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  • in reply to: Random #340

    And finished the last Potter book. It picked up about two-thirds of the way through but the ending was intentionally chaotic. Every character from all the books in the series that was still alive showed up. I didn’t like how many characters were killed off at the end, though. That was quite a downer.

    in reply to: Films & TV Shows #338

    Will take a look at Rampage. It’s actually been on Hulu’s home page for a few weeks now, pestering me to watch it 😛

    Sorry! I watched the original one. I really need to get better at linking the film pages 😛

    Documentary Now! is locked behind a paywall here. 🙁 Hopefully I’ll get to watch it at some point!

    Will keep an eye out for Portlandia!

    I’ve noticed that horror films from independent studios tend to be a bit more fun than those from the big names. At least, I tend to like them more. 😛

    For some reason, though, I have a hard time enjoying newer horror films. Anything made since 2010, I find strangely boring. Not sure why. I really should get back to watching decent stuff again, though 😛

    in reply to: Random #335

    Yep, it’s out! I’m still early in the game but it’s a lot of fun. They’ve added the ability to manipulate objects and attach them to things, which is a blast. I sent a Korok sliding along a railing while attached to a hook 😀

    Got my guidebook on pre-order! I like the Zelda guidebooks. Even though I don’t always use them, I find them fun to have around.

    They’ve also included quite a bit from Skyward Sword in the game, which is nice.

    Mods aren’t officially supported but you can do some modifications on the Switch to make them work but I’m not too familiar with the process

    Will try to get a thread up soon!

    Started the last Potter book the other day and it’s pretty glum. I’ll finish it but it’s definitely not my favorite of the seven books

    in reply to: Styles #333

    Okay, got the blocks on the forum in a more readable form:

    .post-edit-link {
    	background-color: #f0f8ff;

    We can always adjust the colors, I went with the one for the statistics thing just to be consistent 🙂

    Will get to the rest of the site at some point, still focusing on the forums right now 🙂

    in reply to: Software: On & Off the Web #325

    Sorry, been rather distracted lately working on the theme so I’ve been a bit slow

    Yuck and yuck!


    Yeah, it’d be nice to get an automatic message when getting close to the inactivity limit but few sites do that in my experience. Really not sure why. There are times when you sign up for a site but stop visiting for a few years before deciding to take it up again. Would be nice to be able to keep the account active if you wish.

    In the past, I’ve used Down Them all to grab videos for offline viewing but that was years ago and only supported on Firefox at the time. Was pretty handy as my connection would crap out regularly and I had trouble watching videos from sites like YouTube. Had a few custom filters set up to also grab wallpaper images without having to download each one manually. Was quite useful!

    in reply to: Styles #323


    body::after {
    	content: "Background from ESA/Hubble";

    Nope, the posts are fully opaque but we can set them to partially transparent with the rgb() color option and setting an alpha percentage.

    The style pack has some options for playing with specific font colors, perhaps that will be useful? I’m not sure how to set it up to display differently on different pages. I should probably give the WordPress docs a more thorough look through

    It’d be nice to add some shading to the headers and footers but I just looked at the selectors and they don’t seem to have classes or IDs but maybe it’s possible to adjust that in some way?


    Took another look and I can add shading to everything but the header over the breadcrumbs. Give me a bit! At some point, we may want to play with the blog area as well but we’ll get there!

    in reply to: The Thread That Broods #316

    😀 Give me a bit more! I’m flat out exhausted after the busy couple of weeks 😛

    Which Phantom is that? A few different ones come up after a search

    🙁 Hopefully they’ll be lenient!

    Had to pull a kid away from the pond yesterday. He was throwing sticks at a gator and the gator wasn’t happy so it was swimming fast and making a beeline for the kid. I ran around the pond to get him as I was concerned the gator was about to attack.

    in reply to: Styles #315

    And added! I went ahead and did it with CSS to make it easier to play with. I also set the height and width to 100% so that the background image will scale properly to the screens 🙂

    We’re supposed to add ESA/Hubble somewhere on the page for attribution. Not sure of the best way to go about doing that

    I think they wanted the colors to be slightly different for stylistic reasons but, honestly, my eyes can’t tell the difference even though the color codes are different. What color would go well with the background? I’ll play with adding some transparency to it as well 🙂

    in reply to: Forum Font Style #314

    Good idea. It’s also possible to load extra fonts through CSS but there may be some hiccups with that approach.

