
  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic ERR_CACHE_MISS in the forum Forum 11 months, 3 weeks ago

    Yeah, I haven’t the foggiest idea

    Sorry, had been a bit busy with stuff around the home so I was a bit too pooped to get a whole lot of site work done

  • Could be a registry mix-up for the expansion not being detected. Have you checked there?

    They also have active forums! Nice change from most places switching over to Discord 🙂

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 11 months, 3 weeks ago


    Cool! That must have taken a lot of preparation!

    Yeah, the current rental environment is similar over here. Some of the companies try to handle too much and wind up not being able to handle any of it very well :/

    Been thinking of getting a few beehives for over here. Could be a fun hobby!

  • I do like having discs around. They’re quite handy! I used to take a laptop on school trips (along with a few discs, of course) so that I could watch films with my friends in the hotel rooms. We’d also watch them on the bus. Can’t do that with streaming!

    Yep. Started watching Scream the other day after finishing the Friday the 13th series and the…[Read more]

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 11 months, 3 weeks ago

    Thread. 🙂
    Man meets Unicorn – beautiful! They played this on out this FTA news bloopers segment:

    A new website release in response to the current growing housing shortage, sh*t rentals, is spruiked on TikTok, scroll down there to enjoy the reviews. First heard of it on the FTA Drum, wish we had…[Read more]

  • (Or) The Long Haul of Amusement Pursuit.
    A very bumpy trek indeed. What can we say? The road to hell is cobbled with those who say:

    The road to hell is paved with (… such and such …)

    Not to mention negotiating the access points to the darkest recesses of our minds!
    If an umbel ever had leaves it would be umbel-leavable!
    How would one…[Read more]

  • Aw shucks, no blu ray here, couldn’t they conjure up a Mickey Mouse styled DVD set for the rest of us luddites, or even better, load it all on USB stick or even Torrent!
    Freddie is unforgettable though, once he has popped up in the corner of your frustrum, he’ll never go away!
    Classic! 🙂
    The Paris Creation model is beautiful, but will those Louis…[Read more]

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Baldur's Gate in the forum Discussion 11 months, 3 weeks ago

    Yes, could be intentional as well – if only recollections of the previous gameplay 10 years back could shed light on similar! Right now, half a day on, the courtesan and her (conversationable) companion have disappeared from the area. As a matter of interest, it’s not immediately obvious if such movements and dialog of unnamed NPCs are moddable -…[Read more]

  • I miss old cartoons!

  • Watched Nightmare on Elm Street the other day. While good, it wasn’t exactly my cup of tea. For some reason, I have a hard time getting into supernatural horror films. I like the corniness of creature-features and slasher films 😛

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 11 months, 4 weeks ago


    Virtual! She doesn’t even drink water anymore, only coffee! 😛

    Well, she has a caffeine crash some gametime later. I haven’t installed a tea infuser yet. I do wonder which she’ll prefer. 😛

    The game is fun but I do miss the wide-open world of The Sims 3.

  • Lovely! Would make some great music to pair with a super cut of lights blinking on technology! Cut from a fax machine to a modem to a mainframe…. 😀

    Sorry! I thought I had hit the submit button!

    Don’t remember too much of Apocalypse Now. My attention kept wandering while it was on…. 😛

    I should probably fix that. I remember bits and pieces,…[Read more]

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 11 months, 4 weeks ago

    Captain ImGreat (anag. of Ragtime): All aboard the good ship Ragtime! Hey look, there is a TigerMa on the GeriMat! You’re seeing double – it’s actually a TriMage!
    Goodness, what are the drinking habits otherwise? Is that real coffee, and what happens to it after! Suggesting decaf or hot chocolate/carob surely can’t hurt.

  • Weird! That sounds like a translation file got messed up somewhere

    Memory access defines the blood level…? I really don’t understand that logic 😛

    So are you running it on Linux, then?

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 11 months, 4 weeks ago

    My Sim has developed a coffee addiction. Right before she is supposed to sleep, she made three cups of coffee and drank each one immediately after the other 😛

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Baldur's Gate in the forum Discussion 11 months, 4 weeks ago

    Further random blatherings:

    1. After a lengthy and somewhat painful Google-ude (Google interlude), found that Debug Mode=1 doesn’t work for console access in this game edition, rather:

      [Game Options]

    2. The baldur.lua file popular with the EE is non-existent on this install, as is the existence of any My DocumentsBaldur's Gate folder and…

    [Read more]

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic PrgLnch in the forum Projects 12 months ago

    Yep, new version and, yep, I had closed it before I clicked to go back. 🙂

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic PrgLnch in the forum Projects 12 months ago

    Thanks for checking!
    Is that the new Notepad? How strange, was Notepad closed before the Back to PrgLnch button was clicked?
    Yes, there’s a bunch of weird stuff going on with it, will update when back on W11. 🙂

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Hardware Relics in the forum Discussion 12 months ago

    Nope but we do have heavy mineral deposits in the area, which may be part of the issue. I’ve had many a spigot clog up! 😛 A water softener may help at some point

    Got it three years ago after the old one kicked the bucket. Not only has it been leaking but the heating coils crapped out.

    I may try running some vinegar through the washer in case…[Read more]

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Baldur's Gate in the forum Discussion 12 months ago

    Down deep in dungeons, the un-pausing of the game while in inventory gets one’s goat after a while, mainly due to the fiddly nature of full inventories. Fortunately, it can be paused, by copying over the saves to the multiplayer save directory, and setting up an solo MP game, as it were.
    Fine, save for a couple of hiccups mentioned over at GOG. 😛

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