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  • in reply to: Styles #2788

    Maybe. Took a look today and I don’t understand why the forums are centered and the navbar on the blog is at the end. The CSS certainly looks the same. However, it uses flexbox which is something that I have no knowledge of. I only have an understanding of the box model as opposed to flexbox (it didn’t exist when I learned CSS). I may be able to figure it out, given time, however.

    Super Professional – Faster than a speeding typewriter? πŸ˜€

    in reply to: Styles #2782

    Okay, navigation bar is fixed. Had to slap !important on it to tame it due to the aforementioned bug. I also synced up some more form elements I had missed in profiles and added the stuff in the avatar upload setting to the proper styles. Had missed those before. Let me know if there’s anything else I missed in there. If not, I can move on to other areas of the site πŸ™‚

    At some point, I do need to clean up the stylesheet from the BuddyPress theme changes. That’s going to require some investigation to see what I can purge so I’ll probably do that last.


    At least, I thought I had changed avatar stuff. It’s not showing up on mobile so I’ll check again on the desktop when I get the chance

    in reply to: Styles #2779

    Reading some more about variables:

    It looks pretty straight forward. The syntax is almost the same as a struct in C and C++, save for the hyphens.

    Due to the complex nature of our styles, it’s probably worth converting at some point (on my list). For instance, I have to set the basic text color in several places and this will simplify things, allowing me to use change the color palette more easily if we want to experiment with different looks (or even load several different versions)

    My goal, as always with code, is to make it at least professional quality, if not even better. We know how I like my code from past projects πŸ™‚

    My algorithms? Psh. They can get messy. We remember my ugly Elder Scrolls plugin reading code. It worked at the time! My logic is weird πŸ˜›

    in reply to: Random #2778

    How do they handle the upper lip? They’re not too large, are they? My only experience is with foil razors πŸ™‚

    Looks like most electric razors these days are cordless. Not too worried about battery capacity as they’ll only be used for a brief time daily so it’ll be a long time before the batteries are no longer able to hold a charge. Sadly, it does mean more e-waste πŸ™

    Scalzi’s books are great! Have a few more available from the library here but they don’t have many. He’s written quite a few more than we have at our local library. Maybe the bookstores will have some!

    Haven’t played with it yet but Microsoft recently introduced generative AI into Paint. Could be fun. Then one can input the result into an ASCII generator, like GIMP’s conversion feature, and have at it! Just checked and it looks like it’s currently invite only so it’ll be a bit.


    in reply to: Computer Setup #2777

    Huh, no device loading is pretty weird. Had that happen over here a couple of months ago but it cleared itself up after a few microcode and kernel updates (even weirder as that shouldn’t have affected the UEFI). Does everything still work in the OS itself?

    in reply to: The Thread That Broods #2775

    There’s nothing specific about it he doesn’t like. He just doesn’t like it as a whole as he doesn’t think of it as a competitive deck. He seems to have a very narrow view of things and is a jerk unless you’re playing the latest and greatest. New and not very good? He doesn’t have a problem with it. Honestly, there’s nothing wrong with older decks. Quite a few of them can still hold up under certain circumstances.

    I don’t generally like playing newer decks myself due to the play styles. I have no issue playing against them (and do well against them), however.

    My general playing style is more of a bird of prey style. In fact, the themes I usually are just that: birds of prey. I like my strike decks πŸ˜€

    Yep, a mute button is probably a good idea!

    in reply to: Styles #2774

    Yeah, that’s a bug in bbPress. It’s embedding its overrides for the navigation bar at the end while the style pack is correctly linking the style sheet at the beginning of the document, preventing me from doing it normally. I’ll toss an important directive on the navigation bar styles, which should fix it

    Still haven’t managed to figure out why the post form in group forums is so wonky but I’ll keep investigating. Things getting cut off on smaller screens in the group forums is pretty annoying

    in reply to: Litespeed #2771

    Data loss notification should be doable with just a few lines of JavaScript:

    if (!textarea.empty()) {
    ans = warn (confirm || deny);
    if (ans == deny)
    else if (ans == confirm)

    Some of that consists of the actual JS code, the rest is pseudocode. Been too long since I messed with JS but I could look at turning the rest of it into JS at some point.

