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  • in reply to: Dummy #1222

    Dummy has crashed again

    in reply to: Dummy #1221

    Dummy is back to life!

    in reply to: Software: On & Off the Web #1218

    Will add it to the list! I still need to play through Neverwinter Nights! 😛

    I used to like playing MMOs but I’ve been having some trouble getting into them lately. Not sure why :/

    in reply to: The Thread That Broods #1217

    It’s supposed to drain outside but I’ve never actually seen it do so for some reason 😛

    I’m going to ask them about it when they next come out

    Oh, it’s a standalone unit. It’s not connected to the A/C, I just plug it into the wall and move it around. It’s about two feet tall (as opposed to two arms tall) so not very large 🙂

    I wouldn’t have minded getting something quieter but this was the only one in stock anywhere at the time. It was during the peak shortages in the pandemic and it sounded like the old one was about to die so I didn’t have much choice 🙁

    Mine is against the wall of the kitchen adjoining the garage. That wasn’t well thought out during the construction phase :/

    Yikes. Hopefully it won’t be an issue! Sadly, these things are going to become more common thanks to climate change 🙁

    in reply to: Jump Links to #Post Number Unreliable #1216

    Just updated the style pack with this changelog entry:

    mprove the unread icon link in topics to take you to the last read reply, rather than the end of the thread.

    Any better?

    in reply to: Films & TV Shows #1215

    So Disney is coming out with a box set consisting of most of their films:

    Very cool but expensive!

    in reply to: Cooking #1214

    Finally got around to ordering another cookbook: The Cake Bible. Should be here sometime next week!

    in reply to: Gramps #1212

    Yay! How far back does your DB go so far?

    Cool! Those are quite extensive! That must have taken a lot of work!

    in reply to: Films & TV Shows #1211

    Cool! Didn’t know they did a reboot. And a TV show…? Didn’t know that.

    These films can be fun but the plots are always full of holes (no pun intended…I think) ! I guess that’s part of why I like them. 😛

    Sounds fun! Will add it to the list! Only available for rental currently but maybe that’ll change 🙂

    in reply to: The Thread That Broods #1210

    Cool! My mom got one custom ordered from a local guy once. She liked but was rather disappointed with how he designed the seat. It’s built in such a way that it’s rigid and the angle of it causes it to stab you in the back. It’s not really all that comfortable for long stretches 😛

    I actually have central heating and air here 🙂

    Basically, it’s a valve that’s supposed to trigger when the water by the condenser backs up to the point where it flows into the shut off tank. When triggered, it keeps you from using the unit until the water is removed to keep it from spilling out everywhere.

    Nice! My system has just basic air filters, nothing fancy. I keep the temperature between 60 F and 79 F so I really only need to change filters once or twice a year. 🙂

    I replaced my ancient fridge a few years back. It was acting like it was about to die so I went ahead. Sadly, the cut out in the kitchen is such that I can’t open the doors all the way, which is a bit of a pain. I kind of liked the old one, though, even if was from 1988. It was nice and quaint! And less obnoxious than the new one 😛

    Yikes! Glad you didn’t have a repeat of the fires from a few years back! Those were bad!

    in reply to: Films & TV Shows #1204

    Child’s Play was fun but, golly, it had a lot of plot holes!

    For example: they jumped from the kid being in a mental institution, just having busted out of his cell but wandering the facility still, to being at home. How did he get out without anyone catching him? How did he find his way home? It was 1988! It’s not like he had GPS (it was primarily for military use at the time) or had been to the institution before! Or at least enough to be able to find his way home without assistance

    in reply to: Disqus Not Showing on Home page #1193


    Yeah, we can always revisit the comment system later. Not sure how difficult it will be to import blog comments down the road if it turns out we want to try a different system, though.

    It looks like we’re on PHP 7.4.

    in reply to: Films & TV Shows #1191

    Yep, it’s been dubbed! I always try to watch dubs as I have issues with reading subtitles and following along with what’s going on onscreen at the same time 🙂

    Been meaning to watch The Descent since it came across my radar a few years ago. Saw it mentioned somewhere in passing and I thought it looked intriguing but it was pushed to the back of my mind until recently.

    And to think, over here, 12 – 20 episodes per season is the norm! British seasons are half our length! Never did understand that. 😛 Granted, British shows are often of higher quality than ours. Ours are a lot more pulpy 😛

    Watched Friday the 13th The other day and that was enjoyable. Wasn’t a big fan of the bobbing camera they used to hide the killer, though. Found it a bit disorienting. Also have Child’s Play on the list, which should be fun!

    in reply to: Random #1190

    I still get the message that it needs to be set up by the organization. I’ve been trying every week or two but without success 🙁

    Yeah, I’d love to save those things! We have a lot of good stuff in there!

