Spastic Hamburger

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 7 months, 1 week ago


    Decided to try the sausages again as it’s been a few years. Hopefully I don’t find any fragments this go around 🙂

    Yep, pedestrian and bike traffic seems to be an afterthought! Just a couple of months ago, they were doing sidewalk repairs by laying down new sections of concrete and decided to do both sides of the road on the same day. Come…[Read more]

  • Haven’t seen Artificial Intelligence yet but it’s been on the list for years. Just haven’t gotten around to it 😛

    Watched Mortuary yesterday and that was quite good. The first half is mostly a mystery film and then the killer gets active for the second half, with a few unexpected twists to it. Very well done even if a couple of the facial…[Read more]

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 7 months, 2 weeks ago


    They haven’t done a robotic dino yet…? They’ve done most everything else!

    No cartoons or ads in this one! Pure science!

    🙁 Had similar issues buying sausages from the local butcher. Every time I buy some, I wind up with fragments in them. The sausages themselves are great as they make them themselves but I got tired of them not separating…[Read more]

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 7 months, 3 weeks ago

    Yay! Got my first issue of Nature!

  • Another classic:

  • Great, thanks! Omnivore looks interesting 🙂

    Not entirely sure how much stuff I’ve got saved. Sadly, the old Google Reader archive was lost some time ago when that HDD died and I didn’t back it up first (really should have). Got other bits and pieces lying around, as well.

    Yeah, I always like to manually save the links when I can instead of…[Read more]

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 7 months, 3 weeks ago

    Yep! They had various multi-part episodes and they’d have ongoing storylines across a season. The early seasons were mostly self contained episodes, though

    I think I may have that issue in a box somewhere! I distinctly remember it 😀

    Yep! Luke’s plan never did make sense! What was he thinking? 😛

    Got the e-reader back up and running! Still…[Read more]

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Pokemon in the forum Discussion 7 months, 4 weeks ago

    They also sometimes send takedown notices for YouTube videos. There have recently been attempts to make Ocarina of Time in Unreal Engine and I keep expecting Nintendo to shut it down.

    Nintendo is also investigating the Paleworld assets for plagiarism as they feel it may be a bit too similar to Pokemon for their liking. Some of the models do look…[Read more]

  • Shallow Grave was a fun one. Acting was hilariously bad, which gave it a certain charm. It also focused on the two dudes just driving around a lot even though they played no role in the film 😛

    Yep, Dodgeball was fun!

    Going to plan to see Night of the Lepus soon. Should be fun! 😀

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Pokemon in the forum Discussion 7 months, 4 weeks ago

    Not in the games but in the other media it has. Originally, Mewtwo was a clone of Mew by Giovani’s scientists, aiming to create the ultimate Pokemon. Mewtwo got pissed at the experiments it was subjected to so it broke out, and destroyed, the lab. In Red, Blue, and Yellow you can actually explore what’s left of the lab (not much). As a result,…[Read more]

  • I need a new way to keep track of articles that are of interest. I had been using Pocket but they made some changes under the hood so it’s now extremely slow on mobile (sometimes it takes over ten minutes to launch if it does at all). Any ideas? Been saving things as bookmarks but that quickly gets out of hand. 😛

    Still need to sift through them…[Read more]

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Films & TV Shows in the forum Discussion 8 months ago

    Twice Dead was a fun one, if a tad slow. Usual horror plot holes but the acting was surprisingly good!

    Yeah, I skipped Year One as it looked a bit silly 😛

    Ooh, Donovan’s Brain looks right up my alley. Really do like those types of films. Speaking of, I still need to rewatch the Brain that Wouldn’t Die. That was a fun one!

    Yeah, we can add the…[Read more]

  • if we moved posts back to the beginning of the forums era, it would be like having Windows 98 books on the shelf.

    I strongly disagree! Even old content like that can be useful. Often, Microsoft removes documentation for features that still exist but not used very much. Also, there are a lot of features they don’t document at all. It’s also…[Read more]

  • 🙁 The Internet Archive may have some of them!

    Yeah, old records like that are generally free if digitized. If not digitized yet, there’s usually a very small fee for tracking them down (small as in 5 USD or about 1 GBP) with the alternative being to go to the Hall of Records. I do wonder if I can track down some of my ancestors. Some of them did…[Read more]

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 8 months ago

    And the Mouse on the Shelf could also be useful!

    Their website is still using old share links? Cool! They don’t go searching for Bigfoot. Pretty sure that’s the realm of cryptozoologists, though 😛

    Kind of surprised the organization wasn’t featured in The X-Files. If it was, I missed it. Probably should watch the series again, anyhow. 🙂 Didn’t…[Read more]

  • Good way to populate a flea circus, though! Always good to have a flea market around 😀

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 8 months, 1 week ago

    My grandfather used to say that he felt that the psychics didn’t need signs telling them about their annual meeting 😛

  • Well, a disco ball would go perfect in the Falcon! 😀

    I think I’ve seen some similar films that used disco for the soundtrack. It was pretty fun in a campy sort of way

    The original three films felt like they were being made up as they went along. All of the later prequels and sequels had to retcon so many things 😛

    Yeah, the first Vacation film…[Read more]

  • Yeah, my mom complains about the image quality all the time! 😛

    Yeah, we had similar migration issues with IPS 4 back at DC but, with a much smaller site, it was much easier to work through the issues. Not everything converted nicely but uploads being down is a big problem!

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 8 months, 1 week ago

    Got my subscription to Nature! First issue should arrive in the next couple of weeks and then I’ll be getting an issue a week!

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