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  • in reply to: Random #2156

    Probably the Libra. I quite like the form factor: it’s roughly the size of a hardback book so it feels quite natural in my hands when I’m reading it. πŸ™‚

    Really, my only complaints are some of the software bugs but they’re more annoyances than deal breakers. πŸ™‚

    Yeah, I’m a big fan of salvias. Here, they can stay around a few years before going belly up due to the climate. They smell wonderful, too

    Awesome! πŸ˜€

    In a similar vein, this is a fun oddity πŸ˜›

    in reply to: Random #2150

    Finally! The next one I get in a few years will be a color model πŸ™‚

    in reply to: All Things Site and Organizational #2149

    Sounds good on the homepage πŸ™‚

    It’s a bit finicky to select in the Edit Site area. It helps if you select “List View” in the top left of that area.

    Looks like it’s already set to mobile. I’ll test it on other devices as it may be something with the JS versions being different.

    Yeah, I’ll see what I can do with fixing the headings.

    I think the video cutting off (and other stuff) is related to the fixed width of the forum view via the styles for BuddyPress supplied by bbPress. It’s on the list to try and hit with a clump of grapes. πŸ™‚

    in reply to: TPP Hosting #2148

    Did the last error exist before the migration?

    Really not sure about the last one. Granted, we have not so fond memories of beating email into shape a few times in the past with a tater tot. They may be soft but they pack a punch!

    in reply to: All Things Site and Organizational #2138

    Fixed the navigation bar so that it’s visible. I set it to the same settings as the breadcrumbs for now but maybe the darker color we use for the border would be better? I set it in the theme properties but I may move it to CSS once we finalize the appearance to make it more portable. I know it looks a bit wonky. Would a solid color be better? I’m terrible with look and feel in general. πŸ˜›

    And don’t forget Friend Face! Team is a useful one but that will be replaced by the proper member page if I can get FSE properly working with bbPress. It’s always handy to know who’s around and how to contact the moderation team πŸ™‚

    We also need to fix up the homepage. For some reason, it’s not showing the comments section and all that. Don’t know when that broke; if it was the result of the upgrade or something previously.

    So keep the link highlighting for now? Can do that. Not sure how to remove it at this stage anyways πŸ˜›

    Really sorry for the delay with the upgrade!


    Does the hamburger button to expand the navigation menu work on mobile on your end? It’s not doing anything here when I tap on it

    Interesting, it only works in the BuddyPress areas. Weird

    in reply to: Films & TV Shows #2132

    Not sure about those stats but Constitution definitely does! πŸ˜›

    Moving on to the Cult Films category πŸ˜€

    Yeah, haven’t seen In the Heat of the Night either but I’ll add it to the list.

    Yep, the Ray Bradbury theater is quite fun! All of those series are fun and let’s not forget Thriller with Boris Karloff!

    Saw this gem yesterday that I’ve been wanting to see for years. Definitely worth it!

    Tarantino films are always fun. Big fan of them!

    in reply to: All Things Site and Organizational #2130

    Theme has been upgraded. Will need to fix some of the BuddyPress styles. While I was working on it, I noticed that BuddyPress changed quite a few from the format of to just so I’ll experiment with that over the coming weeks and see if I can whip it back into shape.

    There are some things that need to be done. We need to fix the nav bar styling (not so easily done as it lacks a selector so we may need to tweak the block settings) and the links at the bottom came with the new theme so we’ll want to mess with the blocks in the editor some. I definitely don’t see us using the Careers links at all in the near future πŸ˜›

    There may be other things that need to migrated, too. I also need to figure out why the elements are being highlighted when we click a link…

    in reply to: Sounds and Music #2129

    Whelp. I asked the smart speaker what was playing and it said, “Noise”. I figured that much out so I’m assuming it was the song name but it usually gives me a band name, too. This is what happens when you leave out the artist! πŸ˜›

    in reply to: Software: On & Off the Web #2125

    How long does the system work when you don’t have access to the main grid?

