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  • in reply to: Comings, Goings, Doings #2497

    Recovering from a bad migraine from last night. Feeling better but I did black out after my shower this morning so I’m taking it easy until I fully recover. In the meantime, I’m reading Calvin and Hobbes again. It never gets old ๐Ÿ™‚

    in reply to: The TCG Thread #2495
    On Bob Marley said

    Some notes on double sleeving: I’ve been using Japanese size sleeves from Dragon Shield enclosed by Dragon Shield standard size clear matte sleeves but the fit isn’t tight enough so the inner sleeve damages the outer sleeve when it jostles around. Sadly, my LGS doesn’t carry Japanese size outer sleeves so I’ll need to order those, more than likely. Really makes me sad as I do try to give them the business when possible and feel bad when I have to purchase from elsewhere ๐Ÿ™

    Decided to talk to the shop before ordering and they were more than happy to place an order. The lesson? Doesn’t hurt to ask! ๐Ÿ™‚

    in reply to: Films & TV Shows #2493

    Mansion of the Doomed wasn’t bad, if a tad repetitive. Eventually, they go into a montage of kidnapping and harvesting but I feel as though they overdid it a tad. Would have been much better if it focused more on the actual transplant research, like The Island of Dr Moreau, than the constant stream of victims.

    in reply to: SETI #2492

    Old, banged up satellite dish acquired. Let the hunt begin!

    in reply to: Random #2491

    Really dislike Summer. The heat and humidity really make it difficult to sleep and do things during the day. Even at 0500, it’s still close to 80ยฐF outside. ๐Ÿ™

    in reply to: NAS #2490

    Ugh. Yeah, definitely sounds like more UPS issues. Not much fun when everything decides to go belly up all at the same time ๐Ÿ™

    in reply to: Films & TV Shows #2489

    Rewatched Killer Klowns the other day. It pretty much speaks for itself. It’s a blast! ๐Ÿ˜€

    in reply to: All Things General and Non-Organizational #2480

    Lovely. I wish we could get to the bottom of that bug. Itโ€™s pretty annoying ๐Ÿ™

    Energy Search does look intriguing. Quite like the embed options ๐Ÿ™‚ An option to have card info hover over the card name when you hover the mouse pointer over it may be a nice addition if some plugins have that feature.

    You had mentioned you were having trouble finding current plugins?

    If you want to look at plugin creation, it looks like youโ€™ll want to use a different system as VS isnโ€™t set up for PHP. Personally, I just use a text-editor (been using Geany for several years as itโ€™s lightweight and has good code searching capabilities) for coding (C++, C, markup languages, etc) as it works best for me but hereโ€™s an extensive, but incomplete, list of IDEs. Notably, itโ€™s missing GNOME Builder. You could also check out Visual Studio Code, which is sort of a more modular and lightweight version of VS


    Links got mangled. Sorry, canโ€™t fix them ๐Ÿ™

    in reply to: Computer Setup #2478

    In the future, I may skip the firmware upgrades if they’re going to be that much hassle ๐Ÿ˜›

    You can most likely skip the monitor’s HDR settings. It’s different from the old style HDR, which I’ll call software HDR. The new HDR is monitor based and the programs that take advantage of it are few and far between. Older programs, say five years or older, use software HDR which modifies the lighting in the software instead of using the hardware lighting. Hopefully that makes sense ๐Ÿ™‚

    HW Monitor will be able to provide a lot of extra details. It’ll also let you monitor certain stats like voltage and temperatures in real-time. It may be useful for the other system that’s experiencing some power issues. May help tell you if it’s getting enough juice ๐Ÿ™‚

    in reply to: TPP Hosting #2474

    Sorry, missed this the other month. Yep, the specs are good to know. Interestingly, the RAM is actually twice what the basic Linode plan offers. ๐Ÿ™‚

    in reply to: Sounds and Music #2473

    Yep, she’s great! ๐Ÿ˜€

    May have mentioned this before but I’ve always found that I focus better with symphonic metal playing in the background. Back in school, I’d toss my CDs in the computer to help during programming class. Always worked like a charm ๐Ÿ™‚

    in reply to: All Things Site and Organizational #2472

    Sounds good. Will start playing with the blog design again and hopefully we don’t run into an issue like we did when the preview broke. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Got the footer purged. We can always bring it back later if we want to. Once we have the layout prepped and I know what we’re working with, the styles can be adjusted ๐Ÿ™‚

    May be a good idea to try to get everything set back up and working before we start tweaking the comments again but definitely worth considering afterwards, if that makes sense ๐Ÿ™‚

    in reply to: All Things General and Non-Organizational #2470

    Ooh, neat little board. Definitely worth perusing!

    Interesting, sounds like TCGPlayer is discontinuing their API for whatever reason. That would explain why some of the pages were broken and their scripts not working. Think the affiliate program is still up, though.

    Iโ€™m pretty sure the official YGO database doesnโ€™t provide an API and itโ€™s a bit cumbersome to work with it in general. It does some weirdness where it accesses the information without changing the URL but Iโ€™ll see what I can dig up.

