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    Still want to catch the other early Mad Max films. Not a fan of Mel Gibson’s later acting but his early stuff is pretty fun.

    As I recall, Das Boot had limited subtitles and the original German version is considered superior to the English version. Really need to watch it. There’s just one problem: it’s 3.5 hours long! Going to need to take some time to schedule it ๐Ÿ˜›


      Mighty film, and a tear-jerker as well by the looks. Tend to shun movies with sub-titles over here – eyes – screen – and of course the native language component – without the German it’s Mona Lisa in monochrome. ๐Ÿ˜›
      So many things about Get Out were terrific, the music of Michael Abels, the tension, character interplay, the mystery, so 90% here. And yes, it did lack that extra 10% of X-factor – mostly attributable to turns in the plot, thus rendering the high expectations lightly moistened. Recommended!
      Right now streaming the complete Love/Hate box set – guns, whack jobs, drugs, hissy fits – what more do you want? The Brit answer to that at the time was the more historical (and hysterical) Peaky Blinders, a whopping six series so plenty on tap, (hopefully not too many of the spinal kind!) ๐Ÿ™‚
      Edit: On FTA tonight there was Prisoners which ticked all the boxes as a no-nonsense (granular minus the granola) story with heated exchanges in no short supply. Gyllenhaal is together engaging and enigmatic in the role as investigator.


      Fortunately, BBC sells a lot of their series on their online store so I may be able to get caught up at some point. Definitely love British dramas. They’re so much better than what we turn out!

      Finally got around to watching Revenge of the Sith. Without reading the reviews first (no idea how it’s regarded), in my personal opinion it wasn’t bad but felt too congested. It should have been split into at least two films. It tried to cover too many remaining threads that hadn’t been covered yet but that needed to be explained for the original three films to make more sense. They also messed up the penultimate scene in the volcano: they kept jumping back and forth between the transformation into Vader and the fight between Yoda and Palpatine. They should have focused on one or the other, not both. As a result, it was pretty jarring.


      Just read the reception on Wiki and the critics pretty much agreed. ๐Ÿ˜›


        There were intimations of Gotham, or even Sin City in Se7en through which Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt were guiding lights, the atmosphere and mood also kept the movie on course. By the very title, along with the early revelations, you knew pretty much well what was going to happen, which reduced the tension somewhat. But boy o boy, the surprise ending made up for any reservations! Recommended.
        Later on FTA, no grand feats of derring-do with costume regalia, matching dialogue or breathtaking denouement to be found in To Leslie, rather a blunt and earthy script to see the lead characters on their way. One of those movies where the urge to switch channels could not be entirely sublimated as the high critical appraisal did not quite convince. It’s worth watching so long the usual expectations of derived movie entertainment can be mothballed prior to screening.


        Sin City is a classic. Really need to rewatch it at some point. It’s been too long

        As we know, I like films about robots. So I watched Evolver the other day and that was fun. A bit too modern for my tastes, though. The 80s did robot films better in my opinion but de Lancie is always fun

        Almost finished with rewatching the pre-Disney Star Wars films, just have Jedi left. The more I watch them, the more inconsistencies I find. For instance, in A New Hope, it is heavily implied that the Stormtroopers are not clones but the prequel trilogy sets them up as clones. In Empire, Kenobi has no knowledge of Leia even though he was part of the plot to hide her in Sith. And Leia even uses the force in Empire but no one says anything. Hello? Your non-wizard suddenly starts doing space wizard stuff, have you noticed? They noticed when Luke started in A New Hope. They thought he was crazy for disabling the targeting computer and now it’s no big deal that Leia can find Luke in a needle stack? Then there’s the famous moment where Lando is wearing Han’s clothes at the end of Empire.


        Finished Return of the Space Wizard yesterday, also known as Return of the Jedi, so that completes the pre-Disney films. May or may not watch the Disney ones as, canonically, the main story is supposed to end after Episode VI with the GE in disarray. That’s where the EU comes in (which Disney nullified): it’s supposed to fill in the gaps during the rebuilding. Also, what happened to the massive Star Destroyer fleet at the end of the film…? They said they couldn’t destroy it. Yet, they’re celebrating on Endor with that massive fleet still in orbit…?

        It’s pretty fun to keep an ear out for the Wilhelm Scream in the series. ๐Ÿ˜€


          Even for a not so die-hard fan of movie musicals, Hairspray (2007_film) had a few good scenes, the transformation of John Travolta was nothing short of phenomenal. Soundtrack was a little short of amazing, with numbers like “(You’re) Timeless to Me”:

          On FTA they played The Daughter, local fare, a well thought out and presented adaptation of Ibsen. Later that week there was Bad Eggs with which the viewing only made it to the end of the first half. Something off in the direction, the script and gags kind of worked even though everything looked and sounded out of place – although they weren’t really. You’ll have to see it yourself to understand this reaction though, which is something not recommended. ๐Ÿ˜›
          Have just completed series 1 of Before We Die, an adaptation of the Swedish series, little interest has rendered the Wikipedia is rather bare. Not bad, some strange scene switches and unlikely developments might have been a turn off for some, as with the overdone effects, gloomy synths, and grey noise. Still, the yet to be mentioned series 2 presents a little better, launching it smack dab in the middle of true B-Grade-dom. ๐Ÿ˜›
          You just didn’t want to confuse with DCI Tina Carter in series 1 with DCI Nicky Harris in series 2.
          Edit: That was quick, so now onto Under the Banner of_Heaven (miniseries). Based on true crime, this carries a lot more weight in research and production. The seven episodes are longer too, up to 88 minutes in length, so plenty of character interplay and engrossing drama.


