
  • Noticed in that wpbeginner link the first few user comments refer to posting in tabs which have remained “logged in” when logging out has occurred on another tab. Has that happened to you at all?
    Also, just as a general rule of security here, I de-activated wp-phpmyadmin as it has vulnerabilities when not used. Posted for clarification here.

  • I was getting some slowness and resource errors from Apache the other day while I was fixing up BuddyPress. Maybe the this is related?

  • 😀

    May try to add to the adventures in the coming weeks. Hopefully inspiration strikes!

  • Yep! It was incredible! Horrible film but absolutely a blast! 😀

    I wonder if the local shop may have some of these. Will need to ask them!

    Oh, definitely. I do love the laugh tracks and sorely miss them!

    Wish I could get it here 🙁

    I do need to get back to watching series over films. Perhaps in a few weeks I’ll take a break! 😛

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 1 year, 3 months ago

    Got some mushroom solar lights in the garden which all need new batteries, got the batteries, now all that’s required is the time to do them. 😛
    Over here there’s a hub which can double as a lost/found noticeboard. Apart from one item several years ago, there have been sporadic reports of pets (mainly dogs) going missing, and…[Read more]

  • Message (pink/red alert) comes up when submitting a post.
    The text of the submitted post is gone, but is retrieved when hitting the back button, fortunately.
    Here’s a link to a BBPress thread:

    ERROR: Are you sure you wanted to do that?

    The nonce verification is more of an issue WP has with the hosting itself – the…[Read more]

  • Did you end up seeing it? If memory serves, it was forgettable, the comics were much better – and Gerber’s Destroyer Duck was a hoot!
    Yeah, the grindhouse element puts a damper on any schlock comedy. what would make me giggle is the insertion of canned laughter where inappropriate. 😛
    Northwater was brutal, a stark reminder of how challenging life…[Read more]

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Hardware Relics in the forum Discussion 1 year, 3 months ago

    Great tip, thanks, found a short guide here:
    Each power on it either

  • Boots, shows the Windows log0, freeze/lights out on keyboard after 2-3 secs
  • Boots, shows the Windows log0 and “Preparing Automatic Repair”, freeze/lights out on keyboard after 2-3 secs
  • Boots, shows…
  • [Read more]

  • Profile picture of Spastic Hamburger

    Yeah, it sounds like it may be time to put it out to the pasture. Do you happen to have a Linux live CD lying around to see if that works? If so, that may help narrow down the problem even further

  • Profile picture of Spastic Hamburger

    Spastic Hamburger started the topic SETI in the forum Discussion 1 year, 3 months ago

    SETI, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence. It has a distinct difference from the general search of extraterrestrial life in that it focuses on intelligent life forms as opposed to, say, microbes. Assuming the Universe has an infinite size with an infinite number of bodies, there is a high possibility that intelligent life exists beyond…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Spastic Hamburger

    Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 1 year, 3 months ago

    A few months back, someone dropped a pair of glasses so we’ve been keeping them on a fire hydrant where they can be seen. They’re still there so, yesterday, I decided to grab some moss and give the hydrant a beard to go with the “eyes” 😛

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