
  • And then you have Bloody Murder, which was unintentionally hilarious due to how bad it was and the mistakes. YouTube search is bad but there’s a scene where a guy is carrying dodgeballs and then gets a stake through the heart. He then proceeds to wander a ways off before dying off when a dodgeball is spontaneously kicked into view. As soon as I…[Read more]

  • Paddy was asked why he was going the wrong way up a one way street:
    What’s wrong with it, I’m going one way aren’t I?”
    How about this for a Law & Order Opening:

    Now we know all about tiny houses, escrow, and bumber…[Read more]

  • Yep! Just don’t listen to them as much as I used to even though I still enjoy them πŸ™

    And that led me to Sinatra:

    I miss these old songs!

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 10 months, 1 week ago

    πŸ˜€ Book is only a few USD, probably worth snagging. πŸ™‚ Shame it seems to be out of print, though, even though the website is still being updated.

    Yeah, a lot of businesses have them here and they’re going nuts! I’ve been trying to eradicate elephant ears from my garden with limited success. Tried digging them out and they come back. Tried dowsing…[Read more]

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 10 months, 2 weeks ago

    Back in the day they would release “Collector’s item” comic editions, usually compilations, best of’s, or reprints of #1s or notable artist or event editions. Believe it or not, there’s even an article about that, doesn’t mention value or prices, unsurprisingly. πŸ˜›
    πŸ™‚ If for some reason we become unsatisfied with the veracity of content on the…[Read more]

  • Is the new one still using Roku or are they switching to a different backend?

    Awesome! I like anologue clocks myself. Partly because I like the ticking!

    Yep, tweezers of all sizes are indispensable! Splinters (never fun), repairs, and more! You may be able to find a kit with several sizes. πŸ™‚

  • Not exactly. After Maxx “C” is activated, whenever the other player summons a monster then the player who activated Maxx “C” draws a card. So: Summon -> Other Draws -> Summon -> Other draws rinse and repeat. If they draw Sales Ban, then you’re essentially out of luck with drawing during their turn as they’ll likely have other cards that’ll lock…[Read more]

  • Does that mean that by the time a Maxx “C” is drawn, and the opponent has already summoned 6 monsters, you get to draw 6 cards while he draws none? Surely the nomination of the Maxx “C” card on the play of the “Sales Ban” should be illegal if you have already used it?
    Get ads on FTA and elsewhere for “Scarlet and Violet” TCGs like this one. Not…[Read more]

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 10 months, 2 weeks ago

    Yeah, grading a weird area. A lot of collectors like it but I personally don’t see the draw. It’s not like you’ll be able to open the comic up after it’s been sealed! I want to read it! πŸ˜›

    I’d do it for something that I find special, though. Maybe for a certain issue that speaks to me or was a friendship gift or the like. πŸ™‚

    There’s also…[Read more]

  • Master Duel is mostly based on the OCG rulings and ban list but has since evolved to include bits of the TCG ones and even its own so a lot of people consider it its own format now. I will say that when they banned Maxx “C” for a few days, the game was a lot more fun. It’s a really broken card. Essentially, it lets you draw a card whenever your…[Read more]

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Gramps in the forum Projects 10 months, 2 weeks ago

    Yeah, it’ll be a big job for sure. I suppose I could start by checking public record and going from there. Have to start somewhere!

    Are you clicking the icon in the window border that also gives you the drop down options for Minimize or maximize or the File menu? It’s usually in the former if available πŸ™‚

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Gramps in the forum Projects 10 months, 2 weeks ago

    Suggest you get a start on it, by the sheer size it’ll be yonks before lineage, roots, and bloodlines resolve from the blur. πŸ˜›

    Thanks, it’s Windows Terminal 1.19 they use in Gramps, surprisingly no copy as such in the TL menu, but an export text function which could be handy. In Settings>Actions you can redefine the keys as well. In the…[Read more]

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Gramps in the forum Projects 10 months, 2 weeks ago

    Cool! At the cemetery that a lot of family uses, some of the graves for the oldest relations are so old (by Florida standards, at least) that it’s very hard to identify them, especially with them being around the time the Civil War was heating up. The records from that period are pretty poor so we’ve only got a general idea of who they belong to.…[Read more]

  • Lovely, could work in a terrarium too. πŸ™‚
    Fetch box is on the way, so once activated, there’s no going back to the TTV. The service operator said they were fine, any temerity for riposting “fine, for landfill?” was in short supply. πŸ˜›
    Digital clocks are passΓ©, and so are the keys that wind them, and if anything gets lost in clockland, the keys go…[Read more]

  • Wow, made more more than 20 years ago, and those skeletons are sure to be still dancing!
    A cracking recent rendition of an old song. πŸ™‚

  • It’s nothing special, just a long rectangle about four inches wide and two feet long and an inch high. Think it was scrap from something. Not sure what! I’m using it as a pedestal for my miniature rock garden πŸ˜›

    Hopefully the new one isn’t as finicky! Still enjoying my Roku Ultra. Absolutely no problems with it and it’s a lot more responsive than…[Read more]

  • Lucky you! If undamaged, might be worth something, especially to those who reported it missing from their art deco dungeon floor traps collection yonks ago. πŸ˜›
    The Telstra TV3 Roki box, for all its shortcomings, has now found itself in perfect condition with a friendly, table interface, and 100% proven reliability of service. The good times will…[Read more]

  • Great! Weird issue with the old SIM but at least the new one is up and running πŸ™‚

    Not sure on game compatibility with physical keyboards as I haven’t played a mobile game in, oh, twelve years? Something like that, anyways!

    Yeah, I dislike onscreen keyboards too. Granted, I haven’t picked up a physical one but I probably will one day.

    I took a…[Read more]

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic SETI in the forum Discussion 10 months, 3 weeks ago

    Haven’t had a chance to read it yet but had an interesting article come in related to what we were discussing:

  • The categorization of comedy is funny in many of these type of movies, funny in that

    • It was either too tragic or not tragic enough not to be tragic, so it had to be comedy.
    • As attempts by the movie-makers of light heartedness or jollity in each dramatic event of the movie failed to fire, a critique of the resulting concatenation of the…

    [Read more]

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