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  • in reply to: Cooking #1316

    From my understanding, beef is the meat so calling it beef-tail would imply that your steak has a tail coming out of it. πŸ˜›

    Sounds delicious!

    Yep, got it! The ingredients and equipment discussion are actually in the back right before the index. And after the technical discussion about how everything interacts. Weird placement! After the forward, it has twenty pages or so of pictures of selected cakes in the book and then dives right in with the recipes after a few pages of basic tips on how to work with the various cake types. Looking forward to trying them out! Need to pick up some ingredients, though. I haven’t made a cake since the ingredient shortages started a couple years ago. I had switched to more economical goods like muffins and the like so I could stretch them further.

    Here you go! Or a bread mummy! But bread’s mummy is really wheat and yeast. Which one is dad? It’s a good question!

    in reply to: Cooking #1311

    Several years ago, scientists found that yeast from bread in the pyramids was still living after thousands of years. Of course, they made bread from it to see what would happen πŸ˜›

    I’ll see if I can dig up the article!

    in reply to: Random #1306

    Magnetic Fusion Plasma Engines Could Carry us Across the Solar System and Into Interstellar Space

    We’re getting there! Though, I still feel that the future of propulsion lies in non-conventional methods and utilizes quantum states


    Why is the link being displayed as a preview…? Is that a new feature introduced recently? Didn’t see it in the release notes of it is

    in reply to: Baldur’s Gate #1304

    Looks like they’re still working on EE support. Will keep an eye on it!

    in reply to: Sounds and Music #1303

    First one works now!

    Sounds like my dog when she snores πŸ˜›

    in reply to: Films & TV Shows #1302

    Scream 2 had better satire but the first film had more depth to the characters. Overall, they were both very good films.

    I still need to watch Rainman again. Kind of got distracted watching all these goodies πŸ˜›

    in reply to: VR Controlled Motors #1298

    There’s a very important change with the R4 that needs to be mentioned: it uses USB-C to connect to the board instead of the square printer connector (whatever it’s called) and doesn’t come with the cable but they do sell one. Fortunately, I have some extras around but it’s definitely something to be aware of.

    in reply to: Security Issues with Cleantalk #1297

    Sounds good πŸ™‚

    Was hoping to start looking at some of the plugins we mentioned but then the old site did its belly flop. Hopefully that won’t be too much trouble to repair!

    in reply to: Plugins #1296

    We touched on this before in Teams but it’d be nice to add MFA as an option at some point

    in reply to: All Things Site and Organizational #1293

    Nope, they’re taking their time! I’ve been applying the minor plugin updates as they come in, though. Nothing major so far for them, just bug fixes πŸ™‚

    Good idea. We’ll probably want to thread for general reminders like that, such as we had for the Linode in the Teams wiki πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Sounds and Music #1292

    Looks like they’re region locked. Can’t view them over here πŸ™

    How ’bout some Jimi Hendrix?

    in reply to: Films & TV Shows #1289

    So far, I’ve only managed to watch the first one. Haven’t had the chance to watch the other ones yet but I really enjoyed it!

    Going to try and watch the Great Pumpkin soon. That’s always fun πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Security Issues with Cleantalk #1288

    Here you go πŸ™‚

    Looks like they simply updated the header to point to the SSL enabled link to

    in reply to: Move to VentraIP #1287


    I thought we had a copy of it somewhere but it’s not in the Teams’ Wiki archive. Perhaps it was in a thread over there?

    Hopefully support can figure it out!

    Probably a good idea to wait to make too many additional changes until after this is resolved in the case things need to be restored πŸ™‚

    in reply to: VR Controlled Motors #1286

    Yep! They had no issue answering my questions without question and didn’t say anything about it being the wrong department. The starter kit still contains the R3 even though the new R4 was released in March so they may have some supply issues. They confirmed that everything will work on the R4 and that the product page has additional articles to help fill in the gaps with regards to the added features so I went ahead and ordered one πŸ™‚

    Turns out, they also have a case of sorts for the Uno. Could be useful at some point!

    Definitely! I know they don’t mind laptops and other general paperwork but I’ll ask them about this sort of thing. Won’t take up much space so I don’t think they’ll mind. I probably will mostly do planning on paper but it doesn’t hurt to ask! πŸ™‚


    Got the Arduino software installed. Took me long enough. Meant installing Java, which I didn’t exactly want to do but I’ll live. Probably should have opted for two 2 TB SSDs instead of two 1 TB SSDs. πŸ˜›

    in reply to: VR Controlled Motors #1277

    I keep forgetting that we’re working with an embedded system: we need to provide the identifier on the board (maybe, need to keep researching!)! I’m too used to application programming πŸ˜›

    For the final product, we probably want to include a solar panel for additional running time with a rechargeable battery wired in for backup power. I think we wire the panel with the positive wire going to the negative terminal on the battery but I’ll need to look that up at some point to make sure. Charge goes from positive to negative so that should be right but we definitely don’t want the panel to blow either. We probably need a resistor before the panel in the circuit to absorb the remaining charge.

    Additionally, we probably want to include manual controls on the GUI. Not really sure why they’d be needed in addition to a controller but something in the back of my mind says that we should have them.

    Finding that I think better at the coffee shop so I may start doing some of this work there at the tables while I sip some good brews πŸ™‚

    in reply to: ERR_CACHE_MISS #1274

    Yeah, I haven’t the foggiest idea

    Sorry, had been a bit busy with stuff around the home so I was a bit too pooped to get a whole lot of site work done

    in reply to: Baldur’s Gate #1273

    Could be a registry mix-up for the expansion not being detected. Have you checked there?

    They also have active forums! Nice change from most places switching over to Discord πŸ™‚

    in reply to: The Theme Park Thread #1272

    We also had an idea about a ride where you would go through Atlantis, either a mechanical ride or walking through a tunnel. The idea was that it could be combined with an aquarium

    in reply to: Random #1270


    Cool! That must have taken a lot of preparation!

    Yeah, the current rental environment is similar over here. Some of the companies try to handle too much and wind up not being able to handle any of it very well. We have a similar issue with the outfit our HoA uses to help manage things around here. They’ve bitten off so much that it took a year of bi-weekly emails to them to get them to finally submit a work order to fix wood rot around on my building even though the HoA had been pestering them too. It’s a bit of a mess :/

    Been thinking of getting a few beehives for over here. Could be a fun hobby!

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