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Sounds like it’s something with some of the embedded ads. π
Yeah, dealer fees are a bit insane. Unfortunately, we have laws that prevent manufacturers from running their own dealers so that the individual dealers don’t get priced out. Yep, the dealers lobbied for such treatment. And, if you try to special order something, it can get complicated. And let’s not forget the zebra fee! They need to get the horsepower from somewhere π
That’s one way of doing it! We could also go with one of the various vehicles designed by Dr Seuss! π
While we’re on the subject, here’s an oddly thorough list: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_James_Bond_vehicles
Read Blake Crouch’s Run the other day. It was a brutal book and only recommended if you’re in the mood for something that gets the heart pounding. It’s really heavy.
Working on prepping for the upcoming cold blast. Weather report is not consistent with precipitation. The weekly forecast says 20% but the hourly says 80% so it’s pretty confusing. Need to make sure I round up all my blankets and heaters and then I also need to get the plants covered up. Originally wasn’t going to worry about it but the forecasted temps aren’t looking as good as they were the other day. Only 27F for two days but the precipitation is what has me worried.
Ah yes, a fairly positive reader reaction at Goodreads. Having completed Wayward Pines, Dark Matter is next?
The hourly could mean 80% chance of the 20% weekly happening in the next hour, or could the weekly mean there’s a 20% chance of 80% happening each and every hour, as opposed to a random hour. π
Bunker up though, any plants in pots are best kept close to a brick wall for best results.
For the sheer delight of everyone, they played the Double BongCloud Attack, but hey wouldn’t that go down super well in the rapid tournaments. The game would be over even before the players had settled in their chairs!
Read Dark Matter a couple of months ago. π It was pretty fun and I liked the bit in the chatroom that was essentially a callback to Bender’s Big Score when an infinite number of them start popping up before he kills the chatroom.
Also read Recursion a while back. Not his best book, honestly. Great characters and interaction but the premise didn’t make much sense. How they get to time travel from simple brain mapping was preposterous and never adequately explained.
Could be! The weather reports are kind of hard to read sometimes. For example: the low for a day is actually the lowest temperature it’ll be the next morning around 0500. Makes no sense! π
Have had everything covered since Monday and brought the potted plants inside. They’re probably missing the sunlight but it’s better than getting frozen. π
I definitely agree with the responses over there: if the result doesn’t matter, just have fun with it! Personally, I would have just used the Kings to dance around the board instead of simply moving them back and forth. π
Got colder this morning than it was supposed to. It was only supposed to be 28 but wound up being 25. No matter, I do like the cold. π
Oh nice, wonder if for those, anyone is good enough for a screenplay near enough as good as it was for (at least the first season of) WayWard Pines.
Funny thing about cold shock in some plants, for many it can be a delayed effect, they remain seemingly okay until early spring, and then fade. 25Β° is certainly about the limit for subtropicals.
Heard this guy on the radio today, what he says boils down to everything we say, write, or do is geared ultimately toward harm minimisation. As one reviewer put it:
Our sense of morality is rooted in avoiding harm.
A bit depressing actually, mostly on account of the fact it all boils down to reveal a hard kernel of truth. π
About to finish Service Model. It’s a hilarious take on the robot apocalypse with tons of pop culture references. Highly recommended! My biggest issue is that I can read a book in a day or two so it’s hard for me to keep up with finding new stuff. Kobo’s algorithm has started breaking down and giving me the same stuff, most of which isn’t available from the library or I’ve already read. Going to need to come up with a better way to find reading material
Yeah. Some of them take a few days to display damage, most are immediate. Fortunately, it looks like the only ones that got hit are the ones that’ll come back in a few months. π
Interesting idea. It can get complicated if there are conflicting concerns, though. For instance, you have a group of five deer and a group of five coyotes. The coyotes are going after the deer. Do you let the coyotes eat or do you save the deer?
Well, morality kicks in a bit when you know how hungry the coyotes are. If they are moderately hungry, they would all be happy to share one deer, so in a chase, the slowest deer will lose, as it happens in un-biased settings. If they are ravenous, probably the same thing, as they may not be in good enough health to digest the meat properly, and if they are not so hungry, do nothing,. as the coyotes will probably do as well.
And so it happened, AI infrastructure begins with a bang and a crunch. The owners of Nvidia may not be too happy with the 17% drop, or not too surprised either, as they knew it had to happen. Even AMD shares went down 6.4%.
Leech season over here, as opposed to further north, down here the “anΓ¦sthetic” isn’t so strong, so can be felt earlier. The shortfall might be related to the recent extended drought, in which the poor critters exist mostly as a relatively dry withered bit of tube. π
I think part of it is that people are beginning to realize how far AI has to go. I have a lot of issues with it myself. Since Google added AI summaries to the search results page, I’ve been having more issues finding what I need. I find that the summaries are worded in strange ways that I find difficult to understand, or even inaccurate, and find it much easier to just find a link to an original article. Their old knowledge graph was much more useful to me. I even have to ask my smart speaker a question five different ways before it can understand what I mean.
In some eras, leeches were available at your local pharmacy. In fact, it looks like they’re using leech chemicals in actual medication. We’ve come a long way from bloodletting π
Bad air pollution down here for the last week or so. As a result, my lungs have been spasming a bit. It’s been worse outside. π
They should really provide an option to hide the AI, or at least put it at the bottom of the page, if it gets any worse, then another browser is definitely on the table. As an afterthought, wonder why ungoogled-chromium isn’t mentioned on the Chromium page?
All the way from California? Checked the air quality for your area just now, the maps say pretty good, there are some fires around, not too close though, and the southerlies should clear the air some. Has it improved recently?
Sadly, it’s all opt-out if they even let you. Really getting tired of forced AI content on the web π
It’s not really the browser, it’s on Google’s search results. Bing has similar issues. When I typed in Beetlejuice just now on Bing, one of the suggested search results called it an “American Actor” instead of a film. Ugh. To be fair, him popping up in other films would be a riot.
I smelled and saw a lot of smoke so it was probably controlled burns. Air quality has greatly improved now and I’m no longer having lung spasms so that’s good. π
Oh, was thinking a browser would have a policy of showing a search engine’s search results, but not the AI blurb as default. In any case, it can be turned of by plugins or this:
What about him popping up in an ad for sarsaparilla, or even better, betel nut beer? π
Ah, breathing again, know the feeling well. π Hot with fires over this part of the world, rainy up the top end, some had more than half a metre of rain in 15 hours, and well over a metre for the week.
Only 38 comments on that post? Blogs are definitely becoming less popular, I see π
Thanks! Now if we can figure out how to disable it for Bing. May be a toggle, haven’t looked yet π
Someone needs to license the character as their betel nut mascot π
Yeah, I still need to get an air purifier for the living room. That will surely help. We’re really dry right now save for the fog. Last good rain we had was over a week ago and none is predicted for a while yet. Fortunately, the wet season is just around the corner but it’ll be pretty dusty until then.
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