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  • in reply to: The Thread That Broods #2100

    And that’s been reposted in r/Robotics. If it’s productive, I’ll share the results in the project thread πŸ™‚

    Still healing but definitely getting better. The feeling has almost returned and it’s almost all sealed back up πŸ™‚


    Looks like we’re getting some good replies in the new thread. The question about motor power is a good question! I haven’t finalized the weight requirements yet but I’m leaning towards the final product being about the size of a medium dog using a combination of sheet metal and 3D printed parts. Or I could go all 3D printed. Will need to look at the build areas at the Prusa models I’m interested in πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Buddy Press #2099

    Alright, got it updated. Let me know if anything is acting weird πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Hardware Relics #2096

    Is the new one still using Roku or are they switching to a different backend?

    Awesome! I like anologue clocks myself. Partly because I like the ticking!

    Yep, tweezers of all sizes are indispensable! Splinters (never fun), repairs, and more! You may be able to find a kit with several sizes. πŸ™‚

    in reply to: The Thread That Broods #2095

    Seems to be but I just wish it’d heal faster! I had gotten tired of doing nothing but reading for a week so I tried to get some work done this morning on the computer but typing was still a bit uncomfortable. Definitely not going to be able to play Zelda for a while longer but I’m going to try and get some computer time in, even if it’s just in quick bursts. I don’t mind reading but I like some variety! Other household projects will need to remain on hold, though. The bandage makes it very hard to manipulate things and I’m sure that using cleaning vinegar would not end up well if it splashes onto the wound πŸ˜›

    That is lucky! I had one a few years back that got stuck when the skin healed over it so I had to create a blister to encourage the skin cells to shed, allowing me to get to it. Not the best of scenarios, surely, but it worked out okay πŸ™‚

    Yep, it’s where they wind up in their cabin together and then spontaneously get some sex in. Both books were pretty tame up to that point in that regard, which made it unexpected. It sort of felt like the author included the scene just to make sure you were reading it (my dad used to joke that teachers would miss a cake recipe in his essays πŸ˜› ). That’s not to say I mind those sorts of scenes (they add character to the characters, making them multidimensional) but they’re usually not as graphic. And that last sentence reads weird. I regret nothing! πŸ˜›

    Yeah, it was a pretty fun series. The second book kept making jokes about how the film version would turn out πŸ˜€

    Lots of good science fiction books has been coming out the last few years and I love it! Currently reading a murder mystery set on a space station surrounding a gas giant. The society is sort of like a space Western. It’s pretty fun. I’ll try to get the name of it (I usually just look through the recommended list on my e-reader and snag something that looks interesting without looking at the title much) πŸ™‚

    in reply to: The TCG Thread #2091

    Not exactly. After Maxx “C” is activated, whenever the other player summons a monster then the player who activated Maxx “C” draws a card. So: Summon -> Other Draws -> Summon -> Other draws rinse and repeat. If they draw Sales Ban, then you’re essentially out of luck with drawing during their turn as they’ll likely have other cards that’ll lock you down since their hand is likely now 15 at least instead of the usual 5 that you start with. Interestingly, Sales Ban is hardly used at all even though its effect is rather powerful. I haven’t used it myself but I may add it in to a deck just to see if it can be useful to counter other staple cards that are in fact legal over here in the TCG regions πŸ™‚

    Over here in TCG realm, a lot of folks have been calling for Maxx “C” to be banned in Master Duel (it’s not legal in the physical version of TCG, just the OCG) as it can be such a problematic card, sucking the fun out of the online game. They could fix the card by limiting how many cards it’ll let you draw, say maxing out at 3, but I’m not sure they’re so inclined. :shrug:

    Pot of Greed is banned, interestingly enough, in all formats and that only lets the turn player draw 2. Unbanning it would actually be a good way to balance Maxx “C” without changing any card text

