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  • in reply to: The Thread That Broods #849

    Got the VR headset! I went with the Valve Index. 🙂

    The HP Reverb G2 looked nice but all but the headset were discontinued while the Vive Pro 2 was simply too expensive and had some software issues. Meta’s devices looked great but I really didn’t like the Facebook requirement

    Now for impressions! It is simply incredible! I still need to tame the mess of wires but I’ll do that once I get the hang of things and have a better handle on where everything needs to go 🙂


    Tried out the desktop display and it’s a bit rough on the default settings (bit blurry). Haven’t explored the options much yet, been focusing on making sure things work and such. Once I get the hardware set up comfortably, I’ll look at tweaking the software settings 🙂

    in reply to: MS Teams Biz #843

    I can still get in on the phone so that’s good. I’ll probably do a quick glance through soon but I think we grabbed the most important things already. 🙂

    Once we get past bbPress’s quirks, it should be a relatively nice replacement but it would’ve been nice to have both for different use cases!

    in reply to: Site Info (Deprecated: iiNet) #841

    Weird about the old versions

    As for the traffic, a lot of that is probably bad actors hitting the site and trying to get in. They can really drive it up!

    If it gets too bad, CloudFlare has a free tier that helps offer some protection. Other ways of blocking them could also be looked at

    Too bad about the service removal 🙁

    Hopefully it isn’t too bad after clarification

    in reply to: All Things Site and Organizational #840

    Sounds good. 🙂

    Yep, backing up periodically is probably a good idea 🙂

    in reply to: NAS #839

    Sorry, thanks for the prod!

    Are we still using the address?

    in reply to: Project Ideas #835

    Should have made the post in Random in here and it only lets me move posts between threads in that forum. That’s problematic!

    Yep! Let’s see what we can come up with!

    in reply to: Random #834

    Doing some reading, it sounds like a cool gun isn’t a good early project. I’ll go through my electronics books again and see if something stands out.

    Would also like to code something, just not sure what. Maybe it’s time to fire up the Arduino that’s been laying around?

    in reply to: Software: On & Off the Web #824

    XScreensaver deserves a mention! *nix only, though 🙂

    in reply to: Site Info (Deprecated: iiNet) #821

    Good idea! It may very well come in handy for diagnosing issues and such 🙂

    in reply to: Random #820

    Yep! And it never gets old! You can never rewatch the show too many times! 🙂

    This is actually the first time I’ve played it. I’ve played similar games in the past, though. Yeah, they seem to charge for a lot of things but we shall see how things go playing for free. Still early in trying it out 🙂

    Yeah, game sizes are enormous these days. Storage devices aren’t increasing capacity fast enough!

    in reply to: Random #816

    Weather hasn’t been cooperating 🙁

    Been taking it out in the mornings due to the heat but it’s so humid that it’s not much better. I was walking to the store the other day early in the morning and it was so humid that I was drenched by the time I got there

    It’s also been raining a lot, making things pretty difficult. Hopefully I’ll be able to start back up in a few weeks!


    Sometimes, there are beautiful lightning shows tens of miles away that we can see here and without the thunder. I really enjoy watching them in the dark! 🙂

    Been trying out Eve Online the last few days (will get back to NMS soon!) and I’m enjoying it even if it’s a spreadsheet simulator with very nice visuals 😛

    And Microsoft Flight Simulator is 150 GB…? That would probably need a drive all on its own!


    I think I’ll get a thread up for project ideas. Give me a bit as things are rather busy over here 🙂

    in reply to: Gramps #813


    For tracing the genealogies, the Imperial Library may be helpful 🙂

    It should be the same! But I’ll confirm when I get the opportunity! 🙂

    I think my aunt did our family tree a while ago. I may reach out to her and see if I can get a copy of it 🙂

    in reply to: Software: On & Off the Web #812

    Great, thanks! Will give ’em a go soon! 🙂

    in reply to: Legend of Zelda #810

    I’ve been attempting to penetrate the secrets of the Depths lately. There’s not a whole lot to go on but I’m beginning to think they’re the games’ version of the Underworld. We know a long lost civilization mined from them but how they transported the materials to the Surface isn’t explained (yet). The layout directly mirrors the layout of the Surface with key locations having an analogue and the Goddess Statues on the Surface are represented in the Depths by Bargainer Statues, which gather up souls. On that note, the region is filled with Poe’s which are the series’ ghosts and has altars and temples scattered throughout. I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that I believe that these represent fallen comrades and the like. Monsters are also much less in number while Gloom covers most of the region. More research is definitely required!

    in reply to: All Things Site and Organizational #808

    😀 My dog is a bit miffed that I’ve been testing the new system. She wants me on the couch with her all the time even though I put her on my lap some while I’m working 😛

    Will keep that in mind! Better visibility controls would be nice. Something worth looking into at some point 🙂

    in reply to: Films & TV Shows #807

    Oh, definitely!

    Will add it to the list! Good science fiction is really hard to come by these days!

    Saw this one yesterday and it was a lot of fun! Kind of had a Short Circuit mixed with Terminator vibe to it. Lots of campy references, too!

    in reply to: Software: On & Off the Web #806

    Some sites set it up so Gravatar is the default but I don’t know if that automatically sets up an account or not

    Cool! Yeah, I remember using V1 for Dwarf Fortress back then. Was quite useful to set up the generic layouts! Will keep an eye on it! Having V2 support would be nice even if I don’t use it much these days myself 🙂

    Speaking of Dwarf Fortress, I really should play it again! It’s a blast!

    Probably wouldn’t hurt to drop them a line 🙂

    Looking for a circuit designer to help get going on some of my project planning and I’ve been looking at the list here and in the following section (really don’t know the difference between the two categories). Any suggestions as to which one to give a whirl to? There are so many! Looks like a lot of them have fancy visuals and things when I really only need (at least, I think I do) the basics for diagraming and value calculation (could do it manually but it takes a while 😛 ).

    in reply to: The Thread That Broods #805

    I’m pretty sure it has a beeper but, to be honest, I haven’t really paid too much attention! I’ll try to pay more attention and see if I notice it! 🙂

    Got a 27-inch screen. Didn’t want something very large and 27 seems to be just the ticket!

    Going to need some project ideas! Sadly, it’s still too hot and humid to get much done in the workshop but that doesn’t mean we can’t plan or I can’t work on things computer-side!

    in reply to: Sounds and Music #798

    Lovely! And that’s given me another book to read! 😀

    And got a new one that just came up in my feed:

    Not even sure what genre it is but the melody is absolutely amazing! For some reason, it makes me visualize Bilbo’s visit to Rivendell in The Hobbit

    in reply to: Computer Setup #797

    Not yet, still haven’t decided on a VR headset but now that things are set up and functioning I’ll begin the research in earnest! 🙂

    Will probably be looking at Valve’s and HTC’s offerings as the Facebook requirement of an Oculus is a bit of a drawback

    Yep, I’m sure I’ll get used to it. Just used to cases using a 200mm top fan, which are pretty quiet in comparison. 🙂

    In the Winter, our club used to use a shop heater that had a big roar and kind of looked like a serpent. Loud but worked well! 😀

Viewing 20 posts – 861 through 880 (of 1,097 total)