
  • Is this too much of a a pie in the sky dream?
    It’s for BBPress to detect if, when posting, the current reply will hit the current forum post per page limit. That is, when posting the reply, it becomes the top post in a new page of the topic. The most practical method is for BBPress to automatically insert a quote of the previous post, in the…[Read more]

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Spoilers in the forum Forum 11 months, 1 week ago

    Still looking into adding the note but I’ve confirmed that the spoiler works on mobile by tapping the hidden text. Also, it looks like a plugin is required to add options to the editor for some reason. Will look into that! Surprised it’s not part of WordPress as it’s kind of a basic feature

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Spoilers in the forum Forum 11 months, 2 weeks ago

    Will need to play with it some to see if I can get the note added. It’s not letting me change the background color in the ::after style block but that may be due to something else. Not sure if it’s something I can fix or not but I’ll try!

    No idea how to add it to the menu but I’ll do some reading on it. We may need a plugin for customization like…[Read more]

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 11 months, 2 weeks ago

    Almost twelve! But she doesn’t act like it! Sounds good! 🙂

    Sorry! Meant the main database. The battery drain has always made it hard to look up information on the go. Haven’t played Master Duel yet but I’ve been meaning to. Have you played a card game like this before? I like them. I find that they give more variety than a game using playing…[Read more]

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Spoilers in the forum Forum 11 months, 2 weeks ago

    Pretty good, thanks!
    Along with the black box you could have the text “hover to reveal” or similar – depends how long the text is of course. Any chance it could it be placed on the menu?

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Spoilers in the forum Forum 11 months, 2 weeks ago

    Just implemented a basic spoiler tag!

    <span class="stearnvault-spoiler">This is a spoiler</span>

    This is a spoiler

  • Something that old to be still behind a paywall? Does it come through on IA?
    As a matter of interest, they screened the original Friday the 13th last night. The first 45 minutes came across as a thin, run of the mill chain of events, turned out to be the right formula for the bunch of shocks that ensued. 🙂

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Spoilers in the forum Forum 11 months, 2 weeks ago

    There’s quite a bit going with it, because obviously there has to be a button that triggers the event.
    Here’s a recent thread where Milan has commented. There is still this fork of an early Tom Braider iteration, very old and now read-only. Tom Braider had the following code for WP 4.5:
    ‘ <?php
    Plugin Name: Tiny Spoiler
    Plugin URI:…[Read more]

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 11 months, 2 weeks ago

    How old is the dog btw? Probably enough years between us to get a pet thread up in any case. 🙂
    Tried going into the app settings for Yu-Gi-Oh – could be something stuck in the content cache or something. Also other problems revealed here. 😛
    Cool! What got you onto that – reviews are very positive, and Deviant has a page as well.

  • Did play The 7th Guest once, found it to be well presented and very playable, do remember consulting a hint sheet towards the culmination of the mystery. It’s still playable, of course, if the rig has no CD drive, try an emulator for the Wayback version, or even the special ed on offer over there.
    Do you use Chrome on there or the inbuilt browser.…[Read more]

  • Yeah, adjusting the camera angle is an important feature. It really helps to see things that are blocked by other objects, even with the ghost outlines that a lot of games like to use.

    Seen that with quite a few older games. Was pretty annoying when playing on newer versions of Windows as the notification feature would often trigger the…[Read more]

  • Coraline was fun. 🙂

    Saw Sleepaway Camp II yesterday and it was a blast! Going to watch the third film next!

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 11 months, 2 weeks ago

    On a whim, I started reading a series called the Locked Tomb. Not sure why but it’s really good. It’s a bizarre mixture of mystery, science fiction, romance, horror, and fantasy. The first book is mostly a murder mystery but the second piles on the psychological horror. A lot of the humor in it comes from the side cracking protagonist. It’s…[Read more]

  • Got a tip. The web cache on Android has always tended to bog down the phone as, being a smartphone, it’s intimately connected to the browser. What I like to do is use private browsing for all web use where possible so that the cache is cleared automatically when I’m done, keeping it from building up and requiring manual intervention. This tip…[Read more]

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Spoilers in the forum Forum 11 months, 2 weeks ago

    I had an idea on how to hack something together via CSS. I could set up a style for a custom class for the default to be black text on a black background and then use the hover pseudo-class to change the font to normal and remove the background color. Wouldn’t be as nice as the collapsible box we’re used to but should do in a pinch

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Baldur's Gate in the forum Discussion 11 months, 2 weeks ago

    Yeah, there’s still issues with EE even after all this time, a major improvement would be to adjust the angle of view in the interaction area. By how much, and too how much it would or should impact gameplay and quest progression is more a question for a dedicated patch team than some random modder. For no other reason than a complete…[Read more]

  • Yep, that’s the one!

    Went to watch it yesterday but, sadly, it’s behind a paywall. I had seen an article saying it’d be free for the season so I’ll check the information again. It’s possible I tried to watch it too early. I miss it being on OTA. 🙁

    We watched Rain Man in my psych class and would pause it every so often to go over the events in…[Read more]

  • If it is this one with Charlie Brown, the music hits the right spot. 🙂
    Anything with Dustin Hoffman is worth a gander, and Rain Man is a super bonus in the event the Vegas itch ever gets the better of us and our card counting mates!
    Streaming all the series of Departure, it’s great if you like quick plot development, crash porn, and well dressed…[Read more]

  • This one isn’t Charlie Brown related, but it’s nice. 🙂

  • (Do you mind if I leave that one bee-hind?)
    What did the fish say when it ran into a wall? Dam!

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