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Viewing 20 posts – 941 through 960 (of 1,092 total)
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  • in reply to: Legend of Zelda #626

    So there’s a side quest that takes you back to the starting area from Breath of the Wild. The area has undergone some changes though: it’s now filled with with very high level enemies and is quite dangerous! Of course, I’m still exploring it 😀

    in reply to: The Thread That Broods #625

    Doing some reading, it looks like VR has pretty shoddy Linux support even when using the compatibility layers so I may want Windows if only for that. Yeah, I’ll definitely want a thread up so we can discuss things further. Give me a bit more!

    in reply to: Plugins #623

    Oh, that’s a web browser feature combined with the clipboard. They often preserve the formatting but it’s not always how the web application will format it. Ctrl-shift-V removes the formatting while standard copy preserves it. From the sounds of it, the editor here mostly ignores the existing formatting.

    in reply to: “Are you sure you want to do that?” #622

    Yeah, been getting it a lot over here. Starting to copy the post before I submit just in case. I really need to get in the habit of hitting refresh!

    in reply to: Disqus Not Showing on Home page #621

    That’s a thought! 🙂

    Got the domain renewed the other week 🙂

    Sounds good. Hopefully he’ll respond soon! 🙂

    in reply to: Styles #620

    And done! Had to add the border-radius to several boxes due to the overlap. 🙂

    What next?

    in reply to: MS Teams Biz #616

    Yep, I’ve got it 🙂

    Yeah, they keep wanting to be opened by a mail reader and I can’t seem to force the browser to read the files so I’ve been looking through them in a text editor. 😛

    There aren’t too many so it may not be too much of a pain to update the image links when we get to that step 🙂

    in reply to: The Thread That Broods #615

    Will do! Give me a bit 🙂

    Not a big fan of IDEs myself, I’m often more efficient with just a basic text-editor with syntax highlighting such as Geany and then using something like MinGW 64 to build for Windows. 🙂

    Yep, Vulkan was what I was thinking of. I guess I can always try it first on Linux and see how the experience is before getting Windows. Way too much for me to catch up on! Probably a good idea to add this to a thread to help me decide. Will get it up soon! 🙂

    in reply to: Random #613

    Sorry! It’s this one 🙂

    I really do enjoy it even if I’m not very good. Never been very good at games but that’s okay!

    When GOG was giving away Neverwinter, the servers went down for almost a week! They wound up giving it away again a few months later as a result 😛

    Hot and humid! It’s horrible! I cheated the other day and grabbed some ice cream on the way home from my walk, though, so that helped 😛

    in reply to: The Thread That Broods #596

    Still waiting so I’m working on catching up with what I’ve missed over the last few years and reading up on FreeBSD. 🙂

    With regards to Linux, if I stick with it, it sounds like I may not need Windows after all with the new compatibility layer for games? Definitely worth looking into more. Granted, I may still need to install Windows so that I have a better testing environment for code. Nothing beats testing out code like a native system, even I do prefer to compile using the *nix tools (the Windows dev environment gives me headaches! 😛 ). So much to consider! Still concerned about SSD lifespan, even though everyone keeps trying to reassure me that it’s not a problem with current technology. I’m sure they’re right but the nagging concern hasn’t gone away 😛

    As for FreeBSD, it sounds like it’ll do nicely but I haven’t been able to get good information on graphics support. OpenBSD supposedly supports current cards but I haven’t managed to find anything out on FreeBSD. Their AMD graphics matrix doesn’t have much in the way of current cards on it, either, saying if they work or not even though the page was edited in the last few days. More investigation is definitely needed as I’d really like to try out something new if I can

    in reply to: Films & TV Shows #594

    And watched the last one! Even with the plot holes and paradoxes, they’re wonderful films! 😀

    in reply to: MS Teams Biz #593

    Yep, getting the same thing here, which is nice. 🙂

    It can’t decide whether it wants to shutdown or not! 😛

    Still working on going through the wiki archive. Just a bit slow with it with everything else going on, is all 🙂

    in reply to: Forum Search Issues #592

    Will do 🙂

    in reply to: Styles #587

    Looks like the current grouping structure of the blocks on the blog make it hard to properly style. The comments are okay but the title and content are two distinctive units so the styles look a bit weird when applied to it.

    I’ve gone ahead and applied the styles to the comments section. Not exactly pretty for now but it is the first pass! 🙂

    We may be able to clean it up with the block editor 🙂

    in reply to: W3 Validator Errors #586

    Yeah, most of those are pretty innocuous. The trailing slash is a holdover from older HTML standards where each element had to be terminated. Not sure of the warning of type being unnecessary for JS, I guess they updated the standard at some point for JS to be the default scripting language.

    Never heard of the aria-label attribute before. Oh, looks like it’s for accessibility. No idea of the proper usage there.

    Yeah, lang should almost always be specified as it’s important for screen readers and the like 🙂

    For sorting out where they’re coming from, it’s generated by the PHP code so pinpointing which package is involved would involve looking at those sources. But, if it’s occurring at the root, that probably means it’s the base WordPress package. 🙂

    in reply to: Random #585


    We have three towns with the same name here. It can get really confusing! 😛

    Yeah, it’s really sad 🙁

    The waitlist is really long! Going to take me a while to get to the second book! 😛


    We had a brief lesson in shorthand in grade school once. Not sure of the rationale but I never did get the hang of it. I found the symbols to be quite confusing!

    Bad luck over here. Talked with the game stores and it sounds like the pandemic caused the community for the card game I play to dry up. Going to chat with them some more next week. Maybe something will work out as the clerk also plays the same game

    in reply to: Films & TV Shows #584

    Watched Back to the Future II yesterday again and that was fun. I do miss the future 😛

    in reply to: Forum Search Issues #583

    Sorry, I was referring to the search button as primary and the text box as secondary.

    Over here, they both show up when I’m logged out on the desktop but not on the mobile view. I’ll leave it alone for now, we may be able to fix it up better with proper theme support 🙂

    in reply to: Forum Search Issues #579

    Sorry, it only works through the search option in the top right as opposed to the secondary one. I can probably hide the secondary one if you’d like 🙂

    He placed it under Forum Index Styling, option 17. Kind of sounds like he placed it in the wrong tab

    Didn’t seem to affect whether or not the edit option appeared but at least the search functionality is unified

    Still want to look at the theme support options as they may help with other things 🙂

    in reply to: All Things Site and Organizational #575

    I think Groups is used by Buddy Press to list the groups currently on the site, which we don’t have yet, but I’m not entirely sure

    I just made a test post to help us see things better 🙂

    Yep, finalizing and linking the privacy policy is probably a good idea 🙂

Viewing 20 posts – 941 through 960 (of 1,092 total)