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    Some notes on double sleeving: I’ve been using Japanese size sleeves from Dragon Shield enclosed by Dragon Shield standard size clear matte sleeves but the fit isn’t tight enough so the inner sleeve damages the outer sleeve when it jostles around. Sadly, my LGS doesn’t carry Japanese size outer sleeves so I’ll need to order those, more than likely. Really makes me sad as I do try to give them the business when possible and feel bad when I have to purchase from elsewhere πŸ™


    Important tip for Master Duel: focus on acquiring the staples after assembling a decent deck in the beginning. It’ll let you quickly upgrade things. Don’t do like I did and wait five months to start getting them. I would have had a much easier time if I had gotten them early on… πŸ˜›


      Had a quick but fruitless trawl for “playable” TCG WP plugins, the most attractive looking one is the octgndev at, but of course we’re at least 12 years late, and things have changed considerably since then. Is there any chance at all with the PokΓ©mon TCG SDK?
      As for databases, wpdatatables is sure to do the job, though rather big, Energy Search will want a brush up, MTG Tooltips possesses certain charms. πŸ™‚


      Looks like it still gets updated sporadically, though! Mostly for compatibility issues, from the looks of the repository (as opposed to a suppository :P)

      Yeah, being able to embed card information like some other media would be of great benefit. Will do some digging! I know the Reddit communities have bots that trawl the databases on request and post the card text that way so it’s doable. And will take a look at that MtG plugin πŸ™‚

      Looks like my preferred shop for Yugioh may not be hosting official events anymore. It’s a little hard to tell since they don’t update their event calendar but once in a blue moon. πŸ˜›

      I’ll ask them at some point. πŸ™‚


      Since the banning of Baronne a couple of months ago, I’ve been attempting to determine how else to protect me against the effects of Nibiru (will add in links later) as Blackwings are especially vulnerable to its effects, save for Full Armor Master.

      Sales Ban is a good option and cheap. As discussed above, if I open with it I can stop the card in its tracks.

      Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon may work, as well, but its effect needs some analyzing. It doesn’t say it negates on the field, just negates an effect, so it should work. It’s also cheap now after getting reprinted last week

      On Bob Marley said

      Some notes on double sleeving: I’ve been using Japanese size sleeves from Dragon Shield enclosed by Dragon Shield standard size clear matte sleeves but the fit isn’t tight enough so the inner sleeve damages the outer sleeve when it jostles around. Sadly, my LGS doesn’t carry Japanese size outer sleeves so I’ll need to order those, more than likely. Really makes me sad as I do try to give them the business when possible and feel bad when I have to purchase from elsewhere πŸ™

      Decided to talk to the shop before ordering and they were more than happy to place an order. The lesson? Doesn’t hurt to ask! πŸ™‚


      I’ve updated the first post with a list of official card databases for the big three TCGs πŸ™‚


      Added a (very) short blurb on card grading


      The sleeves came in and they work like a charm! They’re a much better fit than the basic standard sized sleeves over a regular Japanese sized sleeve with much less movement. πŸ™‚


      Lorcana seems to be pretty popular. Perhaps it’s worth including it into the first post?

      Thinking about buying a couple of Pokemon starter decks. Never did play the game, just liked the artwork. Would be a slight change but I’m kind of in the mood to try a game that’s a little less intense than Yu-Gi-Oh. Not that I plan to quit playing, just want a great of fresh air is all. πŸ™‚


      Almost stayed for yesterday’s tournament since it was starting earlier than usual but decided I wasn’t yet ready. One day! πŸ™‚


      Lorcana doesn’t seem to have an official card database but I’ll investigate the third-party ones so I can get some information added

      Additionally, I’m thinking it may be helpful to add some information on some of the more popular fan formats for some of the games listed in the opening post. Thoughts?


      Whelp, Blackwings can’t use Crystal Wing effectively like I initially thought: the opening cards lock you in to Dark creatures while Crystal Wing is a Wind creature. Subbed it in anyways as I can still use it if I can’t get the appropriate combo off. Still, I’ll go back to trawling through the card database for a better option.

      Also, I clean forgot about the links. Will try to fix that!


        Back in the day, it was fun using laminated packs after applying a little talc, when they became super slippery.
        Thanks for the update, and yes, fat formans, do tell! πŸ˜›
        On TV there’s replay of some old game reviews, the one of SteamWorld Quest: Hand Of Gilgamech was rather glowing compared to the link’s. Have you seen it? It’s a turn based RPG based on card play, with a diverse card base, favourites here.
        The trading cards don’t come at a huge cost though. πŸ™‚


        These days, the materials have advanced enough where you don’t really need to do that anymore. I have some old sleeves lying around that stick together a lot so they’re definitely on the replacement list. Been slowly cannibalizing the cards from that old deck for new stuff. Who knew cards themselves got hungry πŸ˜›

        Sounds good. Will look into adding some information on fan formats. πŸ™‚

        One thing that’s missing is a list of cards from each major fan format. May have missed it, though. Would be very nice to have to keep from having to look stuff up meticuously.

        Haven’t run across that one before! I do have fond memories of playing some old ones on Kongregate years ago back before the site was partially killed off. Will take a closer look at it!

        Wiki’s got a pretty extensive list of some card games that are lesser known in the West, along with historical games.


        Change of plans! Crystal Wing is staying in the Blackwing deck! Was about to be backed in a corner yesterday so I used Small World to swap some cards out that ultimately let me bring out Crystal Wing, letting me clench the game. Still perfecting this deck but we’re getting closer!


        Okay, started adding some links to the fan formats. The post is beginning to get enough content to warrant proper formatting so I’ll put that on the to-do list πŸ™‚


        Did some basic formatting of the first post. Still need to organize things by game and supply links to rule books, home pages, store locators, and the like but it’s progress!


          Looks much better! πŸ™‚
          Thought it might be worth throwing in a passing mention to the old LOTR TCG (not to be confused with the LOTR Card Game) in the off chance you had not seen it. There was quite an adverse reaction to the game at the time, hopefully The Players’ Council have made the game playing experience more palatable for the detractors.


          Good to see that the community is trying to take it over. I wonder if they’ll get permission to continue printing it? I do remember it from when it was active but not very well. Mostly, I remember seeing the product on store shelves.

          WotC recently integrated LotR into MTG with great success. Perhaps that will help give it a future?

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