
  • The Children Act is a classy piece bringing to sharp relief the folly of adhering to rules of religion, and, spoiler alert, it has a rather depressing outcome.
    OTOH, the opposite effect tonight after the screening of Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story, a cracking cast and script (highlights).

    The extra…[Read more]

  • Might be best to consider open source alternatives like Omnivore or Wallabag where there’s a facility to port data over. How big is your database? Some cross platform rtf files can have a tendency to bloat – is it possible to convert them to something else?
    Not quite the same thing though – certain sites which provide personal favourite sections -…[Read more]

  • Checked the IA for the time, no dice – even posted the links to them, the only response was from our ever present friend Mr. Nokandu.
    At first spec FindMyPast has quite a few nice features albeit somewhat intrusive, did a search for a name on their site while logged on, and promptly in came an email entitled ” We’ve discovered something just for…[Read more]

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Films & TV Shows in the forum Discussion 9 months ago

    Remember well the Ripping Yarns a hoot when they were first released:

    Another dose of Portlandia for good…[Read more]

  • The forums migration at CPanel still burns hot in some memories, the post formats were not carried through in every case, and a few posts that were made around the time of migration were lost forever!
    Signing up with FindMyPast probably won’t help as much as desired, even with a subscription. Their free services include:

    1881 England, Wales &…

    [Read more]

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Films & TV Shows in the forum Discussion 9 months ago

    The series currently screamed is Bang!, comes with a slow burning drag on for a bit too long kind of vibe, watchable though. There is a bug in the streaming channel where the option for (English) subscripts doesn’t work if there is multilingual content, fortunately there is not a lot of (English) mumbling so we are good.
    The critics were rather…[Read more]

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 9 months ago

    A name for the mouse? Heck no, these might come in handy for a list later: The mouse fairy, Tydium Night-rat, Mouse-in-pad, De-tail E-lab-o-rat, House of Shining Rodients!
    These days they won’t need to, as there is a webpage. Is there life after death, and was there life before 1937?
    Talking of the out-there and mysterious, someone posted an SCP…[Read more]

  • 😀 So I went to the markets to purchase a second hand pet. A sign in the stall said, “Buy one, get one flea,” another sign said “Flea bargaining permitted”, another said “An itch in time will save you mine”. The betting stall opposite had a sign “No scratchings” which did not ease the oncoming pruritus.

  • 😛 New tech innovations = New square pegs for old round holes!

    There was always something about the whole Star Wars brand that came across as rather dinky, if not hokey. Might have been the overplay of the disco version of the theme at the time:

    It was all right as far as disco-dent themes go, the…[Read more]

  • He looks great, at least, yet the dithering effect on FB as a result of attempting to enlarge the image is not complimentary at all. Zuck, make yer rendering more endearing m’dear (alternate lyrics to Have Some Madeira M’Dear):

    NexusMods have a few issues with their new SW package over the holiday…[Read more]

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 9 months, 1 week ago

    Agree, Enceladus is quite small (310 miles in diameter, and cold externally), so likely not a habitable home for billions of starving humans. Spectacular views from the surface3 though. 🙂
    Amazing capture of mouse tidying thins in a farm shed:

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Cooking in the forum Discussion 9 months, 2 weeks ago

    We have a shop that presents a partial self service affair of storage bins containing grains, nuts, dried fruit and the like. Competitive pricing as well, got 1kg of rooibos tea at a discount recently.
    What about Bakeking for inspiration? Here’s a scary one:

  • Little experience of HDMI-CEC over here, did it inherit some of the slightly ding dong behaviours of the universal remotes? Like the Prestigo purchased from the now defunct local electronics shop back in 2013 or thereabouts, which turned out to be something of a battery hog. Seemed to wear more when not in use, so the only option was to remove the…[Read more]

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Cooking in the forum Discussion 9 months, 2 weeks ago

    The beef tails have become a kind of speciality in recent times, so not available through the convenience shelves as much as before. Thus, we plebs will have to make do with the tailings instead. 😛
    The question of bread parenthood extends to daily motions – (the son sets in the west, but rises in the yeast) – is a complex one and is best leavened…[Read more]

  • Chasing up a distant relative on Facebook regarding the family tree, and pasted the Gramps link in the message body. The link icon in the posted Facebook message resolved as Zoidberg. There’s no doubt he’ll be thinking twice about reaching out to this rather wonky end of the tree. 😀

  • Still on the slashers? Nothing like that over here – FTA did play a rerun of The Negotiator which rates for me a fair bit more than RT & others. Particularly for the pace and storyline, so recommended.
    Also streaming Something Undone, a fictional account of a true crime podcast duo sounding more interesting than it actually is.
    Here’s some more…[Read more]

  • Classic! Don’t blame me, blame my upbringing- would that hold any water in defence of litigation? 😛
    Mr Squiggleman is mighty impressive:

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 9 months, 2 weeks ago

    No sci-fi whatsoever at Gutenberg – How does that work?
    It’s true the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) has cropped up, you know, in recent actions, did you know of the coincidence of that acronym and Rico in Little Caesar (1930)?

  • No errors emitted after the login dialog is OK’d on Chrome browser, just not logged in. Tried the login on new Edge with clean bill of health for the cache, no problem. Excluded the login page in Litespeed, then wiped the Stearnvault data on Chrome before attempting login. Success! 🙂

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 9 months, 3 weeks ago

    Once used a trackball back in the nineties, do remember that, like the touchpad it required absolutely not one speck of grease or sweat in the works or it was back to cleaning. Did like it for a while before it started to wear out, as did the touchpad, with the consequence of losing precision in movement. Which was enough to want to move back to…[Read more]

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