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  • in reply to: Films & TV Shows #2245

    Started watching Red Dwarf the other day and it’s wonderful!

    in reply to: Comings, Goings, Doings #2244

    Hooch! 🙂

    Some of them are resorbable but not all of them so she’ll need to go back in in a few weeks to get them all removed. It was a rather big wart on her back. She was in a lot of pain yesterday but it did get better as the day went by.

    in reply to: Litespeed #2243

    Rather big update today. Keep an eye out for bugs!

    in reply to: Samsung Tablets #2242

    No performance profiles over here. May only be on the S-range.

    And no settings search on mobile Chrome. Weird that they left that out as it’s more difficult to navigate on mobile due to the very nature of how things are set up

    in reply to: Comings, Goings, Doings #2240

    She’s back home now. Surgery went well but it’s still going to be a couple of days before she’s back up and around and is pretty much on bed rest for a bit while the sutures heal 🙂

    in reply to: Buddy Press #2238

    Bollocks! Sadly, my knowledge of PHP is limited. 🙁

    A lot of our integration bugs seem to stem from the fact that bbPress is essentially embedding the BuddyPress features instead of merging them, creating a sort of sandbox when we want a playground.

    in reply to: Buddy Press #2236

    Great! And another bug bites the dust. 🙂

    in reply to: Bubble Jump-Links to Last Reply? #2234

    Will stand by!

    in reply to: Comings, Goings, Doings #2232

    My dog’s surgery is today so I’m going to be a tad discombobulated until she’s back home

    in reply to: Computer Setup #2229

    Blech. Updated the BIOS as prompted and now the BIOS doesn’t detect the Linux SSD. 🙁 Off to support I guess

    Edit: Will need to dig up a USB drive first that I can use. Should have one somewhere…

    The boot menu was working correctly up until the firmware upgrader removed its own entry from the boot menu so in doing so, it somehow corrupted the EFI image on that drive. Shouldn’t be too difficult to fix, methinks. I’ll just need to get the steps from support after I create a recovery USB drive to perform the steps. And, of course, I’ll need to report the bug to them 🙂

    in reply to: The TCG Thread #2225

    Some notes on double sleeving: I’ve been using Japanese size sleeves from Dragon Shield enclosed by Dragon Shield standard size clear matte sleeves but the fit isn’t tight enough so the inner sleeve damages the outer sleeve when it jostles around. Sadly, my LGS doesn’t carry Japanese size outer sleeves so I’ll need to order those, more than likely. Really makes me sad as I do try to give them the business when possible and feel bad when I have to purchase from elsewhere 🙁

    in reply to: Random #2224
    in reply to: Veg #2223

    We also have quite a few wild onions in the swamps around here. I need to get better at identifying them so that I can harvest them. They taste a lot better than store bought onions!

    in reply to: Bubble Jump-Links to Last Reply? #2222

    There’s a setting in the style pack for threaded replies but we’re not using that feature. Should we turn it on to see if it helps any regardless? Sometimes there’s some code sharing so fixing one bug will inadvertently fix another

    in reply to: Veg #2219

    Yep, probably a good time to eat it. Don’t want it to get sadder! 🙂

    in reply to: Samsung Tablets #2218

    Yuck. Will check on that. I think I did check in there and all I saw was battery saver but I’ll check again. It does sound like, from the thread, it’s a software bug. Seems Samsung has patched it on the newer devices but I haven’t gotten an update yet. Hopefully they’ll push one out!

    Above 90%, more heat is generated so that may be the rationale behind it. I always unplug after about 80-ish% myself. 🙂

    in reply to: Computer Setup #2211

    Sounds good 🙂

    If you do go with Linux, I recommend trying XFCE for your desktop environment. KDE and GNOME are the big ones but I’ve never had KDE run well even on a good system (always seems sluggish for whatever reason) and GNOME be a bit heavier as well. You could go piecemeal but that takes a lot more work to get everyone to share the sandbox. XFCE is a good blend: it’s modular and lightweight while still giving you plenty of flexibility. 🙂

    Don’t let the old website fool you: it’s actually quite active. They just don’t update the site much but once or twice a decade with releases coming every few years 😛

    in reply to: Films & TV Shows #2209

    Saw Demon of Paradise yesterday. It was a rip-off of The Creature from the Black Lagoon but was still pretty fun. It did have some hilarious moments, such as when the creature, in the water, jumps up and pulls down a helicopter. That shouldn’t even be possible unless it’s a few thousand pounds or is anchored to the bottom of the seabed!

    in reply to: Computer Setup #2208

    Sounds good 🙂

    If you do choose to upgrade the cooling, I recommend that you look at Noctua’s low profile coolers and fans if you don’t want to go with an AIO cooler (I still haven’t made the jump for whatever reason and still use air cooling). Make sure you measure before ordering to make sure it’ll fit! Noctua’s products are top notch. To give you an idea, I had an NH-D14 on a custom built system using a Cooler Master HAF 932 case back before AIO coolers were a thing and it kept the CPU at a nice 60°C under heavy load and 37 idle. 🙂

    Fun fact: FrozenCPU shipped it in a box that was used to hold bulk cereal boxes. 😛

    Yeah, dedicated graphics are almost always better than integrated. AnandTech hasn’t done a recent survey but you can take a look at their 2019 test database to get an idea:

    May also be worth checking Notebook Check’s comparisons, too, just to get a feel for what you’ll be able to play without seeing any issues. Should be fine though! 🙂

    The biggest thing to note is that with an integrated, you’re sharing VRAM with the regular RAM when your VRAM gets filled up (it generally uses the system RAM as overflow) so it’s good to get plenty of RAM. If you upgrade anything, you’d get the most benefit from RAM. 🙂

    I’ve dual booted on a single drive plenty of times without a single issue so it should be fine. I just prefer two drives now as they’re better for me personally, is all. It helps keeps things from breaking while I’m tinkering 🙂

    in reply to: VR Controlled Motors #2206

    Pi notes:

    It is very much a bare bones system and doesn’t provide a main loop by default like Arduino does for catching the data stream. It does provide an operating system but this operating system is more akin to desktop Linux than a project operating system so support software would be needed or a different system installed, such as ROS (recently acquired by Google I believe so that’s something to keep in mind due to Google’s track record with more experimental products).

    The same may be true for the Jetson platform, I haven’t gotten there yet.

    Once all the data has been gathered, we can decide on a first step 🙂

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