          Watched WALL-E again the other day. Got it on disc now so I can watch it anytime I want! ๐Ÿ˜€

          And, speaking of, the folks over at Criterion are starting to pump out 4k discs of classics. Interestingly, their shop doesn’t have a list of all films currently in print other than the 4k shop so you need to apply a filter to the master list. Bit of an odd omission


            When the 4k arrives, will have to see those! ๐Ÿ™‚
            WALL-E is really a very sad movie. ๐Ÿ™‚
            The Good Ship Murder is brilliant C-grade fare, even the cheesy songs at the end of each solved “mystery.” Like the idea if it were ever adopted for a RL cruise theme, slight problem, there actually is an unsolved case connected to that very ship. ๐Ÿ˜›


            Yep, they’ve got a lot of goodies available! Bit surprised they haven’t gotten the license for Das Boot with it being so iconic

            But it’s also about hope! Sad but it gives us hope that one day we can fix things. Really needs to be taught in schools. We watched it when it first came out but never discussed it, which was a bit of a missed opportunity.

            Started rewatching the Bond films the other day. The story telling gets better as the series goes on and I’m just about to watch Goldfinger. Should have time next week. ๐Ÿ™‚

            It also gave us some amazing lines!

            They started doing the weird video with the credits in the second film and you can’t even read the opening as a result ๐Ÿ˜›


              Yep, Goldfinger has descended to Purgatory and is still playing his golden harp, they say. ๐Ÿ˜›
              While the Good Ship Murder is seen “sailing” off into the sunset, Catch Me a Killer (TV_series) looms into view stage right. Phew, some viewing ahead as each of the 11 episodes run 60 minutes, with more for the ads.


              Wanted to watch Colossus: The Forbin Project but it’s yet another one that’s not available on streaming. ๐Ÿ™ Going to have to add it to the disc list! Looks like I can get Gattaca on disc or streaming so I’ll add that to the watchlist. Been wanting to catch it for twenty years ๐Ÿ™‚

              Finished up Goldfinger and Thunderball. Will keep going!


                On the list! Super brains were a thing then, Billion Dollar Brain, Colossus, and much later, The Machine. ๐Ÿ˜›
                If you like theatre, suspense, and a highly active screenplay, Deathtrap has it all. Once acclimatised to the rhythm of Lumet’s direction, you won’t be switching off. The article mentions the earlier Sleuth, one for Caine fans too. Recommended.


                Will put those on the list!

                Finished up You Only Live Twice yesterday. Imagine my surprise when I saw Roald Dahl as screenwriter. I’m just used to his children books ๐Ÿ˜›


                Started watching the Fallout series on Prime the other day to get my Fallout fix in until I’m able to get something working on the computer (been a little bit busy with a slightly different project….:P). It’s really good! They did an incredible job capturing the spirit and atmosphere of the games and is a blast to boot!

                Fun fact: under “Related Shows,” the first item on the list? Silo on Apple tv+. Even Amazon agrees! ๐Ÿ˜›


                  Cool, going to watch for that, yeah it’s Amazon Prime, so could do it on the 30 day free trial.
                  Back to slashers briefly, Scream VI on FTA presented plenty of excitement, thrills and spills, the violence is rampant, as expected for the franchise. Watching this through and after dinner is not recommended for the squeamish, could also be this viewer is getting too long in the dagger tooth for this kind of stuff. ๐Ÿ˜›


                  The main quest is only eight hours long but it has been confirmed that an expansion is in the works. ๐Ÿ˜›

                  Yeah, the Scream films are fun. Lot of great satire in them, too! Haven’t seen many past 3 or so. The newest and oldest ones are available but not the middle ones and I don’t like skipping installments ๐Ÿ™

                  Another candidate for physical media? Our OTA offerings in Florida aren’t as good as, say, New York. ๐Ÿ˜›


                    This Catch Me a Killer series is quite engrossing in the detail of the considerable number and scale of serial killings in South Africa at the time. It stars Charlotte Hope, a seasoned actor notable from Bancroft season 2, as the lead investigative psychologist, Micki Pistorius.
                    In the episode The Phoenix Strangler: Part II, she relates to her companion an old story of persistence and determination related to her many years ago by an elderly relative. It’s encapsulated in the following video, 1932 USS Akron Floats Away Navy Men Cling to Rope for Life:

                    Amazing. ๐Ÿ™‚


                    Not sure I can get it here but will take a look ๐Ÿ™‚

                    Haven’t seen it in a few years so I’m going to get Dr Strangelove on the list for a rewatch. It’s an incredible film!


                      Do remember seeing that, Laurie chucked in a few goodies like the familiar Also sprach Zarathustra, pinched later by Kubrick and his gang:

                      The Two Faces of January (film) is a classy production around a rather mean plot line. The sets, the acting, the scenes and the music are all to die for! ๐Ÿ™‚
                      The Green Veil is an oddball bang/crash glim/glam venture into the 1950s world of the Navajo stolen generations. Episodes are only 20 minutes which adds to the novelty. Another eyecatcher is the UFO diner in the final episode – should grab a piccy of it sometime.

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