
  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Samsung Tablets in the forum Projects 7 months ago

    Yes, thankfully, it just required coaxing out with gentle verbal and physical encouragement. 🙂
    The tray on the A8 has two bays, one for micro SD and one for nano SIM. Came over with a mild turn of spook-a-loo after watching the video on how to convert a SIN to a nano SIM. These things are so small, you need HP Swiss tweezers and iris scissors as…[Read more]

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Hardware Relics in the forum Discussion 7 months ago

    Sounds great, a piccy of the kit and the up and coming work in progress workshop is very welcome!

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Films & TV Shows in the forum Discussion 7 months ago

    Eaten Alive was pretty fun, even if the slasher wasn’t very good at the job description. He had to keep chasing his victims to get them. In most slashers, there’s not really a challenge until the end 😛

    It also had a few familiar names!

    And The Zero Boys was also a fun one, but a bit too much action flick for my tastes.

  • Yeah, I always get lost in the new settings setup when I get a new device. There’s always a lot more and some menus aren’t where they used to be 😛

    Hopefully the SIM can be acquired with minimal fuss!

  • Finally got around to ordering the rest of the dissection tools 😛

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 7 months, 1 week ago

    In the “good old days”, such as they were, many trains had luggage compartments in the carriage, or an entire carriage for luggage, a caboose if you will. Different solutions are required today for the commuting cyclist of today, perhaps one or two carriages equipped with extra racks would do the job.

    Interesting stuff on the radio today:


    [Read more]

  • 😀

    And related!

    Thought I had posted it here but didn’t see it. Oh, well! The more the merrier!

    And DEVO!

  • 😀

    That’s a real problem! We get slasher marathons from time to time OTA and Tubi has a dedicated category for them.

    Yep, seen it. Thought it was really just a random combination of action scenes with a frivolous plot. Of course, my dad loved it. He just likes action in his movies, plot be damned. 😛

    Saw this one yesterday and it…[Read more]

  • 🙂 Jeepers, the “needle jumps” 50 secs in. Someone over there mentioned Lord of the Flies/Children of the Corn/Planet of the Apes, thus the moral of the story is: Fat wins the day? 😛
    Yes, and newsflash read all about it, all those great films will never make it over on any of the umpteen fta channels over here. 🙁
    Don’t recommend watching The One[Read more]

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Family Trees in the forum Projects 7 months, 1 week ago

    Weird, Bergeron was a Frenchman, from a French family, with a motto on the fca in English. His father doesn’t have it, but Nicolas much earlier has it. She uploaded the image to the site with nary a historical reference, thus it has merrily propagated to other commercial heraldry sites like this with the usual beguiling authentic look.
    Yeah the…[Read more]

  • Cool! Most video editing stuff is beyond me as I’ve never really messed with it 😛

    The periodic name changes to xMM (First OBMM, then TESMM (or something), and then NMM) are rather problematic. The general name change was understandable but the latest one isn’t all that necessary. The issue is that other programs that rely on the current name…[Read more]

  • Need to share this one again:

    It’s a classic! They show it on TCM periodically 😛

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Family Trees in the forum Projects 7 months, 1 week ago

    A quick reverse image search says that it’s similar to the tradition Stearns coat of arms and the one for this guy. There were a couple of others as well but those were the most similar 🙂

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 7 months, 1 week ago

    They didn’t give a timeframe, it was more of a call to action than anything. It mostly focused on how it would disrupt the ocean currents.

    Over here, our buses have bike racks but they can only hold a couple of bikes. In other areas, people are starting to get folding bikes to more easily take with them but those can get heavy! 😛

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Family Trees in the forum Projects 7 months, 1 week ago

    Can be! A Google image search will reveal much, he might have based his mods on a real fca, you just have to find it. 😛
    Posted a question over at Genealogy going way way back – you know, as Google search evolves to encompass more content, so do the the mysteries multiply. 😛

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 7 months, 1 week ago

    Interesting – the info on Wikipedia suggests a minimum time interval before melt as 1000 years, is it possible sooner?
    Just a couple of posts back:

    Toronto trains are trams on steroids

    Over here, our commuter trains are trams on downers, and that’s on a good day!
    And someone from Reddit said trackless trams are glorified buses. It matters little…[Read more]

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Family Trees in the forum Projects 7 months, 1 week ago


    Is the family crest a recent addition or is it an ancestral symbol? Ten years ago, my grandfather made a bunch of them for the family as a joke because he was bored 😛

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 7 months, 2 weeks ago


    Decided to try the sausages again as it’s been a few years. Hopefully I don’t find any fragments this go around 🙂

    Yep, pedestrian and bike traffic seems to be an afterthought! Just a couple of months ago, they were doing sidewalk repairs by laying down new sections of concrete and decided to do both sides of the road on the same day. Come…[Read more]

  • Haven’t seen Artificial Intelligence yet but it’s been on the list for years. Just haven’t gotten around to it 😛

    Watched Mortuary yesterday and that was quite good. The first half is mostly a mystery film and then the killer gets active for the second half, with a few unexpected twists to it. Very well done even if a couple of the facial…[Read more]

  • Purchased a single use licence for AceMovi some time back, not a bad program to use, found out later the licence is per machine, not user. To use the licence on a second machine, PM them for a new key, so that the old key on the old machine won’t work anymore.
    They, like most other editors have common video techniques documented, including the Ken…[Read more]

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