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  • in reply to: The Thread That Broods #990

    Cripes! We just got done being hot!

    Fortunately, all my plants are low maintenance so I only need to manually water them once or twice a year during the really dry spells

    What kind are you raising right now? I’m personally fond of bromeliads.

    We just had a ton of rain roll in, which really cooled things down. Which is good as my air handler is flooding again. It’s done this for years and nothing I do seems to clear out the lines. I had a guy blow on it one time and you could hear the pop as whatever was clogging it shifted. I’ve got a crew coming out to fix it in two weeks as I don’t want to pay extra for same day service. I’ll call again if the mopping and bailing gets too annoying πŸ˜›

    On a personal level, I’ve been rather moody the last several days so I haven’t felt like working as much as I would like (better than before though as this go around I’m still getting stuff done!). It’s mostly loneliness as I still haven’t found a good way to meet people but a little bit of aimlessness mixed in as well.

    Fortunately, the warm weather will start to subside until next year in another week or so so that should help some

    So I’ve grabbed the VR headset and been visiting the world. Tokyo was fun and Rome was amazing. Tabletop Simulator is compatible, too, so that could be fun if I find people to play with. πŸ™‚

    in reply to: All Things Site and Organizational #986

    The weird thing is that the empty forums links to the reassigned one for some reason or another. Not sure what’s going on there.

    in reply to: Random #984

    Yep. Got two SSDs: one has Windows and the other is *nix. I like to keep the two systems separate as Windows Update sometimes likes to do weird things. Learned that the hard way about twelve years ago πŸ˜›

    Might be worth a try at some point. It’s designed as sort of an HTPC software package but for games instead of for general use. πŸ™‚

    My mom found an old camera in the river a few days ago and, miraculously, the SD card was still completely working!

    in reply to: Styles #983

    What they did was override the appearance property and added their own arrow. I’ll try to fix it up as best I can πŸ™‚

    Yep! Used to use RSS all the time back when I kept up with fifty or so sites. It was a big help!

    Still working on fixing the sizing stuff for group forums. Took a look today and nothing stands out as to why it’s being cut off on the mobile view. Will just need to keep looking and doing some trial and error.

    in reply to: All Things Site and Organizational #981


    The android is a randomized default from Gravatar that is used unless you upload one. What about using WALL-E as the group avatar? I like WALL-E πŸ™‚

    Probably okay to get rid of it. In the initial setup, it didn’t let me select an already existing forum for the group, just a new one or none at all. Rather weird limitation

    I do want to play around with nested forums and see if the permissions trickle down. If so, that’ll help tremendously with organizing things

    And the breadcrumbs don’t show up in the group forum. We may be able to fix that at some point πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Styles #976

    Yeah, that’s supposedly the dropdown arrow but I can’t seem to get it to show up properly. They did some customization of it but it doesn’t seem to want to be modified. I’ll keep poking at it, though. Maybe I can get it to stop throwing a temper tantrum πŸ™‚

    It can be helpful for those that use feed readers but I can easily remove it with display: none if you’d like

    Yeah, I think it’s related to the style pack’s method of making bbPress compatible with the theme combined with the server’s page loading speed. Didn’t matter with the hack we used as that directly edited the templates but the extra processing makes it more apparent

    I cleaned up much of the user facing styles today. Let me know if anything’s out of whack! Probably should have done it while on the *nix machine to get in the habit. I’ll check on mobile later. Due to how the width had been set before, it would chop many elements instead of being resized

    Once everything is squared away, I’ll see about putting the CSS through the ringer

    Will get the admin stuff as we note it as we go forward πŸ™‚


    The width needs some more tweaking. Still breaks the mobile view πŸ™

    in reply to: Random #973

    A lot of open source games definitely run better on *nix due to better driver documentation and ease of use of the APIs. But, yeah, we need much more support!

    Several years ago, there was a major push to port games to *nix but that practice most stopped after just a few years. Probably from higher development costs for a small audience

    Will rebooting shorten the lifespans? I have the operating systems installed on two physical drives. Granted, I’m not overly familiar with these things. Hard drives make sense as they’re mechanical but SSDs I definitely don’t understand. As near as I can tell, the technology is simply magic. “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic” as the old saying goes.

    in reply to: All Things Site and Organizational #972

    Yeah, they use different IDs and classes for them instead of keeping the same ones to make them consistent. Really not sure why they went with the duplication but I’ll see if I can fix things up πŸ™‚

