Spastic Hamburger

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  • in reply to: Plugins #1079


    No idea what could have caused it but at least it’s working again!

    in reply to: NAS #1077

    I wouldn’t recommend a cover when it’s running as that would block air intake, increasing the likelihood of overheating.

    An air purifier, though, would be beneficial. Once I get things rearranged in the next few months, I’ll be getting another myself for the computer to handle dust. As it is, I don’t have a good spot for one without risking tripping over the cord.

    That reminds me, I need to dust tomorrow. It’s been several weeks since I dusted. I really need to get in the habit of dusting every week :/

    in reply to: Plugins #1073

    Poor Zeus πŸ™

    If you’re running Ublock Origin, could you try temporarily toggling it for the site and reloading to see if there’s a rule acting up?

    If not or if it doesn’t correct anything, could you try loading things in Firefox and see if that’s any different? I’ll make a dummy post in a minute for testing purposes

    in reply to: Random #1072

    Yep! That’s a good one! I may have to flip a coin. πŸ˜›

    I do like the traditional covers but I also like to the get the fun ones every now and then. Such as this one. That one is great! πŸ˜€

    But it lends a better flavor to pie crusts! I tend to use olive oil a lot when making pie crusts. Bit unorthodox but I love the strong flavor! πŸ™‚

    The Sims 4 went free to play right before I fried the previous system so I think I’ll give it a whirl in the next week or so (finally). I do like The Sims πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Random #1068

    Trying to pick out the Power Girl cover for October is hard! I like both of the primary variants! πŸ˜›

    in reply to: Logoff During Post Action #1067

    Any chance it could be the video card drivers restarting? I haven’t had constant Explorer crashes since the XP days but have experienced similar behavior with bad video drivers

    in reply to: Software: On & Off the Web #1066
    On Spastic Hamburger said

    Really weird there was never a desktop version for YouTube shorts, so that the layout would be more like the regular length videos. All that white space, and two clicks just to get the description. So did a bit of googling to answer this question.
    The purpose of which was to view this video in standard YouTube format, so the description at least is β€œless fuss.” Naturemapr is a nice site, if only Australia wide, spawned by a gov. dept. (so more or less provincial at that) – one would expect such an enterprise to be world-wide instead.

    Yeah, not a fan of the mobile interface on the desktop version. Also, autoplay is a bit annoying πŸ˜›

    It’d be nice if they had a toggle of some sort!

    Cool! I wonder if we have something like Naturemapr? Could be quite beneficial to have something like it here πŸ™‚

    Still haven’t gotten around to installing PowerToys on this system. Will get there! Just slow πŸ˜›

    in reply to: Plugins #1065

    Shows up here. What shows up instead?

    in reply to: Plugins #1062

    Looks like it’s hit general availability in the admin panel. I’ve gone ahead and applied the update πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Walrus Ramblings #1061

    Sorry, I meant that I think the issue was related to posting the wget command. I think I know what was wrong but I’ll need to test it when I get the opportunity. I do wish we had the database but alas!

    Sounds good. Will hold off a bit. It may fix some of the backend stuff πŸ™‚

    Will need to do it again as I had done it in bbPress. I should have done it locally first but five years of zombie-ness has left me out of practice. πŸ˜› Will make a note of it so it doesn’t happen again!

    in reply to: Tabbing from Title to Body #1060

    Yeah, just tested it in simulated mobile mode here and I get the same thing. Definitely a difference in browser behavior. Really not sure how to fix it on the computer :/

    in reply to: Films & TV Shows #1059

    Saw Jaws yesterday! It was fun but I still liked Piranha more. πŸ˜›

    in reply to: Walrus Ramblings #1052

    I think it may have been something with the command we use to download IPS 4 sites but I’ll need to play with it some.

    Was only on the computer at the time and I was using Linux.

    Should I wait until the move, then? They may have a different server set-up so things may work differently

    Sorry for the confusion! I was using the archive for the wiki you snagged a few months ago. πŸ™‚

    Would have been much easier if I could access the organization, though! Then I could simply copy and paste instead of dealing with all the extraneous div tags that their exporter inserts. Took me longer to clean it up than it did to type up the explanations for the public as it originally just a snippet dump πŸ˜›

    I’m not sure if they offer a discount, I’ll have to check. The primary benefit, though, would be a rate lock for that period since the domain would already be paid for so we wouldn’t have to pay the higher price until the next renewal period. Will check, though!

    in reply to: Security #1051

    Yep, got it last week πŸ™‚

    I’m the opposite: I haven’t logged in in years πŸ˜›

    in reply to: Tabbing from Title to Body #1047

    Still looking into this. On mobile, if I hit the return button while in the title text box it will take me to the content text area. What happens if you hit enter on the computer? Does it take you from the title to the content entry area? Sorry, I clean forgot to test it today!

    in reply to: Walrus Ramblings #1046

    Oh, and domain name prices are going up yet again by 10%. I may start renewing for several years to lessen the impact next go around.

    in reply to: Walrus Ramblings #1041

    Currently working on going through the wiki archive from Teams and I wanted to add a step here in the private thread for updating Ubuntu that may or may not still be necessary as it’s been a few years:

    Then we need to change the mirror list since Linode’s mirrors are designed to exclude core packages to prevent you from upgrading:
    sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list

    Hit “i” as that is for insert.

    You’ll see Linode’s mirrors with the Ubuntu ones right underneath them with ## in front (I use two to denote the ones we want). Remove the ## from these and add ## in front of the Linode ones that are the line above.

    The Ubuntu mirrors are already updated with the correct version name but we’ll need to update the Linode ones with the correct version name after the upgrade.

    Type “:q: to close and save the file.

    And finishing steps:

    Afterwards, the upgrade is done so we’ll need to do some extra steps. First step is to fix Apache as it dies after the PHP version changes:

    sudo a2dismod php<old version>
    sudo a2enmod php<new version>
    sudo apachectl configtest
    sudo systemctl restart apache2

    Finally, we need to fix the mirrors in /etc/apt/sources.list:

    Comment the Ubuntu mirrors with ## that are right under Linode’s that have ## and uncomment the ## Linode mirrors, replacing the version name in them with the name from the Ubuntu ones. Ubuntu 20.04 is called focal for example.

    Then we need to add back the Longview repository. Edit /etc/apt/sources.d (or something like that) and edit the longview file, updating the version name if necessary and uncommenting the mirror.


    Blech. It won’t let me make the post. Had it all typed up and hit submit and then it puked, telling me it’s a security problem so I lost all that work. πŸ™

    Will take a deep dive into it later, I suppose. /sigh

    in reply to: End of Line Spaces Collapsed #1040

    Looks like the browsers are currently in the process of making white-space-collapse: preserve the default for text areas. It’s the default over here on the latest Chrome so perhaps we should give it a bit and see if the others catch up?

    in reply to: Random #1038

    They are making progress on using DNA to store files! But, yeah, the file limitations are getting annoying, especially as file sizes increases as cameras improve.

    Adorable! He’s really enjoying the sunbeam! πŸ˜€

    Great! It’s gotten a tad warm again but it’s still much better than it was πŸ™‚

    I still need to get the hang of emojis/special characters. Seems like I don’t have the right support package installed over here on Linux. Will get it sorted out!

    in reply to: Plugins #1037

    Great! I have also noticed that the caching plug-in seems to be working better since we flipped on basic support. I wonder why?

    Sounds good. We can wait a few months before we start tinkering with that stuff, probably πŸ™‚

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