Spastic Hamburger

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 1 year, 2 months ago

    Portal is a wonderful game! Been playing Portal 2 since I picked it up for less than a dollar on sale the other day. GladOS is pretty upset, to say the least!

    Yeah, I missed out on Psychonauts too. I really need to change that one day!

    We called them share links I think. 🙂

    Some of those sites are no more and I do miss them. 🙁

    Huh, never…[Read more]

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 1 year, 2 months ago

    So here’s another one from the vault (one of my earliest ones, in fact):

    The original site the article was on is long gone but I managed to pull it up via the Internet Archive 🙂

  • Haven’t seen John Wick yet but I’ve been meaning to! Yeah, their old films were fun! I have fond memories of Tango and Cash!

    Looks like they also have some members only films you get with the subscription.

    Not yet but I’ll definitely add it to the list! Big fan of those old ones!

    Probably going to watch some more Tarantino films soon now that…[Read more]

  • Taking out a Hinox becomes insanely easy with the Biggoron Sword fused with a good material and it’s very easy to acquire. In the middle of Skull Lake in Akkala, there’s a chasm that takes you to the House of Bones. After you take down the Stalnox and other skeletons, the chest opens and gives you the sword. Then you can buy them with Poes from…[Read more]

  • Saw the first part of Kill Bill and it’s great! Going to watch part two soon but it’s Tarantino’s typical over the top and flamboyant style so it’s got a lot of good humor in it and is just an overall fun film 🙂

    Rewatched Attack of the Killer Tomatoes and it’s still a blast. Highly recommended! 😀

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 1 year, 2 months ago

    Blech! We’re under a heat advisory for the next few days 🙁

    I got to thinking. Most computer cases have the hot swappable drive bays inaccessible from the outside, making them not very useful. Why don’t more of them have them accessible from the exterior of the case?

    I also wonder if I can add an image to the Windows boot process. Right now,…[Read more]

  • There’s a step missing in the article to repair the bootloader. In it, you reinstall the kernel but this resets the flags for the packages in the package manager so they’re no longer automatically cleaned up, causing the boot partition to fill up. I’ll reach out to support soon to see what the default settings should be so that I can correct it. 🙂

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 1 year, 2 months ago

    The wild grapes are ready! They’re medium sized, deep red ones and delicious!

  • I’m a big fan of Qalculate and have been using it for years. It’s got tons of features and conversions that are incredibly useful! 🙂

  • Good to know! Mine is a Creative SoundBlaster brand, I believe. Not entirely sure of the exact model, though. I haven’t really messed with it since 2010. It used to belong to my dad… 😛

    Haven’t experienced issues with VR yet! There was another driver update released the other day, though, so I may install it. Since VR is a newish thing, it’s…[Read more]

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 1 year, 2 months ago

    I wouldn’t say I’m sold on it just yet, still trying to figure out my way in it. The tutorial left a lot of things out, unfortunately.

    Not yet sure of the feasibility of playing on a shoestring budget as I haven’t run the numbers yet but I’ll get there!


    Wasn’t aware that Wiki gave out stars! Cool!

  • Will probably need to remap the audio jacks as well. No idea how to do that so some reading is required!

    Seems rather contentious! Just installed Synaptic here and it’ll definitely serve my purposes of searching out packages for install. 🙂

    I do have one in the closet from fifteen years ago. It’s an old X-Fi. I may dig it out and see if it still…[Read more]

  • I used to have it set to randomize the screensaver. Sometimes I’d get a bouncing cow while other times a BSoD. Was quite fun!


  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 1 year, 2 months ago

    Oh! I’ve just about hit the limits of a free player in Eve. Well, with skill training at least. It only takes about a month of skill training to max out the skills available to free players. Not sure about game content yet as I just got out of the tutorial the other day 🙂

  • Beautiful!

    Currently using Firefox but I’ve got Chrome downloaded. I’ll probably get it installed soon as I greatly prefer it 🙂

    Bit funny about security so I’ll post it in our private thread 🙂

    I wouldn’t exactly say they’re easy to work with but they’re getting better! Having a log-viewer definitely helps as the CLI tools can be a bit…[Read more]

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 1 year, 2 months ago

    Don’t have a heatgun yet! I’ve read that a hair dryer can double as one if you need it to 😛

    I’ve always used the -ise form of words as opposed to -ize myself. Probably comes from growing up with books written by British authors 😛

    Yep! The hunt continues! They also now think that time moved differently at the beginning of the Universe!

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Cooking in the forum Discussion 1 year, 2 months ago

    Great! Never had oxtail before. Closest I’ve had has been lamb neck, which is not at all close 😛

    What did you put in it?

  • Saw this one the other day. It was a riot!

    Got Kill Bill on the watch list now, too! 🙂

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Cooking in the forum Discussion 1 year, 2 months ago

    Been meaning to say that I made duck soup the other week! No Marx Brothers were harmed!

    It was very good. It consisted of duck, duck broth, mushrooms, noodles, rice wine, rice vinegar, soy sauce, and chili oil. Incredibly easy!

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