End of Line Spaces Collapsed

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      In creating a post, long lines that touch the right margin will wrap, unless a space is inserted (haven’t tested for other whitespace characters). There is no change in visual effect when spaces are inserted there, when collapsed they are remembered in that every backspace corresponds with each space typed.


      I’ll take a look!


      Looks like the white-space-collapse property is currently in draft phase with limited support. I can always add it in and hope that full browser support will come but some oddities may be present for a while as it was only recently added to the browsers (looks like just a few months ago). Should I go ahead?


        Your call entirely, actually not unhappy with the way it operates right now. As long as folks know it’s under the auspices of WP and not something else going on with the browser software. 🙂


        Looks like the browsers are currently in the process of making white-space-collapse: preserve the default for text areas. It’s the default over here on the latest Chrome so perhaps we should give it a bit and see if the others catch up?

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      Home Forums Forum End of Line Spaces Collapsed