Spastic Hamburger

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic SETI in the forum Discussion 3 months ago

    “I’ll explode when I want to explode! Oh look, a space probe! Target practice!” 😀

    It’s a standard Dish Network dish. It’s pretty banged up and looks like a tree had fallen on it so it may not be usable (the shape is all out of whack). Won’t know until I fix a wire to it and plug it into a radio, though. For cooler weather!

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic The TCG Thread in the forum Discussion 3 months ago

    Lorcana seems to be pretty popular. Perhaps it’s worth including it into the first post?

    Thinking about buying a couple of Pokemon starter decks. Never did play the game, just liked the artwork. Would be a slight change but I’m kind of in the mood to try a game that’s a little less intense than Yu-Gi-Oh. Not that I plan to quit playing, just want…[Read more]

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 3 months ago

    Trying to do some research on plasma confinement for some ideas bouncing around the dusty processor and Wikipedia’s article leaves a little to be desired:

    It just links to the different types instead of providing a general overview. The overview would be really helpful so I had a better handle on…[Read more]

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 3 months ago

    Sorry! Looks like that image was removed for whatever reason. Here’s a new one!

    Yeah, the A/C is set to turn on at 80F. The humidity is so bad, though, that it’s still very high outside even at 72F. It’s horrible!

    Great! Yeah, I need to do that with my lamps. As I use them, the screws holding the shafts together and the one holding the shade…[Read more]

  • I have the entire series of Flying Circus on DVD! 😀

    Could also use it to mail a letter! 😛

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic The TCG Thread in the forum Discussion 3 months ago

    The sleeves came in and they work like a charm! They’re a much better fit than the basic standard sized sleeves over a regular Japanese sized sleeve with much less movement. 🙂

  • Added a (very) short blurb on card grading

  • Grandmother’s House was pretty good. It relies mostly on story telling with little violence, language, or sex which made it a nice breath of fresh air. The star attraction? It features Uncle Leo! 😀

  • I’ve updated the first post with a list of card databases for the big three TCGs 🙂

  • On April 21, 2024 at 8:29 pm Bob Marley said Some notes on double sleeving: I’ve been using Japanese size sleeves from Dragon Shield enclosed by Dragon Shield standard size clear matte sleeves but the fit isn’t tight enough so the inner sleeve damages the outer sleeve when it jostles around. Sadly, my LGS doesn’t carry Japanese size outer sleeves…

    [Read more]

  • Mansion of the Doomed wasn’t bad, if a tad repetitive. Eventually, they go into a montage of kidnapping and harvesting but I feel as though they overdid it a tad. Would have been much better if it focused more on the actual transplant research, like The Island of Dr Moreau,than the constant stream of victims.

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic SETI in the forum Discussion 3 months, 1 week ago

    Old, banged up satellite dish acquired. Let the hunt begin!

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 3 months, 1 week ago

    Really dislike Summer. The heat and humidity really make it difficult to sleep and do things during the day. Even at 0500, it’s still close to 80°F outside. 🙁

  • Rewatched Killer Klowns the other day. It pretty much speaks for itself. It’s a blast! 😀

  • In the future, I may skip the firmware upgrades if they’re going to be that much hassle 😛

    You can most likely skip the monitor’s HDR settings. It’s different from the old style HDR, which I’ll call software HDR. The new HDR is monitor based and the programs that take advantage of it are few and far between. Older programs, save from five years…[Read more]

  • Yep, she’s great! 😀

    May have mentioned this before but I’ve always found that I focus better with symphonic metal playing in the background. Back in school, I’d toss my CDs in the computer to help during programming class. Always worked like a charm 🙂

  • Sorry, for some reason I thought you were trying to work with VGA – digital. Not sure how I got that out of there….

    Yeah, used to happen with our cassette player and, less frequently, with the VCR. Had to take a knife and pry them open. Was never a good thing when that happened :/

  • Yep. We were unable to determine what was wrong with Linux so I had to reinstall it. Spent much of yesterday setting things back up (always been a bit slow with configuring software) so we should be able to rock and roll again in a few days 🙂

    Is HDMI 2.1 not backwards compatible with 2.0?

  • Watched Maximum Overdrive and it was so bad that it was hilarious. Too many things to list about it but it opens to people sliding off a bridge (Wheeeee!) and slipping on watermelons like banana peels. Definitely worth watching! 😀

  • Finished up with support a few weeks ago. The only thing left was to restore the Windows bootloader, which went without a hitch. Just didn’t have time to do it before yesterday morning. Now I can go back and finish configuring everything again. 🙂

    No surprise that the motherboard is proprietary. Do wish they’d use more standard parts, though, for…[Read more]

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