
  • πŸ˜€ Draw the FuddGates! That man has to be held culpable for Fudding the landscape with wascally wabbits!

    Could have been a directorial ploy to grab the attention of certain patrons known to fall asleep in those dark, dank, smoky cinemas of yesteryear, because they have each borne witness to predictable plots and lifeless acting all before. Either…[Read more]

  • No bunny park!? But we need the Killer Wabbit!

    Or Fudd:


    Will look out for those!

    You’ll probably want to skip The Majorettes. Funnily enough, the critical response section echoes my sentiments exactly. About an hour into the film, it makes a detour with a brand new plot in the same film and…[Read more]

  • Sounds good πŸ™‚

    It was the demo, actually. Haven’t played the sequels or remake yet but they’ve been on my wish-list forever, along with a host of other games…. πŸ˜›

    Never played a Larry game but I’ve heard they’re a hoot!

    Still enchanted by Japanese music:

    The style is completely different from that…[Read more]

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Films & TV Shows in the forum Discussion 7 months ago

    Funnily enough, the movie was originally entitled Rabbits.
    You know, there is no google Rabbit World amusement park, there is RabbidsLand and a game though, and watch for those Wabbits – this should have been the main theme for the film:

    If you ever wish to entertain any empathy for real estate…[Read more]

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Sounds and Music in the forum Discussion 7 months ago

    Sorry, post edited. πŸ™‚
    Not much has happened since – well you know – the first hit in this Google Search explains it. πŸ˜›
    Updated the forum’s General Info & Feedback
    Yay, a Sierra game, too, my first “true” gaming experience in Windows was strutting the length and breadth of Leisure Suit Larry World. πŸ˜›
    Was it the remake you played? if you didn’t…[Read more]

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Sounds and Music in the forum Discussion 7 months ago

    Lovely! Last one is region locked, though πŸ™

    While we’re on the subject, found this way down in the sidebar and it’s a blast from the past!

    I seriously need to play Homeworld again πŸ™‚

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Films & TV Shows in the forum Discussion 7 months ago

    Saw a few episodes of Avatar but it’s been close to fifteen years since. Not sure I have access now but worth checking. I did enjoy the few episodes I saw πŸ™‚

    Yep, Mars Attacks was a fun one even if the human side of things left a little to be desired. πŸ˜›

    We come in peace! We mean you no harm! *pew pew* πŸ˜€

    Alright, got Night of the Lepus in the…[Read more]

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 7 months ago

    Another gotcha is is folding bikes were more popular, their parts would be cheaper to make and distribute. Do like the quick release system on bikes, it’s funny that idea was never successfully extended to heavier machinery e.g. wheels on cars. A quick release 20 ton backhoe. πŸ˜›
    They can work for battery terminals.
    Perhaps we are in a silly…[Read more]

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Sounds and Music in the forum Discussion 7 months ago

    Space Age Bachelor Pad music as it was known, or something. For many, Esquivel is an acquired taste, as with many morsels from Zappa, some will refuse to budge on their way through the digestive tract.

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 7 months ago

    They still did when I last took the train to visit my aunt in another state fifteen years ago. Of course, that was an overnighter so luggage compartments were expected. They were on the outside, though, on each carriage and only gave you enough room under the seat for a duffel. Would have liked an actual compartment inside so I wouldn’t need to…[Read more]

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Films & TV Shows in the forum Discussion 7 months ago

    Roadhouse had one good quote based on an old theme,- it was the occasion when Red West was asked a seemingly rhetorical question, he replied: Does a hobby horse have a wooden dick?.
    Saw the first episode of Avatar: The Last Airbender, it’s very good, though given the glowing reviews, did expect a little more in the graphics detail. The stories…[Read more]

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Legend of Zelda in the forum Discussion 7 months ago

    The Lightning Temple was a lot of fun. It had this whole Egyptian pyramid motif with traps and such and even included some Indiana Jones references. It had you running away from a boulder down a tunnel and instead of the snake chamber it had a gibdos chamber πŸ˜€

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Samsung Tablets in the forum Projects 7 months ago


    Wish we had SD card slots still but they no longer ship that configuration to the American market. It makes me sad. They were very useful for handling things like photos taken on the go and other things. πŸ™

    Yeah, I’d feel nervous about performing that type of surgery too. Don’t want to mess things up!


  • We have that feature! Shift + Esc brings up a detailed Task Manager with all kinds of statistics! You can right click on the header for even more information. Pretty useful at times πŸ™‚

    Yeah, embedding takes up quite a few resources on the client side. The music thread is using 125MB! Outside of limiting how much stuff to post, the best solution…[Read more]

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Cooking in the forum Discussion 7 months ago

    Been too cold for the chickens to produce eggs so I haven’t had the chance to test it again yet. Hopefully it was a one off but we shall find out!

    Hmm, may need to try stir-frying bitter melon and see how that goes. Could be an interesting experiment!


    Bananas are good!

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Films & TV Shows in the forum Discussion 7 months ago

    And don’t forget Carolyn Jones!

    Haven’t seen Space Cowboys before but Tommy Lee Jones is usually good at least for a viewing even if his acting doesn’t exactly hold up well for subsequent viewings. Though, Men in Black was an exception!

    The Initiation was fun, made more so by the fact that I kept thinking of Princess Vespa in Spaceballs the whole time πŸ˜›

  • They also rather sparingly used the Ken Burns effect on a shot of a car with thugs all shot up towards the finale of Unleashed. πŸ˜›

    Chrome tabs have memory usage now, there’s an explanation here. Get a feeling we’re moving towards the milestone of a dedicated Chrome memory stats summary page, as distinct from F12 memory which has specific memory…[Read more]

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Cooking in the forum Discussion 7 months ago

    Haven’t seen bitter melon down here, could get it to grow against the wall of the house on a trellis, being an annual vine it will require a fair complement of water and nutrient to get it fruiting though. πŸ™‚
    Have the parts for the mixer come through yet? It can be heartbreaking to discard an old and trusty friend just because it’s gone in the…[Read more]

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Films & TV Shows in the forum Discussion 7 months ago

    Neville Brand has certainly played many a villain, and Robert Englund, who can forget him? Got eyes on Sanitarium if and when the movie gets here. πŸ™‚
    Space Cowboys has not improved over time since the first viewing, in fact decidedly worse, so, despite the search for redeeming features and stellar cast, 5/10 at best.
    In Road House, Ben Gazzara…[Read more]

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Sounds and Music in the forum Discussion 7 months ago

    A beautiful world indeed for a Hoochie Coochie Man!

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