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  • in reply to: Spoilers #1357

    Still looking into adding the note but I’ve confirmed that the spoiler works on mobile by tapping the hidden text. Also, it looks like a plugin is required to add options to the editor for some reason. Will look into that! Surprised it’s not part of WordPress as it’s kind of a basic feature

    in reply to: Comings, Goings, Doings #1356

    I ask the smart speaker for weather reports all the time. Saves me a lot of time! When I started typing “saves”, spell check wanted it to be, “Dave’s not here”. I never entered that before now! Spell check has a weird sense of humor 😛

    Sounds good 🙂

    We have an option for unlimited data over here for a nominal charge (I’ve never come close to needing it). Could it be buried by your ISP somewhere? Our providers often hide those types of options deep down to make them hard to find. For instance, they bury the knowledge that you can bring your own modem deep in the support section so asking Google for it is the easiest way to find it

    in reply to: Cleantalk URL Login Interference #1355

    Sorry, the flood protection for logging in made it a bit difficult to test (once we figure out the source, we may want to see if we can whitelist the admin IPs so that we don’t have to make sculptures from our hair).

    Works fine over here. The message shows in the bottom right as expected while the login prompt is in the center. Tested it on the phone and desktop. Could it be your resolution?

    in reply to: Spoilers #1354

    Will need to play with it some to see if I can get the note added. It’s not letting me change the background color in the ::after style block but that may be due to something else. Not sure if it’s something I can fix or not but I’ll try!

    No idea how to add it to the menu but I’ll do some reading on it. We may need a plugin for customization like that, though.

    in reply to: Random #1353

    Almost twelve! But she doesn’t act like it! Sounds good! 🙂

    Sorry! Meant the main database. The battery drain has always made it hard to look up information on the go. Haven’t played Master Duel yet but I’ve been meaning to. Have you played a card game like this before? I like them. I find that they give more variety than a game using playing cards 🙂

    Really have no idea. It’s been hanging out in my Kobo recommendations for about a year now and, at first, it sounded like a young adult series so I passed on it. A few weeks ago (the books are long), I finally decided to give it a go and it was very different from what I thought it’d be. Haven’t read the interludes yet as I didn’t know about them. Kobo doesn’t usually include the offshoots in the series so it takes you from the main book to the next main one instead of breaking it up with the side stories. May read them after I’m done with the third book 🙂

    in reply to: Spoilers #1350

    Just implemented a basic spoiler tag!

    <span class="stearnvault-spoiler">This is a spoiler</span>

    This is a spoiler

    Hover over the black box with the cursor to reveal it. Will that work?

    in reply to: Baldur’s Gate #1341

    Yeah, adjusting the camera angle is an important feature. It really helps to see things that are blocked by other objects, even with the ghost outlines that a lot of games like to use.

    Seen that with quite a few older games. Was pretty annoying when playing on newer versions of Windows as the notification feature would often trigger the weirdness, requiring either a restart of the game of alt-tabbing to bring back the focus lock. The method varied from game to game. It may have had to do with some focus lock features missing back then in Windows as it was so prevalent.

    in reply to: Films & TV Shows #1340

    Coraline was fun. 🙂

    Saw Sleepaway Camp II yesterday and it was a blast! Going to watch the third film next!

    in reply to: Random #1338

    On a whim, I started reading a series called the Locked Tomb. Not sure why but it’s really good. It’s a bizarre mixture of mystery, science fiction, romance, horror, and fantasy. The first book is mostly a murder mystery but the second piles on the psychological horror. A lot of the humor in it comes from the wise-cracking protagonist. It’s definitely not for everyone due to it’s sometimes gruesome topic (think necromancers in space fighting remnants of Earth, the latter of which are using conventional weapons while the former use magic). It also looks at the age old question: what happens when you take a gun far into the futures where warfare has evolved past ballistic weapons?

    in reply to: Software: On & Off the Web #1337

    Got a tip. The web cache on Android has always tended to bog down the phone as, being a smartphone, it’s intimately connected to the browser. What I like to do is use private browsing for all web use where possible so that the cache is cleared automatically when I’m done, keeping it from building up and requiring manual intervention. This tip probably applies to other smartphone platforms as well but I have no way of testing them at this time.

