Forum Replies Created
Just a bump in case there was something missed, performed a quick pass through the MS Teams c5******************************@th****.skype/1628003381128?tenantId=315811a9-2b1d-4c09-aed8-0b01fe856630&groupId=31e32a3b-d747-4b03-b99b-56805df5b85e&parentMessageId=1628003381128&teamName=Walrus&channelName=Server&createdTime=1628003381128&allowXTenantAccess=false” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener nofollow”>thread before the above writeup, if that helps. 🙂
Why not, it’s a great idea! 🙂
Ah, you mean propel folks in biscuit shaped tubing, or even longboards around a multilevel pinball arena. Possibly one for a reality TV sporting show. We’ll be wanting the specs on the coilgun again, sorry.
Yeah, the pneumatic tubes would want to be transparent, obviously, with some de-pressurization to enhance speed?Thanks, tacked on a little bit more to the OP, the CGI-BIN interface is interesting, it says in the panel it uses PERL version 5.8.1 when we’re only up to 5.38, and also uses a super ancient Python 2.2. Might be best not to worry too much about it at present. 🙂
Edit: The traffic has exceeded 68 GB (of 100 GB), and the lease is up for renewal next February 9. As we’re not yet half way through, might send them a PM as their accounts/plans docs aren’t too revealing. 🙂
Here’s a copy of the latest resource usage:1000010 IP addresses IP addresses 0 unit0 unit0 unitFeb-10-2022 00:45 1000062 Additional database users Additional database users 0 unit6 unit6 unitFeb-10-2022 00:45 1000156 Diskspace Diskspace 328 MB10 GB9.7 GBJul-27-2023 09:10 1000158 Traffic Traffic 68.1 GB100 GB31.9 GBJul-28-2023 21:53 1000163 DNS hosting DNS hosting 0 unitUnlimitedUnlimitedFeb-10-2022 00:45 1000164 DNS management DNS management 0 unitUnlimitedUnlimitedFeb-10-2022 00:45 1000167 Backup management Backup management 1 unit2 unit1 unitJul-28-2023 22:55 1000168 Backup diskspace Backup diskspace 326.4 MB10 GB9.7 GBJul-28-2023 22:56 1000173 Parked domains Parked domains 0 unitUnlimitedUnlimitedNov-14-2022 14:19 1000174 Standard Forwarding Standard Forwarding 0 unitUnlimitedUnlimitedFeb-10-2022 00:45 1000175 Single Page Hosting Single Page Hosting 0 unit0 unit0 unitFeb-10-2022 00:45 1000176 Frame URL forwarding Frame URL forwarding 0 unitUnlimitedUnlimitedFeb-10-2022 00:45 1000180 MySQL database diskspace Databases disk space 37.5 MB100 MB62.5 MBJul-28-2023 08:00 1000182 MySQL databases Shared hosting MySQL databases 2 unit2 unit0 unitDec-19-2022 20:33 1000433 Crontab Manager Shared hosting Cron Management 1 unit1 unit0 unitFeb-10-2022 00:45 1000434 Crontab Manager Crontab Manager 0 unit15 unit15 unitFeb-10-2022 00:45 1000435 Scheduled Applications Manager Scheduled Applications Manager 0 unit15 unit15 unitFeb-10-2022 00:45 1000453 APS – MediaWiki Site Applications 0 unitUnlimitedUnlimitedFeb-10-2022 00:45 1000471 APS – WordPress Site Applications 0 unitUnlimitedUnlimitedFeb-10-2022 00:45 1000756 APS – Joomla Site Applications 0 unitUnlimitedUnlimitedFeb-10-2022 00:45 1000861 APS – Drupal Site Applications 0 unitUnlimitedUnlimitedFeb-10-2022 00:45 1001125 APS – Piwik Site Applications 0 unit0 unit0 unitFeb-10-2022 00:45 1001177 LinuxNG Apache Shared hosting Apache 1 unit1 unit0 unitFeb-10-2022 00:45 1001179 SSH access SSH access 0 unit0 unit0 unitFeb-10-2022 00:45 1001185 MIME Types configuration MIME Types configuration 0 unit1 unit1 unitFeb-10-2022 00:45 1001186 Handlers configuration Handlers configuration 0 unit1 unit1 unitFeb-10-2022 00:45 1001187 Denied IPS configuration Denied IPS configuration 0 unit1 unit1 unitFeb-10-2022 00:45 1001188 HotLink Protection HotLink Protection 0 unit1 unit1 unitFeb-10-2022 00:45 1001189 IP based virtual host IP based virtual host 0 unit0 unit0 unitFeb-10-2022 00:45 1001190 SSL support SSL support 1 unit1 unit0 unitFeb-10-2022 00:45 1001192 SSI support SSI support 1 unit1 unit0 unitFeb-10-2022 