    We used to see ads on the tele for Pokemon sets all the time, too, but haven’t seen any in several years. Not sure why. We also used to see video games more often and toy commercials. The board game ads were especially fun seeing the concept renditions πŸ˜€

    in reply to: Random #2086

    Yeah, grading a weird area. A lot of collectors like it but I personally don’t see the draw. It’s not like you’ll be able to open the comic up after it’s been sealed! I want to read it! πŸ˜›

    I’d do it for something that I find special, though. Maybe for a certain issue that speaks to me or was a friendship gift or the like. πŸ™‚

    There’s also Seinfeld’s take! πŸ˜€

    Need a copy of the Book of Alternative Records, for sure. Would make for a great coffee table book!

    We should but I haven’t really seen any myself. Will have to keep an eye out for them!


    Awesome. May need to start a new save for this one. The same old station every time did get a bit old πŸ™‚

    in reply to: The TCG Thread #2085

    Master Duel is mostly based on the OCG rulings and ban list but has since evolved to include bits of the TCG ones and even its own so a lot of people consider it its own format now. I will say that when they banned Maxx “C” for a few days, the game was a lot more fun. It’s a really broken card. Essentially, it lets you draw a card whenever your opponent special summons and with the current game being almost entirely based on special summons, the opponent gets to draw at least ten cards in your turn, letting them pull everything they need to stop you when you get going then win immediately in their turn and potentially cancel out your Maxx “C” with something like Sales Ban (lets you forbid your opponent from using a specific card for one turn at the expense of you not being allowed to use it for the rest of the game)

    Yeah, the themes often align with some other things. They have quite a few cards that put the anime characters in the game and other cool stuff.

    Been meaning to get a Tarot deck at some point partly for the novelty of it. Cool! Could also be fun for a cook! πŸ˜€

    in reply to: Gramps #2083

    Yeah, it’ll be a big job for sure. I suppose I could start by checking public record and going from there. Have to start somewhere!

    Are you clicking the icon in the window border that also gives you the drop down options for Minimize or maximize or the File menu? It’s usually in the former if available πŸ™‚

    Though, it looks like it’s been removed from the newer tabbed version. No idea how we’re supposed to copy now. πŸ™

    in reply to: The Thread That Broods #2079

    I’ll cross-post it in the main robotics board in a few days and see if that helps since it’s a more active board πŸ™‚

    I was making sauerkraut last week and the knife slipped. Immediately wrapped it tightly in a paper towel and went through four before I got the bleeding stopped. Afterwards, I bandaged it, changing it a couple times a day with antibiotic ointment. A stitch probably would have helped it heal faster but it’s coming along (still waiting for part of it to reconnect). Fortunately, it was just a small part of the tip. It does look rather ugly, though, but no infection. πŸ™‚

    This sauerkraut better be good!

    I’ve been passing the time by reading and my neck is now very sore. πŸ˜›

    Interestingly, in A Desolation Called Peace, the author inserted a few passages of smut in the middle of the book in graphic detail. It was rather…unexpected

    in reply to: Gramps #2076

    Cool! At the cemetery that a lot of family uses, some of the graves for the oldest relations are so old (by Florida standards, at least) that it’s very hard to identify them, especially with them being around the time the Civil War was heating up. The records from that period are pretty poor so we’ve only got a general idea of who they belong to. Interestingly, the cemetery is laid out sort of like the branches of our family tree where each offshoot has its own grouping of graves so while we don’t know exactly who they belong to, we can get a good idea of the relations πŸ™‚

    To copy in the terminal, you need to select it then click the window menu in the top left, then click copy. Ctrl-C and Ctrl-Z terminate the job and send it to the background after pausing, respectively. Hope that helps πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Buddy Press #2075

    Will do. Give me a few more days of healing. The worst of the injury has mended but there’s still some separation that I’d like to heal. πŸ™‚

    First time I’ve almost cut off part of a digit and the recovery isn’t fun. It’s pretty boring having to keep the pressure off, not to mention the difficulty it adds in performing daily tasks. πŸ˜›

    in reply to: TPP Hosting #2070

    It’s pretty easy to do via the terminal:

    Resolved but could be useful in the future πŸ™‚

    Sorry for the very late reply, things are very slow going right now.

