
  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Hardware Relics in the forum Discussion 12 months ago

    Has happened here on the odd occasion as well, usually turns out to be something awry with the switches.
    The stain is odd, rust should generally rinse out – always rinse in cold here. For the existence of rust in the HWS or even the pipes, no issue with water for the bath or shower? How old is the hot water tank btw?

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Hardware Relics in the forum Discussion 12 months ago

    My washer isn’t holding up nearly as well. No idea what year it’s from but it’s relatively recent. It’s developed a short that causes it to sometimes skip the spin cycle so I need to run the spin cycle manually. 😛

    Another annoyance that may be due to the water quality here (not sure) is that it’ll stain the clothes with what looks like rust…[Read more]

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Hardware Relics in the forum Discussion 1 year ago

    As well as the Frigidaire, this establishment sports a fine and trusty Simpson Delta 402 washing machine.
    Washing Machine Now and Then

    Acquired in 1990, it has to date accommodated many a load without so much as a sneeze, notwithstanding the horrendous number of dirty hankies it has suffered unto. The only issue to date was the replacement of the broken lint catcher some…[Read more]

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic PrgLnch in the forum Projects 1 year ago

    Sorry for the delay!

    So it launches Notepad without issue save for a bunch of resolution warnings (I’m running a 4k monitor at 144 HZ) and, on exit, the Back to PrgLnch button yelled at me about a missing window and took a few seconds to allow me to click it.

    I downloaded the zip from GitHub but there may be a better way to handle things. I…[Read more]

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic ERR_CACHE_MISS in the forum Forum 1 year ago

    In toying with the idea of peeping under the hood re the caching system used, typed in a block of text as a reply to some topic without posting it. To determine if it was cached, found no updates at all when filtering Stearn in ChromeCacheView (sorting LastAccessed). If the test is not setup correctly, might be a question for the WP or SO forums.

  • Will add it to the list! I still need to play through Neverwinter Nights! 😛

    I used to like playing MMOs but I’ve been having some trouble getting into them lately. Not sure why :/

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Films & TV Shows in the forum Discussion 1 year ago

    So Disney is coming out with a box set consisting of most of their films:

    Very cool but expensive!

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Cooking in the forum Discussion 1 year ago

    Finally got around to ordering another cookbook: The Cake Bible. Should be here sometime next week!

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Gramps in the forum Projects 1 year ago

    Yay! How far back does your DB go so far?

    Cool! Those are quite extensive! That must have taken a lot of work!

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Films & TV Shows in the forum Discussion 1 year ago

    Cool! Didn’t know they did a reboot. And a TV show…? Didn’t know that.

    These films can be fun but the plots are always full of holes (no pun intended…I think) ! I guess that’s part of why I like them. 😛

    Sounds fun! Will add it to the list! Only available for rental currently but maybe that’ll change 🙂

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Sounds and Music in the forum Discussion 1 year ago

    Nice, there’s a nice scene in Apocalypse Now with that playing.
    Heard of Sam Sklair? Plays the flute, clarinet, and a host of other instruments. Here’s a nice one:

    He also created some synth-y stuff in the eighties like Touch Tone Keyboard in The MicroChip revolution. That’s the playlist, where the track…[Read more]

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Films & TV Shows in the forum Discussion 1 year ago

    Ah, the 1988 original. The 2019 film is also a slasher. 🙂
    Descent 2 played out the way one expected it, provided they had seen Descent 1, thus not so much dramatic tension, and no variation from the effects of pathos. 🙁
    Also streaming Zola, it’s lively, and rather risque. 🙂

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Films & TV Shows in the forum Discussion 1 year ago

    Child’s Play was fun but, golly, it had a lot of plot holes!

    For example: they jumped from the kid being in a mental institution, just having busted out his cell but wandering the facility still, to being at home. How did he get out without anyone catching him? How did he find his way home? It was 1988! It’s not like he had GPS or had been to the…[Read more]

  • Rereleasing this old-timer is a blast from the past. Don’t remember playing the original, (certainly do recall the amazing sound effects in Bane of the Cosmic Forge.)

  • Wants sandboxing, if the url to be linked contains “=” in possible combination with “&”, there will be additional insertions of 2033 DOUBLE PRIME and 201D RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK “””, with an extra noopener, if that was specified in the link. For example, given the following private link: Try Me is fine with Visual in a new topic or reply, o…[Read more]

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Films & TV Shows in the forum Discussion 1 year ago

    Yep, it’s been dubbed! I always try to watch dubs as I have issues with reading subtitles and following along with what’s going on onscreen at the same time 🙂

    Been meaning to watch The Descent since it came across my radar a few years ago. Saw it mentioned somewhere in passing and I thought it looked intriguing but it was pushed to the back of…[Read more]

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 1 year ago

    I still get the message that it needs to be set up by the organization. I’ve been trying every week or two but without success 🙁

    Yeah, I’d love to save those things! We have a lot of good stuff in there!

    Interesting. Didn’t realize they could quantify it with a formula. Going to need to read the article when I get the opportunity!

    Read Far…[Read more]

  • The big issue with it is that it reimplements the language features instead of using the already existing features.

    Yeah, that’s not exactly cool. It’s also potential for abuse. A malicious party, for instance, could set up a script to download and install over and over again, driving up the fees to astronomical levels after the initial purchase.

  • Seen a bit of scoffing at QT on SO threads and others, it’s not all that bad is it?
    Unity is introducing a surcharge on distribution of their runtime libraries on end-user machines. Without any sweeteners, no doubt comes across like a kick in the guts first and foremost to their pro and enterprise clients.

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 1 year ago

    Yep! Does Teams come up at all on the laptop over there? We also want the Jokes and Disney, among the other quaint rantings.
    Apart from the purple spider webs mentioned on today’s Science Show, all you need to know about consciousness is this Maximum Cause Effect Structure:
    Maximum Cause Effect Structure
    I tend to go more for front of brain (FOB) there’s another nice piccy to…[Read more]

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