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      The larger crabs can double as mummies for extra effect – to be captured in action for a feature rich youtube video, no less! πŸ™‚
      Do you journey east or west for the best beaches?
      Yay, Codeproject feed has returned, heralded by a marvellous gripe about Stupid Editor Lines & Symbols courtesy MS no less. πŸ˜›


      Yep! πŸ˜€

      I usually go west since there are a lot fewer people πŸ˜›

      In terms of quality, I think the East coast has better quality personally. πŸ™‚

      The one I went to the other day had interesting facilities. They hadn’t yet rebuilt it from the hurricane a few months ago so the facilities were still in the marshlands, upside down. Pretty hard to use them πŸ˜›

      As a result, the beach was empty of buildings! Was quite nice πŸ™‚

      Yay! πŸ˜€ Sometimes get similar things when I need to work with Microsoft’s software (including Windows). After almost 40 years, you’d think they’d have it figured out by now!

      I miss hidden secrets in games where you had to perform a very specific set of tasks in order to unlock them. For example: in Super Smash Brothers Melee, you had to finish the adventure course with a certain digit on the clock to unlock Luigi. In Dungeon Siege, you had to have a specific weapon at a certain point in the game to unlock the chicken room. Those were a lot of fun!


      The city was using a robotic lawnmower yesterday to clean up the roadways and that thing was quiet! Was fun watching it for a few minutes while the guy manipulated the controller πŸ™‚

      Power Girl has an interesting cover coming out in February: https://s3.amazonaws.com/comicgeeks/comics/covers/large-4994261.jpg?1700346193

      Of course, Batman has a swimsuit issue coming out at the same time. Unlike Kryptonians, Batman would be cold! πŸ˜›


        Although PG might be hiding a shiver or three, methinks the feet are well covered. πŸ™‚
        Watched Valérian et la Cité des mille planètes (excuse the French) the other night.

        Should we ever mention that word “uneven”, some spectacular visuals, the basic plot line worked, but wanted beefing up, ditto for the leads, enjoyable enough not to turn it off half way through, as one might in the case of something really spectacular showing on the other FTA channels. These days, not a chance. πŸ˜›
        The demise and crash of the large alien spacecraft – which precipitated the events of the movie – was done in a rather hurried fashion, so we’ll never know who the aliens were, the name/description of the ship, or how it could have destroyed an entire planet the way it did. Oh well.

        Anyway, back to comics, the movie was of course inspired by the well known and long running ValΓ©rian and Laureline sci-fi series from the sixties. So well known in fact, never got to read it. πŸ˜›
        An obit for the artist is at downthetubes, and did you know any of the ten things Star Wars “borrowed” from the comic? The Peter Cushing likeness is – well – rather close. πŸ˜›


        Of course the cover is going on my list to snag πŸ˜›

        May try to check out the comic, though. Could be fun!

        Cool! So we can just consider Star Wars an unofficial adaption of the series. πŸ˜›


          Rootsweb is going down the gurgler, Ancestry is just too big, for no more reason than having gobbled up RW and others. It does a have a good search, mind you, the best bits therewith unlocked after coins have been inserted in the slot. πŸ˜›


          πŸ™ Sometimes, keeping the old sites around is still useful as people may prefer the specific interface and it helps keep things familiar. They may also have features that the other product may not have.

          Yeah, I’d much rather deal with ads than a paywall myself, especially for a site I will not use often (if it’s used regularly then it’s a bit of a different story depending on the additional features available). In that case, paying a subscription doesn’t make a whole lot of sense πŸ˜›

          Had something fun come in yesterday: https://boingboing.net/2023/12/18/if-you-have-testes-should-you-ejaculate-more-often-yes-yes-you-should.html

          Picked up Hogwarts Legacy a few weeks ago and it’s pretty fun. Combat leaves a little to be desires but the lively game world more than makes up for the game’s various flaws. πŸ™‚


            Good to know, the study itself is some years back, yet the 18/12/2023 youtube video has clocked up millions in the first day or so. Wow.
            Do appreciate his use of Shutterstock for the image, most bloggers tend to avoid printing the attribution, as to some readers, it may come off as detracting from the message of the article. From the bloggers perspective, (including mine), those readers turn out to be nothing more than a bunch of wankers! πŸ˜›
            Looks like there are plenty of mods out for the Steam version, seems the teething problems for the PC have been dealt with some. πŸ™‚


            Yep, Boing Boing is pretty good about giving attribution! Been a favorite blog of mine for close to twenty years now. πŸ™‚

            And check out the retro about page πŸ˜€

            Yep, it’s come a long way from what I’ve read. Playing without mods for now, I may install them later on. πŸ™‚

            The visuals are pretty stunning without mods and the game runs pretty well on my hardware. Water does tend to cause the fans to rev up, maybe because of the physics code?

            The best part is the game world, though, as I mentioned. In the castle itself, suits of armor spontaneously break into fights, the portraits do fun stuff, ghosts cause mischief…. All over the game world, there are tons of things to interact with. You can skip stones down by the lake, cause the watering cans to fly about, and more. Always gives me a smile!

            They did kind of miss the boat on equipment, though. It’s simply a numbers game without special properties (other than visual) and the chests are levelled so it’s something to keep in mind. It would have been nice to at least have different properties for each wand type that you can collect.

