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    Great, thanks! Will give ’em a go soon! πŸ™‚


    XScreensaver deserves a mention! *nix only, though πŸ™‚


      Curious about the sproingies (Q*bert never made it over here), so here’s a demo:

      Careful with that BSOD saver in case the Kernel Panic turns out to be a real one. πŸ˜›
      All the dancing collared cats of Burdekin may now perform cartwheels as the NYT un-subscription succeeded!

      NYT logo again
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      I used to have it set to randomize the screensaver. Sometimes I’d get a bouncing cow while other times a BSoD. Was quite fun!



      I’m a big fan of Qalculate and have been using it for years. It’s got tons of features and conversions that are incredibly useful! πŸ™‚


        Obviously a step up from the W10 Windows Calculator, which itself isn’t too bad. Baldur’s Gate 3 is now released, and a few mods besides. Have a Baldur’s Gate (1) game save ~13 years back with 75% completion. Really wanted to complete that before getting onto BG2, other stuff such as Oblivion got in the way. πŸ˜›


        Got it on the wishlist! Seriously need to update it some more. πŸ˜›

        Never played the previous games, how are they?

        Tabletop Simulator looks cool. May pick it up at some point πŸ™‚


        Ugh! Microsoft removed the option to move the taskbar in W11. πŸ™

        I always like to have it at the top of the screen to help me focus on things. Fortunately, I can still set it to hidden

        And PowerToys has some pretty useful tools!


          Baldur’s Gate 1 was the only one, it got to be a bit repetitive from memory. Will try and complete it. πŸ™‚
          There does not appear to be much in AutoHotkey re W11 taskbars, there’s a poster here with his multi-monitor setup for future reference.
          Quite a bit in the TT Sim, along with quite a presence at Steam, and a chance to build a better dystopia, too! Uses Lua, which is pretty nice, and there’s a console for fun and testing. πŸ™‚
          From a PowerToys devotee from Win95 days, welcome to the club! πŸ™‚


          Ah, okay. There’s now an Enhanced Edition for both it and 2!

          Will keep an eye on it!

          It really does look like a blast! And very flexible. I’m sure there’s a Battleship game somewhere for it, we just need to look πŸ˜›

          Used to use them on XP! One of the first ones I used was the one for Alt-Tab previews but I also used a couple of the others. They were quite nice! πŸ™‚


            Really weird there was never a desktop version for YouTube shorts, so that the layout would be more like the regular length videos. All that white space, and two clicks just to get the description. So did a bit of googling to answer this question.
            The purpose of which was to view this video in standard YouTube format, so the description at least is “less fuss.” Naturemapr is a nice site, if only Australia wide, spawned by a gov. dept. (so more or less provincial at that) – one would expect such an enterprise to be world-wide instead.


              When considering trying out the unpaid version of Personal Vault (PV for short), be urged to read the fine print beforehand, or incur all of what has befallen to this poor user in resorting to threads such as this for reference.
              The extra 2FA security layer did look attractive at the time, so, upon activation through the explorer shell, the first epiphany came through loud and clear that nothing will happen if no files/folders are stored in the PV. After depositing a file in there, it’s not long before one finds out the unpaid version of the Vault will only hold a maximum of three files. If you place in there a folder containing more than 3 files, it will change colour, and the tooltip will be “Your Personal Vault is full.” As a matter of interest, stored an empty folder, and rebooted. A nasty series of notifications popped up, indicating the PV is locked, and the entire OneDrive synchronization will remain suspended until said PV is unlocked (to facilitate access to the grand total of one empty folder mind you.) In order to unlock it, one has to go through the 2FA process, where MS have turned off auto-suggest in the dialogs so that usernames and passwords have to be manually inserted. You then find that the PV automatically locks after a period of inactivity – 20 minutes on the web is default, but can be increased to four hours in the One Drive Settings Account page. To make it easy for users, this One Drive Settings page cannot be accessed from the usual settings dialog, only by right clicking the icon in the explorer navigation pane, and Microsoft have conveniently provided no hyperlink shortcuts like ms-settings for quick access to OneDrive-Settings.
              One consequently finds that after repeat exercises of the 2FA unlock, the fun element begins to lose its shine, as does the prospect of running the PV at all, thus bringing the disable PV option into focus. Can be done, and as it so turns out, only through the browser interface, as opposed to the enabling exercise carried out above.
              Ah, the things we do for the sake of security! πŸ˜›