    MtG has an API (canโ€™t tell if itโ€™s official or a community one) and the Pokemon TCG has an unofficial one so finding a plugin for it should be much easier. Will need to dig deeper for YGO. There are other smaller card games, too, but starting with the big three is probably a good idea


    Looks like YGO has an unofficial API here:

    in reply to: Hardware Relics #2468

    Sorry, for some reason I thought you were trying to work with VGA – digital. Not sure how I got that out of there….

    Yeah, used to happen with our cassette player and, less frequently, with the VCR. Had to take a knife and pry them open. Was never a good thing when that happened :/

    Just found out that this is a thing. Not exactly a silver bullet for using a wireless mouse but could still be handy in general for the range of devices. What would really be helpful, though, is a desk with built-in wireless charging. Until they resolve the battery and latency issues, hopefully wired mice will still exist ๐Ÿ™‚

    Speaking of mousepads, I’m probably overdue for a replacement. My twenty year old mousepads are looking kind of rough these days ๐Ÿ˜›

    in reply to: All Things General and Non-Organizational #2464

    Stumbled across this today while looking into possible APIs for TCG sites:

    Could be useful if TCG discussion ever takes off

    They do have an API but some of their docs were broken. Haven’t looked more into the card database plug-ins we were discussing earlier just yet but I’ll get there. ๐Ÿ™‚

    in reply to: All Things Site and Organizational #2463

    Could set it up as a post and then post the link in the navigation bar. That way, it functions as both a page and a post for all intents and purposes.

    Looking at the links you posted in the thread, some of the main post list pages work properly even though the test one I threw up the other day did not. Weird. We could perhaps see about setting that one as the home page if we want a traditional blog view available.

    That brings up another question: what do we want to use the main pages for? Assuming we don’t hit an issue with the broken preview again (still not sure why it’s broken in the test page), we should be able to do pretty much anything with it (within reason). Of course, it’ll definitely evolve over time but what do we want to start with?

    in reply to: Computer Setup #2461

    Yep. We were unable to determine what was wrong with Linux so I had to reinstall it. Spent much of yesterday setting things back up (always been a bit slow with configuring software) so we should be able to rock and roll again in a few days ๐Ÿ™‚

    Is HDMI 2.1 not backwards compatible with 2.0? You should be able to use an older screen with it and work fine. That should be the maximum supported version. Likewise, you should be able to use it with screens that exceed the version but you wouldn’t get all of the features available.

    in reply to: Films & TV Shows #2459

    Watched Maximum Overdrive and it was so bad that it was hilarious. Too many things to list about it but it opens to people sliding off a bridge (Wheeeee!) and slipping on watermelons like banana peels. Definitely worth watching! ๐Ÿ˜€

    in reply to: Computer Setup #2457

    Finished up with support a few weeks ago. The only thing left was to restore the Windows bootloader, which went without a hitch. Just didn’t have time to do it before yesterday morning. Now I can go back and finish configuring everything again. ๐Ÿ™‚

    No surprise that the motherboard is proprietary. Do wish they’d use more standard parts, though, for better software support.

    SK Hynix is a good brand and known for stability. Their parts are mostly sold to integrators and the embedded market but they’ve recently started selling their SSDs to the general consumer so you may not have a problem finding identical RAM if you want to upgrade to another stick. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Sounds good on the monitor issues. I think DP is video only but I’ve only ever used it with external speakers so don’t quote me on that.

    Year, everyone’s hearing is different. For instance, I had some EMF interference on the unused RCA jacks on the amp that only I could hear on account of the frequency. Had to cap them to get rid of it ๐Ÿ™‚

    Yeah, we get the driver loading errors on Linux, too. On Linux, it tries each module so the errors aren’t true errors but information messages saying the associated hardware for the module wasn’t found so the module failed to take effect. Can get a tad confusing when there is an actual error

    Yep, that external looks pretty slick. ๐Ÿ™‚

    May need an external at some point myself

    *looks at RCT disc*

    in reply to: Computer Setup #2451

    That was…surprisingly painless. I booted the installation USB, which sent me to the Install Windows area. At first, I was a bit confused as I thought it would give me a menu to select Install, Repair, etc. Next, I hit Shift + F10 as instructed and that brought up a system command prompt. One there, I tracked down the system drive letter with

    list volume

    The system volume is generally the largest partition formatted as NTFS. After that, I typed:
    Bcdboot <volume>:\Windows
    I exited the command prompt and then exited the Install window with the big X (why it still uses the W7 theme to install W11 is beyond me (I’m a bit of a stickler for visual consistency ๐Ÿ˜› )) to reboot.
    Boom. Windows was back. Took me all of two minutes.

    Next step is to reconfigure systemd-boot. Hopefully that’s just a simple matter of adjusting the timeout but we’ll find out. The PopOS drive still shows as bootable in the UEFI menu, at least. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Honestly, I was expecting more trouble than that.


    Boom. systemd-boot is updated. Just had to add timeout 5 to loader.conf in the ESP. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Final analysis: Windows didn’t mess with the ESP at all when updating it. Why it can’t do that during the Windows installation process is beyond me. It would make a lot more sense to just run the command than to reset the entire ESP when detected. Same with Linux installers.

    Now the question becomes, what next?

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