Spastic Hamburger

  • 😀

    Progress Quest was quite entertaining! Sometimes I’d just sit there and watch it do its thing. 😛

  • We need some humor after the last month of issues! Why did the surf board run away? It saw the irony of the situation 😛

  • At some point, this may be a candidate for the public forums (or even a public companion thread) but let’s kick it off.

    I last really played fifteen years ago and have been working hard to modernize my deck for the past year but success has been somewhat mixed. It seems the game has changed significantly over the last fifteen and has gotten…[Read more]

  • Nope, not silent! And in color, too!

    Alice was a combination of both books but mostly the first one. It was really fun! Of course, my mom has always hated it as she never thought that it made any sense 😛

    I bring you the Mad Tea Party segment:


    Sorry, I…[Read more]

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 10 months, 4 weeks ago

    Lasers! The base stations emit a laser beam on a motor and the headset uses it for positioning. A lot of other headsets use cameras, which are cheaper but don’t have the same kind of accuracy (and can’t be used in the dark). 🙂 The accuracy is much better since I elevated them by mounting them on the wall, which is nice 🙂

    Yuck! You’re not using…[Read more]

  • Finally got around to watching Snow White even though it’s almost 100 years old. I’m late! 😛

    Anyways! It was rather odd. They made the faces of the two main characters a lot less detailed than any of the secondary ones. Wasn’t much my cup of tea but I also watched the 1951 version of Alice in Wonderland again, which is right up my alley. 🙂

    She…[Read more]

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 11 months ago

    Just generally upgrading my surge protection. I had quite a few outlets that I use frequently that not only didn’t have surge protection but didn’t have enough places to plug things in so I was constantly juggling plugs as I needed them 🙂

    I usually get the model that handles up to 4000 J while the one they sent me is the 4150 J model (difference…[Read more]

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 11 months ago

    Yay! We’re back! Just wanted to get a post in! 😛

    Ordered another surge protector the other day and they sent me the upgraded model instead of the one I had ordered but I’m not complaining!

  • Lovely! Been wondering where that music was from!

    Here’s an old classic:

  • Been reading up online about cleaning up electrical contacts for my workshop’s toolkit and it sounds like DeOxIt is a well regarded go-to for reviving old electricals.

    Still need to order some more tools and tool storage but I’ll get there!

  • Demonic Toys was fun if you like them silly and bad. 😛

  • Ah, okay. I’ve been playing a lot of No Man’s Sky the past couple of weeks. Been working on building out the power grid for my starter base. Once I get everything unlocked, I’ll make one on a nice lush planet I have access to. Of course, it’ll take a lot of asteroid mining to get the gold I need for the solar arrays 😛

    Sounds good 🙂

    It’d be…[Read more]

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 11 months, 2 weeks ago

    Ugh! Have you tried lossless compression? Not sure which formats YouTube takes, though. I know little about video files. :/

    Yeah, upload speeds are historically pretty low. I think the logic is that home users shouldn’t need to upload a lot of large files unless they’re working. In which case, the providers would rather you get on a more…[Read more]

  • Anymore updates? 🙂

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 11 months, 3 weeks ago

    Sorry, all of these outages have really thrown me off!

    I did try zooming in but I still had a bit of a hard time figuring out some bits. Will take another look! 🙂

    Yikes! Hopefully it’s an easy fix! Always liked the design of their appliances. Really like the retro look 🙂


    Yeah, ADHD can be tough on you!

    Got all the surge protectors…[Read more]

  • Cool! Good thing the Spongebob universe avoided them. Who knows how that would have worked out otherwise 😛

    I think part of it is that it needs to start all the drivers and things. All my systems have started off at 100% fan speed until everything is fully loaded, for example. I know there’s a bug in Windows that’s existed forever where it…[Read more]

  • Haven’t been able to watch much on demand lately due to the Internet issues over here so I’ve been catching the horror marathons OTA like they do every year. Caught a lot of the classic Dracula films, The Day the Earth Stood Still, among others 😀

    Poltergeist has been on the list!

    Speaking of mirror scenes in horror films, I need to rewatch…[Read more]

  • You could also use something like a sheetpan. Any large piece of metal will work! But, yes, it’ll look weird unless it’s in the kitchen 😛

    Microwaves are good for a lot of things! 😀

    Weird. Usually, that information is stored in RAM as opposed to ROM

  • For the buzzing, I included some tips in the other thread that may help 🙂

    No idea on the network share but have you tried removing the networked device and then readding it? Maybe it’ll clear some cobwebs out. I have to do that with my printer every now and then for Windows to properly pick it up

  • I haven’t seen a power button on a keyboard in years. Do they still put them on the keyboards? Last one I had with the button on it was an old Mac from the early 90’s/late 80’s.

    For the EMF interference, you can try putting some aluminum foil on the side of the case facing the radio. That’ll create an RF shield and may help some. If not, you can…[Read more]

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