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    Oh! I found my soldering iron! 😀


      Sounds like it got seriously lost. Have a job for it?
      Seems like there are heat domes all over the Northern Hemisphere, how bad is it your way?


      Not exactly lost. I knew where it should have been, it had just been buried under other things 😛

      Not sure. I may use it for the coilgun when I get to it. At the moment, though, it’s a bit humid to be working in the garage.

      Not bad temperature wise, only about 89F, but the humidity is absolutely terrible. The heat index as a result is over 100F! Even in the 70s, I’m drenched after just a short time.


        Taken the bike out for a spin recently – or is the weather still uncooperative?
        Very dry over here- there was a shower a few weeks ago with a rainbow out the back!


        Weather hasn’t been cooperating 🙁

        Been taking it out in the mornings due to the heat but it’s so humid that it’s not much better. I was walking to the store the other day early in the morning and it was so humid that I was drenched by the time I got there

        It’s also been raining a lot, making things pretty difficult. Hopefully I’ll be able to start back up in a few weeks!


        Sometimes, there are beautiful lightning shows tens of miles away that we can see here and without the thunder. I really enjoy watching them in the dark! 🙂

        Been trying out Eve Online the last few days (will get back to NMS soon!) and I’m enjoying it even if it’s a spreadsheet simulator with very nice visuals 😛

        And Microsoft Flight Simulator is 150 GB…? That would probably need a drive all on its own!


        I think I’ll get a thread up for project ideas. Give me a bit as things are rather busy over here 🙂


          Blow some of that rain down here please!
          The curtains on Nature’s theatre are never drawn, and everyone gets a front seat, (at least in co-op mode.) 😛
          Setting aside the usual temptations, how has Eve evolved since the last time you played it?
          That’s three times my monthly data allocation (which is at the tipping point again) – CODMW is another behemoth.


          Yep! And it never gets old! You can never rewatch the show too many times! 🙂

          This is actually the first time I’ve played it. I’ve played similar games in the past, though. Yeah, they seem to charge for a lot of things but we shall see how things go playing for free. Still early in trying it out 🙂

          Yeah, game sizes are enormous these days. Storage devices aren’t increasing capacity fast enough!


          Doing some reading, it sounds like a cool gun isn’t a good early project. I’ll go through my electronics books again and see if something stands out.

          Would also like to code something, just not sure what. Maybe it’s time to fire up the Arduino that’s been laying around?


            Definitely firing up some project ideas going forward, would a heat gun make a difference? 😛
            Ray gun
            Over here we prefer to euthanase rather than euthanise!
            If there is anything we don’t know about dark matter, Euclid will give it a jolly good shake up, or die trying!


            Don’t have a heatgun yet! I’ve read that a hair dryer can double as one if you need it to 😛

            I’ve always used the -ise form of words as opposed to -ize myself. Probably comes from growing up with books written by British authors 😛

            Yep! The hunt continues! They also now think that time moved differently at the beginning of the Universe!


            Oh! I’ve just about hit the limits of a free player in Eve. Well, with skill training at least. It only takes about a month of skill training to max out the skills available to free players. Not sure about game content yet as I just got out of the tutorial the other day 🙂

            And finally got Starfield added to the wishlist. Took me long enough 😛

            Another large one: 125 GB! This is really getting out of hand!


              Were you almost sold with Eve – or do we wish for a tutorial on how to survive stuff on a shoestring budget?
              Made some ridiculous alternatives to The Sky is Blue. 😛
              What do we have to do to get awarded a Wikipedia Barnstar? Here’s one to pin on the door of the vault:
              No Spam!


              I wouldn’t say I’m sold on it just yet, still trying to figure out my way in it. The tutorial left a lot of things out, unfortunately.

              Not yet sure of the feasibility of playing on a shoestring budget as I haven’t run the numbers yet but I’ll get there!


              Wasn’t aware that Wiki gave out stars! Cool!


              The wild grapes are ready! They’re medium sized, deep red ones and delicious!


              Blech! We’re under a heat advisory for the next few days 🙁

              I got to thinking. Most computer cases have the hot swappable drive bays inaccessible from the outside, making them not very useful. Why don’t more of them have them accessible from the exterior of the case?

              I also wonder if I can add an image to the Windows boot process. Right now, it’s just blank with the loading circle thing 😛


              So here’s another one from the vault (one of my earliest ones, in fact): https://web.archive.org/web/20080410072412/http://www.game-ism.com/?p=91

              The original site the article was on is long gone but I managed to pull it up via the Internet Archive 🙂


                Nice one, the Wikipedia article on GladOS never got to GA, but they did manage to pull the Botticelli source from this book.
                Ever play Portal – Wolpaw was great wasn’t he, also missed out on Pyschonauts as well. 🙁
                Just love the crumbs – is that what you call them?
                [del.icio.us]  [Digg]  [Reddit]  [Slashdot]  [StumbleUpon]  [Email]

                One of the links on his site has been updated to this, very interesting lead blog feature on Musk et al, and the Zen lexicon, yeah!


                Portal is a wonderful game! Been playing Portal 2 since I picked it up for less than a dollar on sale the other day. GladOS is pretty upset, to say the least!

                Yeah, I missed out on Psychonauts too. I really need to change that one day!

                We called them share links I think. 🙂

                Some of those sites are no more and I do miss them. 🙁

                Huh, never noticed that site before. Will definitely need to peruse their content some more. You can never have too much cowbell! 😛


                  Wow, blast from the past, the idea GLaDOS is a personification of Prometheus is interesting. Playing it on the ‘Nix? Possible with Steam, not with GOG.
                  Ah, okay, they seemed to have more of the right shape. If there ever was an animation in the loading of the web page with the aforesaid share links falling from the top to rest in their current position, then would it be better to call them share crumbs?
                  Terrible fires in Hawaii. 6.5 ml. of rain here today, long time between drinks, so more may come early next week. 🙂


                  Currently playing it on Windows. It’ll work on *nix but I’m trying to separate out the two systems into work and play 🙂

                  Yep, the character analysis is fascinating!

                  Maybe! Generally, they were added right below the content. Old versions of IP.Board had them, too!

                  Digg has gone from an aggregator to curated, StumbleUpon was shut down, and it looks like Delicious also shut down with the brand being traded around for some odd reason or another. Makes me kind of sad 🙁

                  Yeah. Canada also has some bad wildfires now, as well 🙁

                  The planet is in a lot of pain lately 🙁

                  We’ve been getting a fair amount of rain but it hasn’t been cooling things off much. Instead, it’s been 95+F with 100% humidity as a result. Feels like 110F or so. Yuck!

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