
  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic ERR_CACHE_MISS in the forum Forum 1 year ago

    Another thing to try would be to see if it exists in another WebKit/Blink-based browser. Since I don’t get it in Chrome, it could very well be an uncaught exception or some other bug in Edge

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic ERR_CACHE_MISS in the forum Forum 1 year ago

    Thanks. It happened at least once going back some time ago now. Not easy to pin down, so a different browser is a good idea. πŸ™‚

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Baldur's Gate in the forum Discussion 1 year ago

    Reported the diffed files as follows, the mage.chr is also different, so could have installed a character mod back then.
    Compare I:gamesBaldur’s GateOverride with I:gamesbaldur’s gate NewOverride
    10/09/2023 9:44:05 PM

    Comparison result
    Left Date
    Right Date


    Left only: I:gamesBaldur’s GateOverride
    *…[Read more]

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic ERR_CACHE_MISS in the forum Forum 1 year ago

    Have you tried Firefox? It uses a different rendering engine than Safari/Edge/Chrome etc so it may help isolate the problem. I haven’t had the issues myself with Chrome but it could be something related to how other software is interacting with the browser

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic ERR_CACHE_MISS in the forum Forum 1 year ago

    Another odd related issue, an incredible disappearing tab.
    A notable side-effect is the exception is not posted to any subcategory of Windows Events Logs, and the tab URL will not not show up in browser History. Used ChromeCacheView to search for any unposted text in the forum page, nothing.

  • DeVaultSetter started the topic Baldur's Gate in the forum Discussion 1 year ago

    Had a beautifully working version of BG1 installed on a 500GB drive in the old kaput W7/W8 machine before said 500GB drive was transferred to this rig, (and still spins around very well).
    Unfortunately, the drive names had changed in the original move, and no fiddling of the ini files changed it. Another side effect of continuing on in a game…[Read more]

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 1 year ago

    I remember getting a card for free game time, I think it was for three months, with a computer of mine twenty years ago for the second game. Never used it for some reason, even though I did try WoW (wasn’t my cup of tea: too much grinding). I’m really surprised that they’re both still online. They definitely don’t do a whole lot of advertising so…[Read more]

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 1 year ago

    Heh, not unless you’re a super villain, in which case concerns regarding peace, order, and harmony in the community can be left at the door, assuming of course such an item will remain in one piece after your episode of rampant destruction. πŸ˜›
    OMG, so many expansions to play- so tread carefully, for fear of falling into the evercrack!
    Was never…[Read more]

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Films & TV Shows in the forum Discussion 1 year ago

    On the list, (so long as Ming matches up with the character portrayed in the comic strip. πŸ˜› )
    Six Minutes to Midnight worked as a thriller – 6 or 7 out of 10 perhaps, the critics were obviously put off by extrapolation of the real life events. If they expected more from the film, what?
    Funny how Body Double initially flopped. Here’s the…[Read more]

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic PrgLnch in the forum Projects 1 year ago

    There are confirmed issues of issues with adding and launching shortcuts in Windows 11… Stay tuned!

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Films & TV Shows in the forum Discussion 1 year ago

    I really should watch Flash Gordon again. It’s a lot of fun!

  • DeVaultSetter started the topic PrgLnch in the forum Projects 1 year ago


    What does it do?

    Β Β Hide contents

    Recommended for older games (or programs) having limited in-game resolutions,

    or those games or utilities best run in Batch on multi monitor configurations.

    For those with rapidly devolving vowels, this program endeavours to bring

    a special consonance between the Prg of execution and the operating h…[Read more]

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Hardware Relics in the forum Discussion 1 year ago

    Three of them and what I did was use the daisy-chaining feature of DisplayPort to clean up the mess of cables. Nice and tidy! πŸ™‚

    Yep, that’s the one!

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Hardware Relics in the forum Discussion 1 year ago

    Okay, so you did have four monitors hooked up to the old desktop rig, do they all have dvi/hdmi/displayport connectors?
    Sounds like the new monitor is the one and same in use, right? (Still very much in antique DVI land here, and HDMI still for the televisions. πŸ˜› )

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 1 year ago

    Huh, looks like EverQuest is still online. Don’t know why I thought of it last night as I never did play it

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Hardware Relics in the forum Discussion 1 year ago

    Weird. I can understand keyboards doing that if they’re a membrane but a mouse shouldn’t be affected unless it’s got a pad under the button!

    Yep. I get the lights overhead flickering if I also run the microwave! πŸ˜›

    One laptop has W10 and cannot be upgraded to 11 for being too old while the other one is currently on W11. I haven’t had the chance…[Read more]

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Gramps in the forum Projects 1 year ago

    The biggest change to Gramps on *nix has to do with the paths. For user files, you’ll find them in ~/.gramps. Additionally, you can change the database type in settings (don’t know if it’s the same in Windows).

    Everything else, as near as I can tell, should be the same as on Windows other than a few UI differences to account for differences in…[Read more]

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 1 year ago

    There we go! Always found it useful!

    Cool! Never tried a horror game before but it does look like a good concept. I do have some horror games I got for free, I really should give them a whirl!

    It’s never a good idea to live in a town with superheroes. The insurance premiums, disruption, and constant property damage would not be fun at all,…[Read more]

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Hardware Relics in the forum Discussion 1 year ago

    Oh, well while the weather is warming up for spring, the pebble button is wanting the firm touch again. Must be the contacts literally shrinking from the very idea of coping without all that nice permafrost around! πŸ˜›
    And yes, definitely not running the Vax or any other heavy equipment (jackhammers, compressors, generators) near this rig whenever…[Read more]

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Hardware Relics in the forum Discussion 1 year ago

    Things working any better?

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