 🙁


          Yep! Does Teams come up at all on the laptop over there? We also want the Jokes and Disney, among the other quaint rantings.
          Apart from the purple spider webs mentioned on today’s Science Show, all you need to know about consciousness is this Maximum Cause Effect Structure:
          Maximum Cause Effect Structure
          I tend to go more for front of brain (FOB) there’s another nice piccy to summarise it:
          Tale of Two Theories: GWNT v. IIT


          I still get the message that it needs to be set up by the organization. I’ve been trying every week or two but without success 🙁

          Yeah, I’d love to save those things! We have a lot of good stuff in there!

          Interesting. Didn’t realize they could quantify it with a formula. Going to need to read the article when I get the opportunity!

          Read Far from the Light of Heaven the other day and that was a fun read. Murder mystery in space!


          My Sim has developed a coffee addiction. Right before she is supposed to sleep, she made three cups of coffee and drank each one immediately after the other 😛


            Captain ImGreat (anag. of Ragtime): All aboard the good ship Ragtime! Hey look, there is a TigerMa on the GeriMat! You’re seeing double – it’s actually a TriMage!
            Goodness, what are the drinking habits otherwise? Is that real coffee, and what happens to it after! Suggesting decaf or hot chocolate/carob surely can’t hurt.



            Virtual! She doesn’t even drink water anymore, only coffee! 😛

            Well, she has a caffeine crash some gametime later. I haven’t installed a tea infuser yet. I do wonder which she’ll prefer. 😛

            The game is fun but I do miss the wide-open world of The Sims 3.

            Feel free to start up a jokes thread whenever!


              Thread. 🙂
              Man meets Unicorn – beautiful! They played this on out this FTA news bloopers segment:

              Edit: Interesting about the “Storyful Managed” block. Something weird Rupert inserted in the Action News 5 licencing?

              A new website release in response to the current growing housing shortage, sh*t rentals, is spruiked on TikTok, scroll down there to enjoy the reviews. First heard of it on the FTA Drum, wish we had something like that back in the day. Do you think it would boost their brand to get suitably themed uniforms, along with paraphernalia like logos, badges, hats, ‘fridge magnets etc.?
              Sh*t Rentals Forever (Not!)
              They have a burgeoning db, too! 😛



              Cool! That must have taken a lot of preparation!

              Yeah, the current rental environment is similar over here. Some of the companies try to handle too much and wind up not being able to handle any of it very well. We have a similar issue with the outfit our HoA uses to help manage things around here. They’ve bitten off so much that it took a year of bi-weekly emails to them to get them to finally submit a work order to fix wood rot around on my building even though the HoA had been pestering them too. It’s a bit of a mess :/

              Been thinking of getting a few beehives for over here. Could be a fun hobby!


              Magnetic Fusion Plasma Engines Could Carry us Across the Solar System and Into Interstellar Space

              We’re getting there! Though, I still feel that the future of propulsion lies in non-conventional methods and utilizes quantum states


              Why is the link being displayed as a preview…? Is that a new feature introduced recently? Didn’t see it in the release notes of it is


                Could it ever be that all our illustrious and industrious beekeepers become so, because all the bees in the hives bee-have?

                Solar Sails sound rather idyllic, there’s also a magnificent pdf article by S. Cowley on fusion.

                Cool, looking at the page source, there’s www.universetoday.com\/wp-includes, so something special about another wp site? (Won’t go as close as sister-site, more like a few parsecs removed) 😛


                Could be! My biggest concern is placement. Still doing some reading on it so I’m not yet sure how practical the idea is.


                Bill Nye is a big fan of solar sails! They’ve been doing a lot of work on them lately 🙂

                Could be! Nifty preview feature. Nice to have! 🙂

                Got my dog a couple of cow hooves the other day and she loves them. Put one in the living room and one in the bedroom and she prefers the one in the bedroom for some reason. The other night, she was chewing on it while I was trying to sleep 😛


                My phone doesn’t like the Yu-Gi-Oh card database. Whenever I browse it, it really saps the battery. 🙁


                On a whim, I started reading a series called the Locked Tomb. Not sure why but it’s really good. It’s a bizarre mixture of mystery, science fiction, romance, horror, and fantasy. The first book is mostly a murder mystery but the second piles on the psychological horror. A lot of the humor in it comes from the wise-cracking protagonist. It’s definitely not for everyone due to it’s sometimes gruesome topic (think necromancers in space fighting remnants of Earth, the latter of which are using conventional weapons while the former use magic). It also looks at the age old question: what happens when you take a gun far into the futures where warfare has evolved past ballistic weapons?


                  How old is the dog btw? Probably enough years between us to get a pet thread up in any case. 🙂
                  Tried going into the app settings for Yu-Gi-Oh – could be something stuck in the content cache or something. Also other problems revealed here. 😛
                  Cool! What got you onto that – reviews are very positive, and Deviant has a page as well.

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