    in reply to: Spoilers #1335

    I had an idea on how to hack something together via CSS. I could set up a style for a custom class for the default to be black text on a black background and then use the hover pseudo-class to change the font to normal and remove the background color. On the user side, you’d need to wrap the stuff you want to denote as a spoiler in a span tag and add the class to the class attribute

    Wouldn’t be as nice as the collapsible box we’re used to but should do in a pinch

    in reply to: Security Issues with Cleantalk #1333

    Sounds good 🙂

    in reply to: All Things Site and Organizational #1332

    Sounds good. 🙂

    Good site! Will need to browse it when I get the opportunity. Never even heard of it before 😛

    in reply to: Email: al********@st*********.com #1331

    I think they enjoy making things complicated for people. 😛

    Hopefully it can get sorted out!

    in reply to: Films & TV Shows #1330

    Yep, that’s the one!

    Went to watch it yesterday but, sadly, it’s behind a paywall. I had seen an article saying it’d be free for the season so I’ll check the information again. It’s possible I tried to watch it too early. I miss it being on OTA. 🙁

    We watched Rain Man in my psych class and would pause it every so often to go over the events in the film. It worked pretty well! 🙂

    Christopher Plummer’s usually pretty good, especially his older stuff. Will check it out!

    Yep, saw it earlier this year! You didn’t miss a whole lot. 😛 Gorgeous scenery beset by a dull and senseless plot without any sort of information to help immerse you in the film. No real background or anything. If they had added on ten more minutes of set up, it would have been quite fun!

    Saw the Friday the 13th reboot yesterday and it wasn’t anything to write home about. Not only did they shoehorn a missing persons plot in it which distracted from the basic premise of the series, they also changed Jason’s nature and relied a lot more on sex than the previous films.

    I need to check out some of the horror-specific streaming services at some point. There may be one that catches the eye 🙂

    Also rewatched the Nightmare Before Christmas the other day. That one’s always fun! May watch Coraline again soon 🙂

    in reply to: The Long Hall of Hilarity #1324

    Why did the bees ask the bears to bee-leaving? They weren’t bee-lieving!

    in reply to: Software: On & Off the Web #1323

    Last time I tried it, it spit out an error on starting up. Granted, that was the previous system where Windows has gotten messed up for various reasons after trying out the preview updates. Now that I have a working system, I really should give it another go. I’m sure things will work a whole lot better.

    I also have The 7th Guest sitting around. I have no idea at all where it came from. I found it in my dad’s office several years ago and he has no recollection either. Wasn’t something I ever got and I had never seen it before and he doesn’t play games other than solitaire and mahjong. It’s a complete mystery!

    I’m generally okay with that as I do sometimes play the full game if I like the trial period. Of course, a lot of times it’s too limited so you don’t get a good feel for things. I’d rather have something like a thirty day trial of the full game than an unlimited trial with limited features. Would be much better that way to see if I like it enough to pony up the money. These days, I think it’s mostly that I have trouble connecting with folks in the games but I’m not sure. I may just have to keep looking until I find the right one.

    Yep! Also works for Chrome 🙂

    in reply to: Random #1322

    My phone doesn’t like the Yu-Gi-Oh card database. Whenever I browse it, it really saps the battery. 🙁

    in reply to: Email: al********@st*********.com #1319

    Weird. Sounds like something may be misconfigured but I don’t know enough about email settings. Have you had the chance to ask them yet?

    in reply to: Random #1317

    Could be! My biggest concern is placement. Still doing some reading on it so I’m not yet sure how practical the idea is.


    Bill Nye is a big fan of solar sails! They’ve been doing a lot of work on them lately 🙂

    Could be! Nifty preview feature. Nice to have! 🙂

    Got my dog a couple of cow hooves the other day and she loves them. Put one in the living room and one in the bedroom and she prefers the one in the bedroom for some reason. The other night, she was chewing on it while I was trying to sleep 😛

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