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  • in reply to: All Things Site and Organizational #935

    There was a theme update available so I went ahead and applied it. As a consequence, it also overrode the hack we did to make bbPress show up so I enabled that option in the style pack. As a consequence of the consequence, we have much better theme support but it also means I have a few more styles to tweak now. Keep an eye out for anything unusual after the update!

    The style pack changes the width to 75% so I’ll override that so we have more viewing space again πŸ™‚

    in reply to: No Bullets or Numbers for UL, OL #932
    in reply to: Sounds and Music #924

    Oh, yeah. That jazz is great!

    Nowadays, most anime use pop. In the 2000’s, they went through a rock phase. Seems they change up their style every decade or so πŸ˜›

    Our frogs get loud! It sounds like a racetrack some of the times πŸ˜›

    Here’s one that’s kind of got an RPG vibe to it:

    And here’s a fun cover of Eruption by Van Halen by one of my favorite Japanese groups.

    I love what they’ve done with it!

    in reply to: Computer Setup #923

    Got another tip that probably holds true for any *nix setup: if you’re installing Windows alongside, then I recommend increasing the boot partition from 500 MB to either 750 MB or 1 GB. While 500 MB used to be okay (it’s been the standard for well over a decade), the boot files have grown to where you run low on space with just a few images and Windows. There’s also the option of changing the compression scheme for the *nix images to shrink them even more. I’ll pull that and share it when I reach that step πŸ™‚

    I think I may uninstall (or try to) all of the various language packs that come along with GNOME. I only use the US English variety so I don’t see why I need the others installed. Unless, of course, they add viewing support. Going to need to check on things first

    Definitely going slow but I’ve been rather slow lately. On the bright side, I should have the basics fixed up soon! πŸ™‚

    Going to try and get Gramps tested out for you in a couple of days. πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Random #922

    Portal is a wonderful game! Been playing Portal 2 since I picked it up for less than a dollar on sale the other day. GladOS is pretty upset, to say the least!

    Yeah, I missed out on Psychonauts too. I really need to change that one day!

    We called them share links I think. πŸ™‚

    Some of those sites are no more and I do miss them. πŸ™

    Huh, never noticed that site before. Will definitely need to peruse their content some more. You can never have too much cowbell! πŸ˜›

    in reply to: Walrus Ramblings #921

    I don’t think we have much in there that’s sensitive, do we? Haven’t really looked at that in a long time

    Yeah, they’ve been updating the inactivity policy the last few years. Two years ago, they started off with Drive and other miscellaneous data storage. They’re probably tired taking care of abandoned email addresses and decided that it’s best to reintroduce them back to the wild. It does bring up an interesting question: what’s the native habitat of an email address like? Does it have cookies? Surely not cake. And what kind of predators do they need to look out for?

    in reply to: Styles #920

    Yep, we can certainly add them to the wishlist! πŸ™‚

    Took a quick look and quite a few of the options haven’t been updated in a long time but we’re sure to find a good option! πŸ™‚

    Nothing wrong with posting junk! In fact, it livens things up! πŸ˜€

    Yeah, I think the cursor issue is a browser limitation. It’s been bothering me on the web for years!

    I think it’s because it’s set up as a script, activated on click, but I’m not sure. I never could get the hang of PHP πŸ˜›

    When I try to open up what I think are links elsewhere on the web but are really stylized buttons using the link element, I wind with with either about:blank or it sends me back to the page without activating the action. Very annoying! Sometimes I wish folks would make these things more obvious πŸ˜›

    in reply to: Site Info (Deprecated: iiNet) #918

    Sounds good! πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Random #908

    So here’s another one from the vault (one of my earliest ones, in fact):

    The original site the article was on is long gone but I managed to pull it up via the Internet Archive πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Films & TV Shows #907

    Haven’t seen John Wick yet but I’ve been meaning to! Yeah, their old films were fun! I have fond memories of Tango and Cash!

    Looks like they also have some members only films you get with the subscription.

    Not yet but I’ll definitely add it to the list! Big fan of those old ones!

    Probably going to watch some more Tarantino films soon now that I’ve gotten in the mood. Pulp Fiction is always a fun one!

    An unrelated film but similar in style is Sin City. Going to try and watch it again soon as it was really good!

    in reply to: Legend of Zelda #905

    Taking out a Hinox becomes insanely easy with the Biggoron Sword (base attack of 36) fused with a good material and it’s very easy to acquire. In the middle of Skull Lake in Akkala, there’s a chasm that takes you to the House of Bones. After you take down the Stalnox and other skeletons, the chest opens and gives you the sword. Then you can buy them with Poes from Bargainer Statues πŸ™‚

    It should also be useful for taking down the Stone Talus by fusing it with a blunt material, giving you a high-powered hammer

    in reply to: MS Teams Biz #904

    Nope but sometimes if I wait a few days, it’ll let me back in again. I think we got everything absolutely crucial but it would be nice to copy over some of the minor tips, designs, and other sciencey stuff we have scattered around in there.

    in reply to: Styles #903

    Okay, I’ve done some more work on the styles. I’ve increased more padding and adjusted the background color of the text area for typing up content.

    It used these classes


    So be on the lookout for anything strange!

    I do need to clean up the styles at some point. Not sure of the best way to organize the styles or if there even is a good way without making them a bit cumbersome :/

    Still need to come up with a color choice for the editor bar

    in reply to: Films & TV Shows #901

    Saw the first part of Kill Bill and it’s great! Going to watch part two soon but it’s Tarantino’s typical over the top and flamboyant style so it’s got a lot of good humor in it and is just an overall fun film πŸ™‚

    Rewatched Attack of the Killer Tomatoes and it’s still a blast. Highly recommended! πŸ˜€

    in reply to: Random #900

    Blech! We’re under a heat advisory for the next few days πŸ™

    I got to thinking. Most computer cases have the hot swappable drive bays inaccessible from the outside, making them not very useful. Why don’t more of them have them accessible from the exterior of the case?

    I also wonder if I can add an image to the Windows boot process. Right now, it’s just blank with the loading circle thing πŸ˜›

    in reply to: MS Teams Biz #897

    No go here on the laptop. It keeps telling me to enable Teams for the organization πŸ™

    in reply to: Computer Setup #895

    There’s a step missing in the article to repair the bootloader. In it, you reinstall the kernel but this resets the flags for the packages in the package manager so they’re no longer automatically cleaned up, causing the boot partition to fill up. I’ll reach out to support soon to see what the default settings should be so that I can correct it. πŸ™‚

    Eventually, I’ll probably look at seeing if I can help update the steps on their end to include all this information since the docs are open source:)

    in reply to: The Theme Park Thread #894

    Excellent idea!

    Not sure of my visual design skills but can definitely give it an attempt! Some of our ideas may be ready for a visual aid, will need to check when I have the opportunity to boot up the laptop πŸ™‚

    Looks like they have some physics simulation, which will be helpful.

    We may also be getting close to mapping out our hypothetical park. Granted, I’m terrible at making maps πŸ˜›

    in reply to: Random #893

    The wild grapes are ready! They’re medium sized, deep red ones and delicious!

    in reply to: Software: On & Off the Web #892

    I’m a big fan of Qalculate and have been using it for years. It’s got tons of features and conversions that are incredibly useful! πŸ™‚

Viewing 20 posts – 821 through 840 (of 1,097 total)