00:45 1001193 CGI support CGI support 1 unit1 unit0 unitFeb-10-2022 00:45 1001194 Custom error docs Custom error docs 1 unit1 unit0 unitFeb-10-2022 00:45 1001195 Webalizer Webalizer 0 unit0 unit0 unitFeb-10-2022 00:45 1001196 WAP support WAP support 1 unit1 unit0 unitFeb-10-2022 00:45 1001197 MS FrontPage MS FrontPage 0 unit0 unit0 unitFeb-10-2022 00:45 1001219 Name based virtual host Name based virtual host 1 unit1 unit0 unitFeb-10-2022 00:45 1001221 Apache Web Sites Apache Web Sites 1 unitUnlimitedUnlimitedDec-20-2022 21:36 1001227 LinuxNG ProFTPD Shared hosting ProFTPD 1 unit1 unit0 unitFeb-10-2022 00:45 1001228 FTP on exclusive IP FTP on exclusive IP 0 unit0 unit0 unitFeb-10-2022 00:45 1001229 FTP on shared IP FTP on shared IP 1 unit1 unit0 unitFeb-10-2022 00:45 1001230 Custom FTP Users Custom FTP Users 0 unit5 unit5 unitFeb-10-2022 00:45 1001231 Anonymous access Anonymous access 0 unit0 unit0 unitFeb-10-2022 00:45 1001599 Log Manager Shared hosting logfiles access (downloading) support 1 unitUnlimitedUnlimitedFeb-10-2022 00:45 1001601 APS – phpBB Site Applications 0 unitUnlimitedUnlimitedFeb-10-2022 00:45 1001690 CPU consumption limit CPU consumption limit 0 Second60 Second60 SecondFeb-10-2022 00:45 1001697 Limit of simultaneous requests Limit of simultaneous requests 0 unit50 unit50 unitFeb-10-2022 00:45 1001704 Bandwidth limit Bandwidth limit 0 Kbit/sec80000 Kbit/sec80000 Kbit/secFeb-10-2022 00:45 1001711 Memory consumption limit Memory consumption limit 0 KB1,000 MB1,000 MBFeb-10-2022 00:45 1001718 LVE CPU usage limit (% from one web-server) LVE CPU usage limit (% from one web-server) 0 unit10 unit10 unitFeb-10-2022 00:45 1001725 Maximum number of user processes Maximum number of user processes 0 unit25 unit25 unitFeb-10-2022 00:45 1001732 LVE number of entry processes LVE number of entry processes 0 unit20 unit20 unitFeb-10-2022 00:45 1001739 Web inodes usage soft limit Web inodes usage soft limit 0 unit102400 unit102400 unitFeb-10-2022 00:45 1001746 Web inodes usage hard limit Web inodes usage hard limit 0 unit102400 unit102400 unitFeb-10-2022 00:45 1001753 Web disk space usage soft limit Web disk space usage soft limit 0 KB20 GB20 GBFeb-10-2022 00:45 1001760 Web disk space usage hard limit Web disk space usage hard limit 0 KB20 GB20 GBFeb-10-2022 00:45 1001767 LVE IO limits LVE IO limits 0 Kbit/sec80000 Kbit/sec80000 Kbit/secFeb-10-2022 00:45 1001769 Shared hosting PHP Shared hosting PHP 0 unit0 unit0 unitFeb-10-2022 00:45 1001783 LVE CPU consumption (seconds of 2Ghz processor) LVE CPU consumption (seconds of 2Ghz processor) 105315 unitUnlimitedUnlimitedJul-28-2023 22:48 1001790 LVE faults (processes and memory) LVE faults (processes and memory) 1590 unitUnlimitedUnlimitedJul-18-2023 22:03 1001856 Shared hosting PHP 5.5 (End of life) Shared hosting PHP 0 unit0 unit0 unitFeb-10-2022 00:45 1002183 Shared hosting PHP 4.4 (End of life) Shared hosting PHP 0 unit0 unit0 unitFeb-10-2022 00:45 1002207 Shared hosting PHP 5.6 (End of life) Shared hosting PHP 0 unitUnlimitedUnlimitedFeb-10-2022 00:45 1002298 Shared hosting PHP 7.0 (End of life) Shared hosting PHP 0 unit0 unit0 unitFeb-10-2022 00:45 1002489 Shared hosting PHP 7.2 (End of life) Shared hosting PHP 0 unitUnlimitedUnlimitedFeb-10-2022 00:45 1002492 WebHosting Linux Application Application Service Reference 0 unitUnlimitedUnlimitedFeb-10-2022 00:45 1002493 WebHosting Linux Tenant Application Service 1 unitUnlimitedUnlimitedFeb-10-2022 00:45 1002494 WebHosting Linux Website Application Service 2 unitUnlimitedUnlimitedNov-14-2022 14:19 1002735 Shared hosting PHP 7.3 (End of life) Shared hosting PHP 0 unitUnlimitedUnlimitedFeb-10-2022 00:45 1002740 Shared hosting PHP 7.4 (End of life) Shared hosting PHP 1 unitUnlimitedUnlimitedFeb-10-2022 00:45 - This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by DeVaultSetter.
Blow some of that rain down here please!