    We may also want to change some of the font colors now that we have a background image. Black on black is, well, a bit difficult to read 😛

    Another idea would be to add some shading to the back of the text by setting up an alpha channel for the backgrounds but that may require a lot of work to make sure we catch everything. I’ll need to look at the selectors when I get the chance

    in reply to: Styles #301

    So I tried to add a background image following the steps here but it didn’t seem to go as planned. It only affected the home page and it only got some of it

    I think I’ll cancel out the changes and do it via CSS as I find the editor a bit hard to use. 🙂

    May I go ahead? Won’t take but a second. Just need to add the following:

    body {
    	backgound-image: <image>;


    Okay, changes have been backed out 🙂

    in reply to: Sounds and Music #297


    That first one sure is relaxing!

    Sounds? Sounds!

    And music!

    Haven’t had much chance to listen to much the last several weeks as there’s been a lot going on but hopefully I can catch back up starting in a few days!

    in reply to: Software: On & Off the Web #296

    Excellent. This topic will be handy!

    Ublock Origin is mostly for web browsers but it does have things like hosts files that may be handy. 🙂

    As we now have this topic, here are some good software lists for finding something specific:

    Very handy!

    in reply to: Random #291


    They’re fun but they do have a few loose ends they don’t tie up, such as items getting misplaced and then inexplicably showing up again. 😛

    Yep! The films feature music by John Williams. They’re also going to reboot the films in the form of a TV series. A lot of people aren’t thrilled with it but I welcome it! Perhaps it’ll help them become more accurate as they won’t need to cut out as much. The films cut out most of the sequences featuring the classes as they don’t have much bearing on the overall plotline but add a lot to the literary atmosphere but they should work better in a TV show format. I think a Potter MMO would go over quite well as the message in the books is predominantly one of friendship. There’s a lot they could do with an MMO format. Legacy does look like fun, though!

    The William books look fun! Will see if I can get them on the e-reader!

    The more the merrier! May start one up on Zelda when I get the new one installed 🙂

    Huh, interesting. Not sure of a good way to design it. You definitely want it easy to trigger for an emergency but that can also lead to issues like that. :/

    Yikes! Yeah, copying like that isn’t cool. It’s okay if it’s been heavily inspired but copying the exact structure and using similar phrasing is going a bit far. 🙁

    in reply to: Films & TV Shows #285

    Slumber Party Massacre was a riot! Worth every minute! 😀

    in reply to: Styles #283

    Here are the selectors for the forum block backgrounds:

    #bbpress-forums div.odd, #bbpress-forums ul.odd, #bbpress-forums div.even, #bbpress-forums ul.even

    Bit of an odd way to set it up but that’ll allow us to modify the transparency. Still working on it!

    They used zebra striping and used a slightly different hex notation so it may look a bit weird in the CSS. Probably a good idea to check the theme editor first

    And I’ve set the attachment setting to fixed so the background doesn’t scroll off the page. 🙂

    in reply to: Duplicate Post Removal #281

    Yeah, it would be nice if each topic would start the posts at 1 and go from there. Bit of an odd choice

    in reply to: No Post Previews #279

    Here you go!

    There’s also this one that works in tandem with it 🙂

    Definitely. Don’t want to break things unless we need to! 😛

    in reply to: Random #276

    Finally got my order in for the new Zelda. Going to take a while to download as the Switch doesn’t usually like to download stuff while you’re playing another game (it does sometimes but usually doesn’t) and I like to keep it unplugged when I’m not using it

    We need a thread for music!

    in reply to: Styles #274

    Oh, this reference may prove useful 🙂

    in reply to: Disqus Not Showing on Home page #273

    Certainly! I just use the base settings but it’s got a lot of extra features, too. 🙂

    Sounds good 🙂

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