    Which setting did you tick to make this a group forum? I didn’t see it myself

    Oh, right now it’s just general set up as private forums by default are visible to all members but not guests, requiring an ACL of sorts to control visibility

    in reply to: Styles #960

    Been trying to update some other BuddyPress styles and it’s going similar as before. Does the Activity section on the profile look a bit different at all? The way they’re dynamically applying the styles makes it very hard for me to properly edit with my limited CSS knowledge. With more experience, I’m sure it’d be a breeze!

    in reply to: All Things Site and Organizational #955

    I’m working on setting up groups and have come across these settings pages: Group Types and Member Types. I haven’t checked them out in the docs yet but the docs in the control panel don’t shed much light on them. It’s definitely something we’ll want to read up on


    I’ve set up a test group with a test forum for the group and it looks like you’re only allowed one forum per group. However, it looks like I can hack together a fix by flipping the group forum to a category. It sounds like the permissions will cascade down the tree but we’ll want to test it before we use them in production.

    in reply to: Project Ideas #954

    Sorry, been rather preoccupied lately

    Let’s keep them coming!

    Another idea is to use an Arduino and an E-Ink screen to create a comic strip reader that pulls them from the web. Sort of like the comics section in the paper but without the paper part πŸ™‚

    No idea how complicated that one would be, though πŸ˜›

    Focused on the site and designing the giant pinball machine right now! πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Random #949

    Currently playing it on Windows. It’ll work on *nix but I’m trying to separate out the two systems into work and play πŸ™‚

    Yep, the character analysis is fascinating!

    Maybe! Generally, they were added right below the content. Old versions of IP.Board had them, too!

    Digg has gone from an aggregator to curated, StumbleUpon was shut down, and it looks like Delicious also shut down with the brand being traded around for some odd reason or another. Makes me kind of sad πŸ™

    Yeah. Canada also has some bad wildfires now, as well πŸ™

    The planet is in a lot of pain lately πŸ™

    We’ve been getting a fair amount of rain but it hasn’t been cooling things off much. Instead, it’s been 95+F with 100% humidity as a result. Feels like 110F or so. Yuck!

    in reply to: Films & TV Shows #948

    Yep, saw From Dusk till Dawn the other day and it was fun. Definitely not a masterpiece but fun nonetheless! I didn’t understand the ending, though. What was the significance of the half buried pyramid in the final shot? I checked Wiki but they didn’t have any insight on it, just said that it was the final shot

    It does sound pretty basic πŸ˜›

    Been wanting to watch Midsomer Murders for quite some time. After I catch up on some anime, I may see about giving it a whirl. πŸ™‚

    I do enjoy anime!

    in reply to: Styles #947

    Fixed the width and I fixed up a few more things in the Reply form that only showed up on the New Topic form. πŸ™‚

    Anything else that comes to mind on the styles other than cleaning them up?


    Missed some things in the Post Edit form. Will get those in just a minute!

    Edit 2:

    Got ’em!

    in reply to: Software: On & Off the Web #946

    Got it on the wishlist! Seriously need to update it some more. πŸ˜›

    Never played the previous games, how are they?

    Tabletop Simulator looks cool. May pick it up at some point πŸ™‚

    in reply to: NAS #942

    It should hopefully automatically renew then. πŸ™‚ May be a day or so later for the task to trigger. It shouldn’t but it does on the other server /shrug

    in reply to: Styles #941

    I updated the first post with the current styles. Some of them are redundant and will be going away when I clean things up. πŸ™‚

    Other than that, I think there are just a few more things to adjust and then I’ll move on to BuddyPress to see if can get the group feature configured in preparation for our long term goal of letting other people join in the fun

    in reply to: Walrus Ramblings #938

    And then the cycle begins again. As soup is created, the contents merge and simmer, creating a new substance that is much different from the outset. As the process continues, the emails continue to mutate, gaining features and losing others. Where they’ll wind up, we only need to observe to find out. But hopefully they don’t take over!

    Oh, it’s just a notice letting us know that they’re updating the activity policy. My personal account got one, too. They’ll let us know if it gets flagged as inactive so that we can keep it alive. πŸ™‚

    It’s set up to be accessed by a standalone client due to the way MFA is set up. πŸ™‚

    Haven’t come across that before. If I had seen it at the time, I probably would have tried to think of another name. I do dislike stepping on people’s toes :/

    Yeah, sounds like he hit a major low spot. Reading through his old posts, it’s really been a rollercoaster for him. Very sad to make that the last post πŸ™

    in reply to: MS Teams Biz #937

    No worries. πŸ™‚

    Yeah, I stay logged in over there too. Maybe we’ll be able to grab everything one day πŸ™‚

    in reply to: NAS #936

    Yeah, I think we removed it as we found we could toggle a setting in the NAS settings menu to grab a free SSL certificate πŸ™‚

Viewing 20 posts – 801 through 820 (of 1,097 total)