DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Sounds and Music in the forum Discussion 8 months, 2 weeks ago
Fly us to the moon, but please don’t leave us there, and all those hard working roadies for Nightwish end up totally Finnished!
Nina Hagen is quite a versatile performer when it comes to styles, for one there’s Flying Saucers:
Some others include AufΒ΄m Bahnhof Zoo, Der Spinner and Alright Tonight, there…[Read more] -
DeVaultSetter replied to the topic The TCG Thread in the forum Discussion 8 months, 2 weeks ago
Had a quick but fruitless trawl for “playable” TCG WP plugins, the most attractive looking one is the octgndev at wordpress.com, but of course we’re at least 12 years late, and things have changed considerably since then. Is there any chance at all with the PokΓ©mon TCG SDK?
As for databases, wpdatatables is sure to do the job, though rather big,…[Read more] -
DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Films & TV Shows in the forum Discussion 8 months, 2 weeks ago
Well, for sci-fi reality, we want REAL flying saucers please! π The Syfy Wire site is updated frequently with what you might say middle of the road content spiced up a little for a target audience of upper middle nerds. π
Yep, for some movies and remakes like that Halloween where you know exactly where things are going to be in 30 minutes,…[Read more]
DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 8 months, 2 weeks ago
If Omega Mart is the future of shopping, Vegas here we come:
Occasionally get themed jars through donations over here, haven’t come across anything quite like the Amazon set yet. And the deadly nightshade jar is first choice for the safe and secure storage of extremely valuable comestibles in deterring…[Read more]
DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Software: On & Off the Web in the forum Discussion 8 months, 2 weeks ago
Yes, the mysterious dostips never had a feedback or announcement mechanism, so we’ll never know what happened on the day. π
Have you ever experienced browser burko withmsftconnecttest.com
? Happened on w11 Chrome with new browser tabs opening in succession to that address. If it was NCSI, how do the browser pages help I wonder?
Ahk’s cert has…[
DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Hardware Relics in the forum Discussion 8 months, 2 weeks ago
There’s … still a few imps dancing round and round, as firing up the old W10 Ob machine got a blank screen, rinse and repeat, couldn’t hear any obvious signs of disk activity. No sign of activity on the TV (primary monitor connected through HDMI.) The repair shop might have used a DVI connection for the monitor, however the dual monitor info was…[Read more]
DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Software: On & Off the Web in the forum Discussion 8 months, 2 weeks ago
Quite a few commercial sites do that now, rather than set the spam in the settings, find and use the unsubscribe link in the spam. Wonder if that’s the same in Woocommerce and the rest?
Dostips have been down a couple of weeks at least, the comments at the end of this page are somewhat off-piste as they actually refer to other downed sites. π -
DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Hardware Relics in the forum Discussion 8 months, 2 weeks ago
The Ob desktop is back from the repairer. He’s pretty good, and looks like he might have identified the issue with the drives configuration referenced by software using certain core libraries, like Oblivion.
Did ask him if I could have solved it with a recovery disk (DVD probably, the old BIOS/UEFI doesn’t handle USB sticks all that well), he said…[Read more] -
DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Computer Setup in the forum Projects 8 months, 2 weeks ago
Yerk, firmware upgrades are such that there is limited support for rollback, good luck if S76 can organize a quick fix. Can you get into Windows without issue?
DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Bubble Jump-Links to Last Reply? in the forum Forum 8 months, 3 weeks ago
You mean the Fix Threaded Replies Jump bug fix? Could work, feel free to try if you like. In the meantime, updated the above link to include this bbPress thread which has it as a core bug/feature. π
DeVaultSetter started the topic Bubble Jump-Links to Last Reply? in the forum Forum 8 months, 3 weeks ago
Bubble jump links always direct to beginning of topic, so enquired. π
DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Veg in the forum Discussion 8 months, 3 weeks ago
Ah, sounds more like belladonna, many forms of colocasia (including antiquorum), alocasia and even unrelated Xanthosoma require steaming to remove the effects of the crystallized calcium oxalate.
The sunflower is still alive, very bowed over now, and the leaves are beginning to pale. Would you recommend harvesting the flowerhead for the pot? -
DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Samsung Tablets in the forum Projects 8 months, 3 weeks ago
Sounds like it’s a known issue. A factory reset helped one, but not another.
Someone suggested:Go into settings > Device care > Performance profile and set the profile to light.
Is that setting on yours, it’s not found here, unfortunately, just auto-optimization under Performance.
On the tablet here there is a Battery section in settings where…[Read more] -
DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Computer Setup in the forum Projects 8 months, 3 weeks ago
Do appreciate the work gone into the Anandtech and 3dMark sites, the functionality is no doubt a bit more clunky if you don’t sign up.
This is planned to be a winter PC, thus a slightly unhinged reliance on cool ambient temperatures at least as far as pre global warming conditions go. π
Have to agree as far as performance goes, here are topcpu’s…[Read more] -
DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Computer Setup in the forum Projects 8 months, 3 weeks ago
Going with pretty basic, the igc has potential for some newer games on a tower with an i7 and possibly faster memory as demonstrated here:
No-one mentioned overheating in the comments there, fortunately this is only an i5, the docs tabulate heat dissipation to make us all feel safe. π
And, news flush,…[
DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Samsung Tablets in the forum Projects 8 months, 3 weeks ago
You mean no updates after the OneUI 6 update? None here either, no doubt there will be a few installed on the A8 after Android 14, might be even lucky enough to get Android 18 when it comes out.
Remember back in the early days of browsing you could hitEsc
to stop images loading, there’s mention of Ublock Origin at the end of this thread – would…[Read more] -
DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Hardware Relics in the forum Discussion 8 months, 3 weeks ago
The Oblivion desktop is kaput after being powered on after some months in storage. The lights and fans turn on, the DVD door works if operated, no BIOS beep or light on keyboard, nothing on screen either.
The old Skyrim PC has turned out even worse, the last windows session on it gone into permanent frost. On reboot there was a service exception…[Read more] -
DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Computer Setup in the forum Projects 8 months, 3 weeks ago
After the above inclusion, this is a sure fire eyeroller. π
The purchase of an HP Elite SFF 600 G9 from here could be correctly construed as being diametrically opposed to any religion not espousing branded products.
The reasons for it go like:-
- Cheap, free delivery, and good support.
- Low power consumption.
- Quiet operation
- On board…
DeVaultSetter started the topic Veg in the forum Discussion 8 months, 4 weeks ago
We’ve already mentioned such beauties as Californian geraniums, Century plant, Mexican petunias and Elephants ears, another favourite from South America is Spanish needle (Bideris Pilosa) which has a tendency to strike root in areas lacking or bereft of ground cover in liberal quantities. Venturing out in a field of these in seed usually ends up…[Read more]
DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Gramps in the forum Projects 9 months ago
Grampsweb is the first port of call, possible on Synology, and possible in hosting, no plugin based WP integration as such. There does happen to be Tangled Web at Github from late ’21.
For now, trying out the Narrated Website, the first blue was selecting the tar.gz in the export options, the backslashes turned borko in the tarball,…[Read more] - Load More