    Still got the “Are you sure you want to do that?” issue after logging back in in one tab and leaving the tab I was typing in. That mixed session bug is rather annoying πŸ™

    in reply to: Comings, Goings, Doings #2770

    Just the northern part of the state πŸ™‚

    Our roads were under water for a few hours but the water drained off into the swamp pretty quickly. The storm formed very suddenly. That’s probably due to climate change. Interestingly, we had one section of the neighborhood without power even though the lines are buried, the rest of the neighborhood was fine, and we are all on the same line. Was pretty strange. I had power, though, even if the lights were flicking for a few hours. I’m guessing a tree was bumping against a raised wire somewhere.

    in reply to: Styles #2767

    Okay, I think I got everything in the user facing group settings and profiles now. If so, I should be done with the forum side of things unless you catch anything I missed. Borders look weird but I’ll come back to those.

    We also may want to change some of the font colors. I wasn’t sure of some of them like the grey text but, if it’s hard to read, I can try to change it as well. My eyes see grey best, though, so I’m not a good candidate for analyzing it. πŸ˜›

    in reply to: Random #2762

    Here’s an interesting idea for an experiment:

    Plug a generative AI extension into a blog and set it to output articles based on random input (source yet to be thought of) and set it to run periodically, mimicking an actual writer. The idea would be to see how weird things get over time. πŸ˜›

    in reply to: Computer Setup #2759

    Haven’t tried it on mine yet. I really should as I’ve had it for a year now. πŸ˜›

    Do have a few programs that take advantage of it, such as Hogwarts Legacy, so it may be worth giving it a whirl. πŸ™‚

    For Oblivion, make sure you don’t forget that you can’t use HDR with another setting (been so long that I can’t remember the conflict but I think it has to do with anti aliasing?). You need to turn HDR on in the driver setting (or vice versa, depending on which driver overrides you want to use) for the game in order to use both.

    in reply to: Styles #2758

    Got the forms in the profile settings. Used the class .standard-forrm instead of the ID for the form type so if there are any oddities, holler and I’ll swap it out for the more selective option.

    Working on the input fields. I could manually use each input type but I’m looking to see if there’s a more generic way of doing it for better readability. Early research says that there isn’t, which makes me sad.

    in reply to: Walrus Ramblings #2756

    Another domain increase goes into effect on September. It’s going up to 13 USD. Really getting tiresome. πŸ™

    in reply to: Comings, Goings, Doings #2755

    And we’re back! Had a tropical storm pop up suddenly so I had to unplug everything last night. Good thing, too, as the lights were flickering a lot. πŸ™‚

    Never lost power, though, and very little wind. However! We did get one to two feet of rain. We’re fine! No flooding and very little clean up. πŸ™‚

    in reply to: The Thread That Broods #2751

    One of our local card game players has turned into a jerk since starting to play competitively a couple of months ago. He doesn’t like my play style or choice of deck and just keeps bashing it whenever he sees me playing it. He even went as far as asking why I was still playing that “trash” yesterday. I told him in a tone that conveyed back off, “Because I like it.” He then went on to talk to some other folks about how bad he thought it was. I’m going to talk to the rest of the group about him. He’s starting to go too far and it’s time to stop it.

    Fun fact: I have won about 80% of the games with this so called “trash deck”. I don’t play competitively, which also annoys him. I just play for fun. /shrug

    Another fun fact: despite that, I still beat the competitive decks even if I don’t care about winning.

    in reply to: The TCG Thread #2750

    Good to see that the community is trying to take it over. I wonder if they’ll get permission to continue printing it? I do remember it from when it was active but not very well. Mostly, I remember seeing the product on store shelves.

    WotC recently integrated LotR into MTG with great success. Perhaps that will help give it a future?

    in reply to: Hardware Relics #2746

    Thanks. Will keep that in mind! πŸ™‚

    I suppose I could also replace the keycaps periodically but that’d get kind of annoying πŸ˜›

    Went ahead and retired the three Dell monitors last year. Still have them in the closet but I don’t use them now as the panels had some color issues. Kind of miss 16:10 though.

    Yeah, integrated drivers can sometimes be limited in that regard. Granted, I rarely tweak the settings so I don’t have much experience with it πŸ˜›

    in reply to: Styles #2745

    Will do. I’ll probably have both active so that we can look to see what we like better. πŸ™‚

    Get a tourniquet! Or even a turkey net! One of them has got to work for border bleeds! We could also cauterize the wound with a tomcat. Tom the cat may find it fun.

    in reply to: Styles #2742

    bbPress has multiple themes? Interesting that they didn’t include those options in the settings. Maybe they’re leftovers?

    Still want to add borders to make things bleed a little less. Should we go with white or the darker color that we’re using for various things?

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