    We have been working with AHK V1 for quite some time. πŸ˜›

    Will it be very difficult to update the scripts?

    in reply to: VR Controlled Motors #2124

    I believe both boards feature Bluetooth and Wi-Fi while needing separate parts for RF and IR but I could be mistaken.

    Yeah, didn’t even think about SE for some reason. Will keep it in mind for future questions! But the new thread definitely got the responses I was hoping for in the previous one. πŸ™‚

    For reference, here’s the Awesome List that you linked over there:

    Looks like there are a few different AHK OpenCV bindings: πŸ™‚

    in reply to: TPP Hosting #2123

    Sounds good. Hopefully all goes well!

    in reply to: The Long Hall of Hilarity #2122

    I’ve got a hat like that somewhere! πŸ˜€

    And some Python:


    in reply to: Aandroid Tablet Test #2121

    October of 2017 πŸ˜›

    Really need to ween myself off of it one of these days!

    in reply to: Films & TV Shows #2120

    And then you have Bloody Murder, which was unintentionally hilarious due to how bad it was and the mistakes. YouTube search is bad but there’s a scene where a guy is carrying dodgeballs and then gets a stake through the heart. He then proceeds to wander a ways off before dying off when a dodgeball is spontaneously kicked into view. As soon as I saw the dodgeball being kicked by the set crew, I burst out laughing. πŸ˜›

    And that wraps it up for slashers on Tubi! Going to poke around the other categories next! They also have Red Dwarf so that should be fun

    in reply to: Aandroid Tablet Test #2116

    Probably related to the screen size or resolution. This is a phone from 2014 so there’s no telling what it could be. πŸ˜›

    in reply to: Aandroid Tablet Test #2114

    Yeah, it only happens in the group forums. At least it does on my end. May be different depending on resolution and screen size.

    in reply to: VR Controlled Motors #2110

    So the general consensus in the new thread seems to be a Pi for relatively basic stuff or a Nvidia Jetson for more advanced usage. I’ve never really looked at the Pi for this kind of project so I’ll need to investigate both to see which one would be the better fit. We’re also getting a ton of good information regarding motor configuration and specs. As a bonus, it’s helping to reacquaint me with all of the terminology I’ve been isolated from over the years. πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Sounds and Music #2108

    Yep! Just don’t listen to them as much as I used to even though I still enjoy them πŸ™

    And that led me to Sinatra:

    I miss these old songs!

    in reply to: All Things Site and Organizational #2107

    Looks like it’s due to BuddyPress. Tried to fix it but it has something to do with the CSS file loading order. If it’s not fixed in a couple of updates, I’ll slap !important on the copied styles and it should be good to go πŸ™‚

    Sorry, haven’t gotten to it yet. Was planning to do it last week but ugh. Some of our customizations are in the 2023 theme. We’d want to keep it until everything is transferred over and hunky dory. Really wish we had a user-facing theme switcher for more than just testing. That would also let us offer a lighter theme if someone prefers it.

    It looks yuck! So much wasted space! I’ll take another look at it once I’ve had the chance to update the themes. Still catching up! I’ve been unable to fix an issue where the reply form gets cut off on mobile no matter how I tweak the CSS. Are you seeing that at all?

    in reply to: Random #2102

    There are still omnibus editions and trade paperbacks! As well as compilations of limited series like Watchmen. πŸ™‚

    πŸ˜€ Book is only a few USD, probably worth snagging. πŸ™‚ Shame it seems to be out of print, though, even though the website is still being updated.

    Yeah, a lot of businesses have them here and they’re going nuts! I’ve been trying to eradicate elephant ears from my garden with limited success. Tried digging them out and they come back. Tried dowsing them in glyphosate and that knocks them back for a while but then they come back eventually. Going to need to see if there’s something stronger. Mexican petunias are also problematic here. They’re taking over after someone planted them a long time ago. They’re even growing up underneath the siding of the buildings. While I love the appearance of both, they’re really a problem!

Viewing 20 posts – 321 through 340 (of 1,101 total)