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  • in reply to: Plugins #2577

    Took a bit but they got the changelog up!

    in reply to: Films & TV Shows #2576

    Yep, can see where it would be a good name for a Western. Recently got confused by Apple’s new series Dark Matter due to SyFy having an older space opera show by that name (which was great!) πŸ˜›

    Started watching Andy Sidaris’s films the other day and they’re a lot of fun if you like cheesy action flicks (I do!).

    in reply to: Comings, Goings, Doings #2575

    I see cars getting some frost pretty often here when it hits 30Β°F or so. A few years back, we had a week of 20Β°F with highs in the 30s. The ice pretty much stayed around. πŸ˜›

    We need bigger boots! Or we could hunt them with an elephant gun. Saw a film yesterday where they blew off a snake’s head with a bazooka. Very much overkill (pun intended!) πŸ˜›

    Will mention the films soon in the proper thread!

    in reply to: Comings, Goings, Doings #2573

    Yuck! πŸ™

    Have a good trip! πŸ™‚ I’ll continue to work on odds and ends over here while fighting through various bugs. πŸ˜›

    in reply to: The TCG Thread #2571

    Lorcana doesn’t seem to have an official card database but I’ll investigate the third-party ones so I can get some information added

    Additionally, I’m thinking it may be helpful to add some information on some of the more popular fan formats for some of the games listed in the opening post. Thoughts?

    in reply to: Random #2569

    Started reading up on tokamaks today (need to finish the article another day as it’s a lot to take in) and they’re pretty interesting. In essence, they’re giant magnets with an injection component so that different substances can be added for regulation, depending on what the operator wants to do. In addition, they use a layer of expensive heavy metals for the primary structure with an additional layer of sacrificial light metals to keep the plasma contained while keeping the heavy metals from leaching into the plasma and stopping the reaction. The magnetic flux is additionally controlled by the shape of the containment structure, adjusting the overall reaction sustainability.

    in reply to: Li Tags: No Post Background #2567

    That’s what the issue was? When I was testing, I just assumed you were getting the issue with the malformed ol and ul tags. πŸ˜›

    in reply to: Styles #2564


    For some reason, I was thinking it was & but that’s okay!

    Looks like conditionals are still in their draft phase even though they’re widely used in WordPress and I’m not sure why I thought I would need them anyways, unless it was because I thought I might need to use them to fix up the heading for the article tag that constitutes the post heading. If there’s a reverse adjacent selector, we may be good. It may have also been to keeping the global post styles from being applied. Coding is more difficult without my medication! πŸ˜›

    I’ll take another look at it on the computer to see where I was going with it πŸ™‚


    in reply to: All Things Site and Organizational #2563

    Extreme Post Organizing could be a new Olympic sport! πŸ˜€

    Sounds good πŸ™‚

    If all else fails, I could always override images in CSS by setting the containing element’s background to an image but that would be like using a Death Star in an appendicitis. πŸ˜›

    in reply to: The Theme Park Thread #2558

    Would also want an asteroid belt. Sort of like a pinball machine?

    Golf with your Friends looks pretty chill overall. Could be fun regardless of the level editor πŸ™‚

    in reply to: All Things Site and Organizational #2556

    Categories can be used like tags in the forums. Each category has its own section on the sidebar and the posts are grouped in there. Say we have some posts that talk about software projects and some posts that talk about hardware musings. We could have a category for each and then those individual posts are more easily found if someone is looking for, say, release notes.

    We can also have subcategories. Extending the example above, we could have a Release category under Software to help keep everything together.

    Yep, we can certainly change the name of the default category. And done πŸ™‚


    For whatever reason, the site logo block is missing the settings to add media. Not sure why :/

    in reply to: Random #2554

    I’ve always wondered why hardware manufacturers stylize components that you’re never going to see. Motherboards have color designs, video cards have similar, and some processors even have art etched on them. This was also before transparent cases became more common.

    In other news:

    And in other other news: wine, anyone?

    in reply to: Li Tags: No Post Background #2553

    Does a new post exhibit the same behavior with the recent bbPress updates?

    in reply to: All Things General and Non-Organizational #2549

    Did a bit of additional checking and for MtG and Pokemon, those look like the only options. Everything else is at least eight years past its expiration date. I’ll take a closer look at MtG Tooltips when I get the opportunity

    For Pokemon, everything looks out of date and only a few even came up in the search results.

    Haven’t looked into YGO yet but I fear we may come across the same thing

    So, yeah, same results as your trawling back in April πŸ™

    I suspect this is all related to the younger generation (well, younger than myself at least and even my generation is guilty) preferring Discord for instant gratification. Not a fan of the platform myself as it’s really a chat room at its core and not great for articles and discussion when you’re not actively looking at it. That and you need an account to view anything.

    in reply to: Plugins #2546

    Looks like bbPress got some updates recently but I’m not seeing any information on them. The GitHub repository hasn’t been updated in years and the the homepage is still inactive, save for the support forum. It probably happened on the WordPress repository, which I’m not entirely sure how to find. Will keep looking, though.

    in reply to: Styles #2541

    After doing some investigation into the wonkiness of some of the styles, I think I’m going to need to look into CSS conditionals at some point. We have different box layouts that we want to have a similar look and feel but some of the sub-classes have the same class, giving us a weird look when we try to combine things. One example is the post box on the home page. Due to how the HTML is structured, I can’t easily increase the size of the inner box to fill the container so I’m thinking I’ll need to tell it that if the post box is adjacent to the article element, then the background of the combined box is the background of the inner box. Not ideal but we definitely don’t want to change the core HTML as that’d cause update conflicts.

    in reply to: All Things Site and Organizational #2540

    Thanks! Will start getting the layout fixed up. There’s probably going to be some back and forth as we progress but we’ll get there! πŸ™‚

    Still get confused about how there are several places to edit the layout, including the theme file editor. Not exactly the most intuitive πŸ˜›

    …And it looks like we have a section for Blog Home and one for Front Page. What’s the difference, I wonder?

    Ah, finally found the home page setting I was looking for:

    Honestly, I was expecting to find that under General Settings instead of Reading.

    Other than deleting the Subscriber block and cleaning up the sidebar, any other layout requests? Can probably do pretty much anything now that we’ve found the right area.

    Sure, they can be cleaned out. Would like to keep one of them handy, though, at least until I get them properly styled. That way, we won’t need to go back and do it later on since the CSS will already exist πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Software: On & Off the Web #2539

    Recalled this gem the other day:

    Have fond memories of playing it years ago. I wonder how it’s held up over the decades?

    in reply to: All Things Site and Organizational #2533

    So I went to play around with the homepage and it looks like it was already fixed? Looks like I missed that. No idea where we go to change the layout of the homepage. It doesn’t look like there’s an associated page for it.

    Also, where do we change which page is used for the homepage? Not seeing it in the settings. I thought it was there at one point but I may be misremembering.

    in reply to: Hardware Relics #2532

    May get myself a so-called desk mat for the odd cases where I run out of mouse pad room πŸ˜›

    Ten years is the estimate before it hits 80% capacity so, in theory, it should stay alive for a total of fifteen to twenty at reduced capacity. But time will tell! Definitely relic worthy!

    Let’s hope it works!

    In my experience, off-brand batteries don’t tend to last as long so hopefully the official battery works πŸ™‚

Viewing 20 posts – 141 through 160 (of 1,097 total)