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  • in reply to: Software: On & Off the Web #749

    I haven’t really used KDE all that much, to be honest. Each time I’ve tried, I’ve had a variety of issues with it such as freezing, application crashes, and sluggish behavior. I really want to be able to use it as it’s gorgeous so I may give it another go soon. With all the developments with *nix GPU support, perhaps it’ll work much better 🙂

    Weird! About all I can think of is a potential phishing attempt unless the folks over at the NYT bought them. They do have an interesting list of products (including former ownership of sports teams) but that doesn’t appear to be one of them. It’s also possible the system they use for emails got its wires crossed

    in reply to: Mark All Topics … Begone! #748

    Yeah, it’s a static blue. It would be nice if it only showed up when there were unread posts but clicking the unread icon on the subforums seems to do the trick as well. I can remove it if it’s getting in the way 🙂

    in reply to: All Things Site and Organizational #747

    Sounds good 🙂

    A lot of people use the media library to also host downloads, so that’s also an idea for using it 🙂

    in reply to: Computer Setup #744

    We have ignition! Going to start testing it in a few minutes (posting from it now 🙂 ). Once I’ve done some good testing with 0ad I can start setting things up properly. Going to take a bit. It’s been a long time so I’m going to have to get used to things again but shouldn’t take too long! I may also need to install the AMD drivers for better performance. Will check on that before the testing 🙂

    I probably do need to increase the font scaling, though. Everything looks so small on the monitor for my poor eyes 😛

    in reply to: All Things Site and Organizational #736

    Great! Unless there are some specific requests, I’ll probably start tweaking the styles in a few days to spruce things up 🙂

    Sorry, been slow the last several days. About a week ago, I had what sounded like a carillon concert in my ears start up spontaneously while watching TV. It was gone the next day but have been feeling a bit under the weather since and even wound up sleeping an extra hour this morning

    That file is usually used as a test when a server is initially set up to make sure the basics work. That code just displays the PHP settings. No problem trashing it 🙂

    Yep, sounds good 🙂

    Yeah, the media library will definitely be useful in the future. So far, I’ve just been using it for the two images we have for our theme but it could definitely be useful for more than that like images for projects we’re working on. The only caveat is that regular members may not be able to upload to it (they’ll still be able to see the images in it) if we decide to open up registrations but we can worry about that when we get there 🙂

    Can’t think of anything else that should go in the sticky at the moment but, yep, a basic rundown of them is a good idea. I’ll add some notes for Linux when I get an install again 🙂

    in reply to: No Bullets or Numbers for UL, OL #735

    Each item in a list needs to be denoted with the list item tag. The list type tags contain them and are only used once.

    • test
    • test


    in reply to: Random #732

    Not exactly lost. I knew where it should have been, it had just been buried under other things 😛

    Not sure. I may use it for the coilgun when I get to it. At the moment, though, it’s a bit humid to be working in the garage.

    Not bad temperature wise, only about 89F, but the humidity is absolutely terrible. The heat index as a result is over 100F! Even in the 70s, I’m drenched after just a short time.

    in reply to: Test < > #678

    < >

    in reply to: Test < > #679


    in reply to: Test < > #680


    in reply to: Wonky Notifications #708

    Yeah, it also says a certain number of new posts but the number doesn’t match the amount after the post they send you to 😛

    in reply to: Films & TV Shows #707

    Saw this one yesterday and, as far as slasher films go, it was really good.

    Also saw Clue the other day and that was a blast!

    in reply to: All Things Site and Organizational #704

    Yeah, that was my boo boo. Fixed it! Basically, they’re hidden by default and I had accidentally enabled them when I tried to fix the tags in posts. I fixed it by targeting them only when they’re children of the posts’ class 🙂

    in reply to: Styles #703

    I think I fixed things now. On the search page, I can’t figure out what is setting the height of the boxes. I want to get rid of all of that extra space at the bottom of each box but nothing I do seems to have any affect. I’ll probably need to go back to the source code in the event that it’s specified elsewhere :/

    Let me know of any oddities!

    And I rounded the corners on the search results 🙂

    in reply to: HTML Entity Parsing #701

    And fixed 🙂

    Still need to determine the right property value for display, though

    in reply to: Styles #700

    Sorry about that. They share a class with the search results so they got mixed in. I’ll see if I can isolate things in the styles better.

    Very much out of practice 🙁

    in reply to: Random #695

    Oh! I found my soldering iron! 😀

    in reply to: Random #691

    Awesome images! I should browse Deviant Art more often!

    For a ship, the clowns could have a mini ship like a clown car 😛

    Cool! Didn’t know about such a device. Will definitely need to read more about it!

    I was thinking of setting geothermal generators in the volcanoes but TEGs could also be handy! How big can they be before efficiency tanks, I wonder? I don’t see that mentioned in the article. The idea with volcanoes is definitely worth exploring more!

    in reply to: HTML Entity Parsing #686

    So apparently, the h1 and h2 tags are set to display: none so only h3 will work. I’ve fixed the issue by setting the display to unset, which resets things back to the default behavior 🙂

    Let me know if there’s anything out of whack! No idea why they would hide the h1 and h2 tags


    Looks like it caused the title to appear on the forum index. Guess that was a header tag 😛

    I may be able to fix that issue. I clean forgot about the descendant selectors. It’s been too long since I worked with this stuff! It’ll come back to me as I go!

    Hmm, unset may not do what I thought it does. The default is block but unset causes it to show inline….

    The property value of unset is new to me as it didn’t exist last time I was working with CSS

    I’ve set up a new section to hold testing threads since some of the bugs we’ve encountered break other posts in a thread. 🙂

    in reply to: HTML Entity Parsing #681

    Seems to be working here. Which editor are you using?

    Sorry for the new topic. Wasn’t sure if you were done with the old sandbox posts

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