The curtains on Nature’s theatre are never drawn, and everyone gets a front seat, (at least in co-op mode.) 😛
Setting aside the usual temptations, how has Eve evolved since the last time you played it?
That’s three times my monthly data allocation (which is at the tipping point again) – CODMW is another behemoth.Taken the bike out for a spin recently – or is the weather still uncooperative?
Very dry over here- there was a shower a few weeks ago with a rainbow out the back!
I’d start off with Fritz, they have a good bunch of tutorials to get started with, and the pages are nicely put together, and things are well explained. The others are great as well, the GEDA is really impressive.
It’s going back to the day of signup to SO (March 2013) when it copied over the Gravatar profile as it were. Cannot recall using Gravatar before then, must have done it through some WP website then.
There’s an AutoHotkey for X11 based on the earliest AHK V1 (2004). It seems Windows has changed so much, it would be a gargantuan effort to make a Linux AHK with the same capabilities of the latest AHK V1 or V2.
Should they be PM’d regarding the issue?Yes, there are only two things she cares about really, biccies and cream, and if she doesn’t get them, we aren’t pals at all!
A minor issue with the images referenced from uploads is that they are always visible to the public, and if linked only from a private forum, they won’t automagically become unavailable. So, when it comes to posting sensitive or revealing images, proceed with caution. 🚦It’s a beauty, although (USD99.99 – USD169.99) is still a bit steep for this sparsely populated wallet, what price for comfort?
From the onboard sound chip right at bootup is cool, from a soundcard even more amazing. In the old days, nothing more than a beep out of the PC speaker, does yours have one of those?
Out of curiosity, have you the 32″ or 49″ monitor?Certainly! Just “zhuzhed up” the old AL lab article a little, without doing too much yet. It would be wonderful if you could try it out on the Linux build for comparison, and of course, the building of your own family tree! 🙂
Are you using one of theirs? They also provide sound samples for Royals/Jades/Brown/Pink so choices are easy to make.
Indeed. Nice one for grub from here:
Burg in Ubuntu is more sedate:
- This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by DeVaultSetter.
Have you tried Virtual Desktop or Oculus Link on Windows yet? Like to know the difference to NMS.
Funny, the noise from the fans always seem loud to begin with, but like tinnitus, it eventually fades to white noise. As long as they don’t develop a nasty squeak, like the Mistral fan used downstairs here in summer. 😛Does the daughter board go in one of the PCI slots?
Two speakers are usually enough unless it’s a large room- sounds as if you are accustomed to the quad setup from the old system, they would be necessary for VR no doubt.Went ahead a moved them to the Media Library. WP makes two smaller sized copies of each image for lower resolutions, so they produce a bit more overhead than expected. Won’t start worrying too much until there be a few hundred of them. 😛
Never heard of Humanoids From the Deep, but the name kind of gets you in. 😛
Ah yes, done in the days when Harvey Weinstein was “young and innocent, so it’s on the fav. list. Rick Wakeman’s music another plus:
Almost to the end of episode 1 of Vagrant Queen, but no, although it’s bright and snappy, there’s that deja vous feeling of been there before, the dialogue perhaps the main culprit. Take me back to early teens, will definitely complete it! 🙂
The critics were right about Fallen, so much could have been done to make it more entertaining; “beloved cult classic” doesn’t quite cut it, thus recommended for a high spot in the “not to watch” list. 😛Lovely, are you running it in 4k (still very much SciFi over here)?
See what you mean, those things are block spacers, there’s a blurb on them here, and another bit in the next section. They seem rather fiddly!Congrats!
Just curious, in the light of this rather old question, how customizable will the dual boot OS choice look after it has been tweaked to state of usability?
Interesting about the fans, if not through the motherboard, are they connected through a port or something else?
Yeah, forgot about the sound, so their motherboard doesn’t have a slot for a soundcard then?The only way to login to Gravatar these days is to have your email “associated” with Something must have changed since the last time I logged into Gravatar, for it was a long time ago, and there is no record (or memory) of any account on the books here. So, logging in the your email address, there is no password prompt, but an email sent from entitled Log in to and containing a jump link to log in, along with the obligatory link timeout warning. Clicking the link, and voila, the user is logged in, with no password verification prompting at all.
But, they must have a password of mine on record, because there exists a reset password link page. Hope of all hopes it will not, as is can be the case, be requiring the old password in order to change it. 😛Cleared out an old, but empty 2022 directory, along with its subdirectories, presumably used by Twenty Twenty-Two from
. Funny thing, the screen shots of the directory in this article show the 2022 directory in a Twenty Twenty-Three configuration. Hope of all hopes nothing has been inadvertently hurt. 😛Apologies, missed the query about the search results. Is the post excerpt block the one to change? There’s a few ideas here.
Yes! Just spotted Jupiter inwp-content/uploads/2023/07
. The giant on post watch serves us well, now here comes a thought bubble: could he do even more while spinning?
Hmmm, apart from the overheads, the novelty would wear off very quickly. 😛 -