              On Laurie Stearn said

              Really weird there was never a desktop version for YouTube shorts, so that the layout would be more like the regular length videos. All that white space, and two clicks just to get the description. So did a bit of googling to answer this question.
              The purpose of which was to view this video in standard YouTube format, so the description at least is β€œless fuss.” Naturemapr is a nice site, if only Australia wide, spawned by a gov. dept. (so more or less provincial at that) – one would expect such an enterprise to be world-wide instead.

              Yeah, not a fan of the mobile interface on the desktop version. Also, autoplay is a bit annoying πŸ˜›

              It’d be nice if they had a toggle of some sort!

              Cool! I wonder if we have something like Naturemapr? Could be quite beneficial to have something like it here πŸ™‚

              Still haven’t gotten around to installing PowerToys on this system. Will get there! Just slow πŸ˜›


              Looks like gcstar development has started up again. Hopefully it can get added back to the package repositories. I hate managing dependencies manually as it can get difficult to track which packages belong together. I generally try to avoid that route unless I need to build a library from source for a project I’m working on

              The other option is tellico but it uses Qt and we know how I feel about the Qt toolkit. πŸ˜›


                Seen a bit of scoffing at QT on SO threads and others, it’s not all that bad is it?
                Unity is introducing a surcharge on distribution of their runtime libraries on end-user machines. Without any sweeteners, no doubt comes across like a kick in the guts first and foremost to their pro and enterprise clients.


                The big issue with it is that it reimplements the language features instead of using the already existing features.

                Yeah, that’s not exactly cool. It’s also potential for abuse. A malicious party, for instance, could set up a script to download and install over and over again, driving up the fees to astronomical levels after the initial purchase.


                  Rereleasing this old-timer is a blast from the past. Don’t remember playing the original, (certainly do recall the amazing sound effects in Bane of the Cosmic Forge.)


                  Will add it to the list! I still need to play through Neverwinter Nights! πŸ˜›

                  I used to like playing MMOs but I’ve been having some trouble getting into them lately. Not sure why :/


                    Played NWN long time ago, ground breaking graphical setup for the time, and fun to play, although a rather “linear” plotline.
                    Could be they stage it so you can’t get past L1 unless there’s a Donation or other micro-transaction performed. And, for further discouragement for freeloading noobs, the language filters can be set to do stuff like translating a remote player’s “top of the morning to you, friend” into “get out of my face, scumbag.”
                    Forgot all about <shift><Escape> bringing up the browser task manager for all the tabs in Edge. πŸ™‚


                    Last time I tried it, it spit out an error on starting up. Granted, that was the previous system where Windows has gotten messed up for various reasons after trying out the preview updates. Now that I have a working system, I really should give it another go. I’m sure things will work a whole lot better.

                    I also have The 7th Guest sitting around. I have no idea at all where it came from. I found it in my dad’s office several years ago and he has no recollection either. Wasn’t something I ever got and I had never seen it before and he doesn’t play games other than solitaire and mahjong. It’s a complete mystery!

                    I’m generally okay with that as I do sometimes play the full game if I like the trial period. Of course, a lot of times it’s too limited so you don’t get a good feel for things. I’d rather have something like a thirty day trial of the full game than an unlimited trial with limited features. Would be much better that way to see if I like it enough to pony up the money. These days, I think it’s mostly that I have trouble connecting with folks in the games but I’m not sure. I may just have to keep looking until I find the right one.

                    Yep! Also works for Chrome πŸ™‚

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