    Are you able to access the email via IMAP instead of the web interface?

    in reply to: Hardware Relics #2069

    It’s nothing special, just a long rectangle about four inches wide and two feet long and an inch high. Think it was scrap from something. Not sure what! I’m using it as a pedestal for my miniature rock garden πŸ˜›

    Hopefully the new one isn’t as finicky! Still enjoying my Roku Ultra. Absolutely no problems with it and it’s a lot more responsive than the other models. πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Samsung Tablets #2067

    Great! Weird issue with the old SIM but at least the new one is up and running πŸ™‚

    Not sure on game compatibility with physical keyboards as I haven’t played a mobile game in, oh, twelve years? Something like that, anyways!

    Yeah, I dislike onscreen keyboards too. Granted, I haven’t picked up a physical one but I probably will one day.

    I took a look around the settings and didn’t see any options to turn off the new eye candy that came with OneUI 6 that’s partly the culprit of the battery drain. πŸ™

    in reply to: Comings, Goings, Doings #2066

    Nope, the connection seems to be back to sort of normal now. Speeds are still depressed compared to where they were before the outages started in November but they’ve been improving over time, probably as the provider figured out where everything went wrong. From the sounds of it, all of the issues have been related and are the result of a long term cascade.

    We have poor cellular signal here due to tower placement even though we’re a small city and even a dead zone in a major office district (not well planned out). We do, however, have a bunch of fiber companies moving in and laying cable but our population is no where near large enough to support them all. We already have municipal fiber downtown among a couple of other providers so I don’t see them all hanging around long term. Hopefully it’ll improve the grid, at least, as the ones that fail divest. πŸ™‚

    Thumb is still healing and I’m getting used to doing things with only nine fingers but some stuff will continue to be a pain until it’s back in action. Carrots are a pain to slice! πŸ˜›

    Trying to keep the pressure off as much as possible until it starts sealing up more. πŸ™‚

    Sadly, that means no Zelda for a few days πŸ™

    in reply to: SETI #2064

    Haven’t had a chance to read it yet but had an interesting article come in related to what we were discussing:

    in reply to: MS Teams Biz #2063

    It’s possible that some of the data could be cached but I haven’t the foggiest idea where to find it. Too bad Windows doesn’t have a ~/.cache folder πŸ˜›

    in reply to: Comings, Goings, Doings #2062

    Going to be a bit slower than usual. I was making sauerkraut yesterday and sliced my thumb when the knife slipped so things are a bit difficult at the moment. It was a pretty deep cut and took an hour to stop the bleeding but nothing requiring a hospital visit. However, I currently have no feeling in the tip and need to keep it from too much activity until the tissue heals (it’s going to leave a nasty scar).

    On the bright side, I can’t feel pain so I was able to finish the job of preparing the sauerkraut! πŸ˜›

    in reply to: MS Teams Biz #2056

    Oh, no. They were really quite forceful with this and with little notice. Unless I missed it, I don’t think they sent me an email as the organization head. Very disappointed in Microsoft πŸ™

    Fortunately, we’ve been able to rebuild most of our conversations even though it’s taken us almost a year of cranial digging.

    in reply to: The TCG Thread #2051

    Over the course of the last few months, it looks like the seed for the random number generator in Master Duel is set on load instead of being randomized before each round. Could be wrong and just be incredibly unlucky but I have had days where I get awesome hands each round for the session and other days where I get zilch each time. Generally, this pattern means the seed isn’t changing. It gets rather frustrating as you can generally predict how things are going to go after the first few rounds. It’s also a weird design choice for a card game

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