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  • in reply to: All Things Site and Organizational #2634

    Don’t see a tool in the control panel. Would definitely be nice to have one for cases like this. May be possible via SQL commands but I haven’t the foggiest idea of how to go about that

    in reply to: Styles #2631

    Never noticed it before. Perhaps it’s related to screen size?

    Need a bit of a break but I’ll get back to plucking away in a couple of days. πŸ™‚

    Semi-fixed. I unset the max-width value but the width still needs syncing up, it looks like. Actually, do you like the new width here better or the width in the regular area?

    in reply to: Films & TV Shows #2628

    Gorky Park is a classic! Still haven’t read the book, though. πŸ™ I really need to change that

    Watched High Spirits again yesterday and it’s always a lot fun. Really don’t understand the 31% RT rating. It’s a good romp with a lot of actors just entering their careers with a few well-known names.

    in reply to: Buddy Press #2627

    Rather large update this morning. May fix a few things and may even break a few things!

    in reply to: Random #2626

    That would require a lot of lasagna to maintain πŸ˜›

    in reply to: Random #2625

    That is nice!

    My dad uses colorful, spotted toadstools for his incense. He usually picks them up at the art festivals so I may try looking there when we get one πŸ™‚

    Yeah, it’s really quite cool to see things as he intended them to look. I do remember that some of the descriptions were kind of vague. πŸ™‚ I wonder if there are illustrations of Mordor in there? Always had an issue visualizing that locale in particular!

    I try to! Lately, though, I’ve been having to focus on the studies that are of particular interest since it takes me so long to read an entire issue and I’m already months behind πŸ˜›

    in reply to: Veg #2620

    I’ve developed bad erosion around the driveway so I’m looking at putting in some ground cover to shore things up. Something from this list is probably the way to go. In particular, Mimosa strigillosa looks like a good option. πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Styles #2619

    What was the issue with the overlap? Never noticed it

    Yep, looks good πŸ™‚

    I do plan on adding a border to the sidebar to make the colors bleed less. I also found out that CSS added variables since I learned the language back in 2010 (I never kept up with updates πŸ˜› ) so that’s something to consider when I refactor the styles. For readability, I’m leaning towards related items all being in an individual section instead of grouping things by style property like I’ve been doing so far. By using variables, it should give us the best of both worlds but I need to look to see if there are any drawbacks to that approach

    in reply to: The Thread That Broods #2608

    Any luck with calling them? It could very well be a hardware issue

    in reply to: The Long Hall of Hilarity #2607

    I bring you snowmen! πŸ˜€

    in reply to: General Info & Feedback (Please Read First) #2606

    And let’s not forget table guy!

    (β•―Β°β–‘Β°)β•―οΈ΅ ┻━┻


    in reply to: Random #2603

    No screw on top. Supposedly, there’s a locking peg in them but I haven’t managed to get the peg working. May have something to do with how the gaskets are aligned. Will need to take a good look at them πŸ™‚

    Going to use them for spices! πŸ˜€

    They are making some progress with inertial containment but I haven’t gotten there yet

    If it’s Homer, then there’s probably booze around! πŸ˜›

    Yeah, it’s a completely different design! Much more pleasing to the eyes in the lab! Haven’t read much on them yet but I’ll get there!

    Looks like TerraCycle has something but they don’t specify if it’s for natural, synthetic, or both. Probably need to reach out to them about that πŸ™‚

    What kind of holder do you use? Have had some trouble finding one I like locally. We do have a couple shops that may have them but they’re a little difficult to access without proper transportation so I may need to order them.

    That’s going to be a heck of a picnic! The ants will be most pleased! πŸ˜€

    Just came across this:

    Absolutely stunning!

    in reply to: Styles #2599

    For whatever reason, the sidebar used an aside HTML element which prevented me from changing the background so, sadly, I had to change the class for the group the sidebar was in. Would have been better if it used a div instead as an aside is a marker for text content, not structural. Probably something worth sending to them at some point.

    Anyways! Had some issues with the cache on Chrome where it wasn’t updating all the styles on my end so it took a few minutes to figure out that I simply had to do a CTRL + Shift + R to refresh it. I cleaned up the duplicate sidebar styles resulting from troubleshooting.

    I also added some padding to the sidebar to fix up the spacing and fixed the heading colors.

    The heading backgrounds are still weird but that’ll take some thinking about how to resolve, as mentioned earlier.

    Due to the font changes, holler if something is out of whack!


    Took a look at the content for blog posts (not the post excerpts on the index but the pages with the comments) and I’m going to need to group the heading div and the content div together to make them look good. Even though they should be considered a cohesive unit, they’re not grouped in a container so it’s tricky to get them styled properly as a group.

    in reply to: The Thread That Broods #2592


    Does the ODU light just tell you if the decoder is functioning or if it also has a signal?

    If the former, it sounds like a damaged line somewhere since the neighbor is having the same issue.

    in reply to: The TCG Thread #2588

    Whelp, Blackwings can’t use Crystal Wing effectively like I initially thought: the opening cards lock you in to Dark creatures while Crystal Wing is a Wind creature. Subbed it in anyways as I can still use it if I can’t get the appropriate combo off. Still, I’ll go back to trawling through the card database for a better option.

    Also, I clean forgot about the links. Will try to fix that!

    in reply to: The Thread That Broods #2587
    On DeVaultSetter said

    This explains it: hunt for ratings = runt for hatings!
    Yeah, stay in there, and, as someone should have said: may any coming distractions be worth the while!
    Sorry, been out of the loop a little as per RL on farm, and of late digging up personal info on the OAP rollover coming up in August. It’s very time consuming. πŸ™

    How are things progressing?

    in reply to: Litespeed #2586

    Weird! Glad to know that it’s not actually an issue! πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Random #2584

    Been meaning to ask this for quite some time but better late than never!

    I have some worn out socks that are a mixture of synthetic and natural material. Can these be recycled at all or do they just need to be thrown out? I know that, with a uniform material make, there are outfits that will break them down and reuse the resources but having a mixture may make it more trouble than it’s worth for the centers

    in reply to: Styles #2581

    Will do! πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Styles #2578

    Some of the template blocks, like the sidebar, use generic classes so the best way to fix them up would be to add a custom class to them. Any objections if I go ahead and do this? It will definitely make things easier and cleaner. I’ll use the same format I used with the spoiler class just in case official classes are used down the road to keep conflicts to a minimum.

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