    Interesting. Didn’t realize they could quantify it with a formula. Going to need to read the article when I get the opportunity!

    Read Far from the Light of Heaven the other day and that was a fun read. Murder mystery in space!

    in reply to: Software: On & Off the Web #1189

    The big issue with it is that it reimplements the language features instead of using the already existing features.

    Yeah, that’s not exactly cool. It’s also potential for abuse. A malicious party, for instance, could set up a script to download and install over and over again, driving up the fees to astronomical levels after the initial purchase.

    in reply to: VR Controlled Motors #1185

    Will do 🙂

    The Uno R4 is sold out for now over here but I’ll keep an eye on it 🙂

    Possibly! Not too familiar with this stuff yet but I’m sure Ada Fruit will have some information!

    Still learning about these things! I last used a controller board back in 2008 and, sadly, the organization wanted us to use a simplified programming language for it so it wasn’t very useful to me. In previous years, they were using C++ and then switched to something like The Incredible Machine. It was horrendous! 😛

    in reply to: VR Controlled Motors #1179

    Looks like they don’t have a separate Wi-Fi module. They did release an Uno with it, though, but, interestingly, they haven’t updated the tutorials or starter kit along with it. This is rather odd as the Uno is the introductory board. It’s basically the jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none board they use to learn about the Arduino ecosystem before you pick a more specialized board that would be a better fit for individual projects. I may ask them about it before going further with the planning.

    in reply to: Random #1178

    With a stag as the game piece? 😛

    We do have the Escape from the Swamp idea. Sadly, we weren’t able to grab it before Teams went belly up. Perhaps we could try to pick it up again?

    Yeah, they’re a bit of a rarity these days. 🙁

    Snowy was the underrated star of the series! I do love his commentary on the events in the stories. 🙂

    Over the years, three of my copies got misplaced. Hopefully they turn up at my dad’s place as I haven’t read those in a while. They also did a TV series based on the books. I only saw a few episodes and that was when I was a kid but I enjoyed them at the time. No idea how well they held up but I can see if one of the streaming services has them available.

    🙁 We have a similar issue out west. Many lakes and rivers are starting to dry up. Utah is turning into a salt flat, too 🙁

    in reply to: Films & TV Shows #1177

    It’s a wonderful film!

    I think part of the issue is that it’s a bit hard to get creative with war films these days. Granted, they can still be good (Das Boot comes to mind) but I think the general public has grown weary of the genre as of late, especially with all the global conflicts in the last decade. Speaking of Das Boot, I really need to watch it in full one day.

    Body Double looks interesting, will definitely add it to the list. I’ve heard of some of his other films (and even seen a couple) but Body Double isn’t that appeared on the radar. 🙂

    Yay! On an unrelated note, we need another world’s fair. The image reminds me of the towers from the one in New York, which brought it to mind 😛

    Been watching Dragon Ball Z Kai to pick up where I left off from the regular version of DBZ back in 2010. Probably should have stuck with the original. Kai streamlined the series by cutting out a lot of so called filler but I liked the filler! Many of the episodes they removed were character building episodes that didn’t have much bearing on the overall plot but gave you a better look at the characters’ personalities. 🙁

    in reply to: Baldur’s Gate #1176
    On Laurie Stearn said

    Probably not, for no other good reason than the other squillion games waiting on the to-do pile. 😛
    Yeah, seems that way looking at this post at GOG, but things have changed somewhat since then. Reading from the general consensus from this thread at Reddit, if you were to acquire the game now, get the EE. In purchasing the game around 2007, the choice was not available, as Beamdog was not even embryonic. 😛

    Sounds good. I think the EE versions also added support for higher resolutions, which is always nice in these types of games to better see the playing area. 🙂

    On Laurie Stearn said

    Edited the OP, turns out the vanilla Override folder in the New directory was pointed to, and the extra files in the original Override folder caused the resolution exception. Must have contained some widescreen mod files that somehow got misconfigured or mangled – who knows? Edit: The extra files are viewable here, and all date from around 2001, so must be have been from a re-issue of part of another earlier official patch most likely 1.3.5521.
    The nasty error occurred after the physical removal of the “baldur’s gate New”, upon which the initial reaction was: 😲

    Possibly! I know widescreen hacks can sometimes cause issues. In Rollercoaster Tycoon, you need to manually add in the extra resolutions with a hex editor. The game engine itself can handle them but the resolutions are hardcoded into the executable. Not exactly an elegant solution but it works 😛

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