            I’m waiting to do more exploring until I unlock brooms or mounts to make traveling much easier. πŸ™‚

            I feel like the world could use a coordinated international garbage strike to help create awareness regarding excessive waste


              Cool! Do you receive Boing Boing’s Newsletter? Would be nice if they had archived versions of it just in case new subscribers missed anything – and – should one worry too much re Mailchimp?
              What about governments of the world getting together with the manufacture and distribution of Hogwarts brooms and mounts to aid in the cleanup of the world’s refuse? Has the potential at least of a fun idea, given the right marketing approach, even if mfg promises on equipment functionality turn out in practice to be completely sham. πŸ˜›


              Nope. Used to follow their RSS feed but it doesn’t look like they have that anymore? May need to sign up for the newsletter then πŸ™‚ Biggest worry with Mailchimp would be if someone gained access to their database and got you on more spam lists. Not exactly an ideal situation πŸ˜›

              That gives me an idea for floating brooms for a theme park ride. Will post it in that thread when I get time!

              But, yeah, I like that idea! Would be a big hit with the kids and us nerds πŸ˜›

              May get a new mouse soon. The mechanical switch seems to be putting too much pressure on the joint in my index finger so I’m thinking of getting one with an optical switch to make it a bit more comfortable. Didn’t used to have this problem so it sounds like my joints may be aging at a faster rate than expected :/ Technology has changed a lot in recent years!


                Do switch hands with the mouse which seems to relieve onset RSI, even with these so-called and new-fangled ergonomic verminous breeds. πŸ™‚

                Have any brickplication ideas?

                “Fit as a Baker’s Dog” was a book by Sean Lock made just for 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown, but it was never published!


                A trackball may help as well, assuming one can find it these days. I’m sure they exist as they’re still pretty popular in the art and design fields πŸ™‚

                Could be fun to use it to scan random things around the home, such as ink pens or even a sandwich πŸ˜›

                Cool! One of these days, we probably need to get a thread on books going. πŸ™‚

                Right now, it’s a bit difficult for me to get books as the library system on the e-reader has been acting up for the last month or so. It does this periodically and is very annoying when it does. πŸ™

                I like using it from the e-reader as it lets me browse similar books and things instead of knowing what I want from the library already if I were to use the standalone software


                  Once used a trackball back in the nineties, do remember that, like the touchpad it required absolutely not one speck of grease or sweat in the works or it was back to cleaning. Did like it for a while before it started to wear out, as did the touchpad, with the consequence of losing precision in movement. Which was enough to want to move back to standard gear. πŸ™‚
                  Scans anything? What about huntsman spiders, which are common visitors to homes in this neighbourhood. Beautiful spiders worthy of a replica.
                  Hunstman spider
                  If the library system software was open source, it would probably be updated regularly. else there’s always a cost in maintaining proprietary code.


                  They also have mice with a thumb trackball, giving you a combination. Would be pretty cool in games!

                  I don’t do well with touchpads. My fingers are so rough that they wear off the coating in a month making them very difficult to use thereafter πŸ˜›

                  Yep! Spiders would also be a good fit! Lots of potential uses for such a device! Could even do beetles! They’d be a lot of fun!

                  Yeah, they use Overdrive/libby and Adobe Digital Editions. Not exactly a good combination πŸ™ Though, they work great when they work. πŸ˜›

                  I’ll give it another day or so before I start combing Project Gutenberg again for public domain books. Going to miss reading science fiction, though


                    No sci-fi whatsoever at Gutenberg – How does that work?
                    It’s true the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) has cropped up, you know, in recent actions, did you ever come across the coincidence of that acronym and Rico in Little Caesar (1930)?


                    Oh, didn’t mean they didn’t have any just that I already read it all! πŸ˜›

                    Looks like Kobo may have changed their terms so that free public-domain works are no longer in the eBook store. Fortunately, the Kobo devices allow one to easily sideload files just like a USB drive so I’ll probably do that if the library access doesn’t come back soon. Being without books is driving me crazy! πŸ˜›

                    Huh, cool. Haven’t seen those kinds of films in years. Followed the links and here’s a good article on a lot of it

                    And we’re making headway! At the very least, the results will be greatly beneficial in hunting out life elsewhere. Had quite a few articles come in over the last couple of weeks! Going to need to sort through them! Just haven’t had the opportunity πŸ˜›


                      Agree, Enceladus is quite small (310 miles in diameter, and cold externally), so likely not a habitable home for billions of starving humans. Spectacular views from the surface3 though. πŸ™‚
                      Amazing capture of mouse tidying thins in a farm shed:


                      They’re also working on burrowing robots to explore the moons. If they make them bigger or modular (as we know, I like modular space technology and wish it’d be used more), they could also be used to carve out dwelling space. Of course, the travel would need to be figured out but the dwelling area would at least be already prepared, providing a bit of a leg up. πŸ™‚

                      Yep! Very cool! Came across it myself. The mouse needs a name! Any ideas?

                      Looks like my library card expired. Tried logging out and logging back in to the service, which is when it told me it expired. It would be nice to know these things before they happen! Been trying to figure out why I haven’t been able to get books for a month. πŸ™ I’ll get it taken care of next week πŸ™‚

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