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  • in reply to: Styles #2682

    Could I see a screenshot? I think I’m missing it

    Still wish I could figure out why the post form in groups gets cut off but I haven’t been able to get it figured out yet. 🙁

    Will keep looking!

    in reply to: Software: On & Off the Web #2679

    Even though NMS keeps receiving ongoing support, I really wouldn’t mind if it got paid updates if it meant even bigger and better updates.

    in reply to: The Thread That Broods #2678

    Mental health update time? Been a while since we’ve done one.

    Anyways! As you’ve probably noticed, I’ve been doing much better lately and my brain has begun rebooting and getting back to work. Been playing No Man’s Sky off and on to keep from overdoing it in between sessions. Still having some trouble focusing but that’s not going to go away without my medication so I’m going to see what else I can do to try and manage it. Going to pick up a clock radio of something similar soon as background music used to help tremendously.

    Yep, realize it’s still slow going but progress is progress, right?

    On a completely different note: any updates on any of the other projects that have been in the deep freezer?

    in reply to: Site Search #2677

    Sorry about the very delayed reply!

    I think it may be something that bbPress needs to tweak to play nice with the search function. Sending JJJ a message now that they’ve been doing some development may be a good idea. They also have a history of doing some work on Core so perhaps that’d streamline the entire report?

    in reply to: Styles #2676

    What order did you want the links in the navbar to be in?

    in reply to: Litespeed #2675

    Big update today.

    6.3 – Jul 22 2024
    🌱Page Optimize HTML Keep Comments: When minifying HTML do not discard comments that match a specified pattern. (#328853)
    🌱Cache Cache POST requests. Now can configure POST/GET AJAX requests to be cached. (#647300)
    Cache Bypass admin initialization when doing ajax call. (Tim)
    Cache Better control over the cache location #541 (Gal Baras/Tanvir Israq)
    Cloud Added nonce for callback validation to enhance security. (Chloe@Wordfence)
    Cloud Fixed an error message for daily quota.
    Cloud Display error message when communicating with causes a token error.
    ESI Bypass ESI at an earlier stage when getting DONOTCACHEPAGE.
    ESI Added ESI nonce for Events Calendar and jetMenu mobile hamburger menu. (#306983 #163710 PR#419)
    ESI Added WP Data Access nonce (PR#665)
    ESI Added WP User Frontend ESI nonce (PR#675)
    Media Ignored images from JS in image size detection (PR#660)
    GUI Moved Preset menu from network level to site level for multisite networks.
    GUI Suppressed sitemap generation message if not triggered manually.
    GUI Added CloudFlare purge to front end menu.
    GUI Allowed customized partner CDN login link on dash.
    Page Optimize Cleaned up litespeed_url table when clearing url files. (PR#664)
    Page Optimize Updated Instant Click library to version 5.2.0.
    Page Optimize Added Flatsome theme random string excludes. (PR#415)
    Page Optimize Exclude Cloudflare turnstile from JS optimizations. (Tobolo)
    Page Optimize Fixed Cloudflare Turnstile issues. (Contributolo PR#671/672)
    Object Improved debug log for object cache status. (PR#669)
    Object Added brief parseable header comments to the drop-in file. (OllieJones)
    Debug Trimmed debug log.
    Misc Improved compatibility and sped up resolving for JSON functions json_encode/json_decode. (hosni/szepeviktor #693)
    Misc Fixed typos in params and comments. (szepeviktor #688)
    Image Optimization Fixed an issue which suppressed new requests when there were no new images in the library but there were unprocessed images in the send queue.
    Image Optimization Improved Cloud side quota check by disallowing new requests if notified but not pulled.
    Image Optimization Keep image attributes when replacing dimensions. (PR#686 #381779)

    Keep an eye out for oddities!

    in reply to: Films & TV Shows #2672

    Not sure how RT works but I think it mostly pulls from older reviews so it can be a bit problematic when sentiments change.

    Saw Death Race 2000 finally and it was fun. Weird film but fun 😛

    Didn’t Egghead make a “die laughing” joke in that episode? I think so 😛

    in reply to: Styles #2671

    That’s a BuddyPress page. Looks like it has some specific properties that don’t show up in the page editor. If you go to the page directly, it shows a list of groups. It’s similar with the members page. May be worth adding them to the navbar at some point and it looks like they also need styling. Will add that to the to-do list!

    Yeah, I haven’t updated the stylesheet for the BuddyPress changes yet. Probably should do that next 🙂

    Overall, the theme is really starting to come together nicely 🙂

    in reply to: The TCG Thread #2670

    Change of plans! Crystal Wing is staying in the Blackwing deck! Was about to be backed in a corner yesterday so I used Small World to swap some cards out that ultimately let me bring out Crystal Wing, letting me clench the game. Still perfecting this deck but we’re getting closer!

    in reply to: The TCG Thread #2663

    These days, the materials have advanced enough where you don’t really need to do that anymore. I have some old sleeves lying around that stick together a lot so they’re definitely on the replacement list. Been slowly cannibalizing the cards from that old deck for new stuff. Who knew cards themselves got hungry 😛

    Sounds good. Will look into adding some information on fan formats. 🙂

    One thing that’s missing is a list of cards from each major fan format. May have missed it, though. Would be very nice to have to keep from having to look stuff up meticuously.

    Haven’t run across that one before! I do have fond memories of playing some old ones on Kongregate years ago back before the site was partially killed off. Will take a closer look at it!

    Wiki’s got a pretty extensive list of some card games that are lesser known in the West, along with historical games.

    in reply to: Styles #2662

    Banner is fixed…somewhat. Can’t adjust the width because they didn’t use an img element. They used a bit of a hack: they used an empty paragraph and set its background so it contains no content, meaning I can only set its width to numerical values instead of scaling with the content. At some point, we’ll probably want to collect the gripes and send them to the individual developers 😛

    Begin edit:

    I suppose I could remove the fallback background color. May mess with images that use transparency, though. Didn’t think of that earlier

    End edit

    What would the Emporia and Bazaar pages contain?

    in reply to: Styles #2659

    Sorry about the banner. Curse my attention span! Getting better at managing it, though.

    It looks fine on mobile so it’s probably set to stretched in the properties. I’ll see if I can find the right override for it.

    Can fix the navigation bar, certainly. What order do you want things in?

    in reply to: Plugins #2653

    One more thing to add to the wishlist (really need to start working on that soon!) is a theme switcher user-side to let folks choose their theme. Would be nice for those who prefer a light versus dark theme, for example. I prefer dark color schemes myself but not everyone does so it’d be nice to give them the option. Granted, it’d mean we’d need to do our CSS a different way but we can worry about it when we get there.

    in reply to: Software: On & Off the Web #2652

    Can those be used in Windows without an additional interpreter? That was the nice thing about VB script: it could be used right out of the box.

    Yeah, sad about the forums. Reminds me of GHF, to be honest: folks just drifted away over time.


    Yeah, hate it when things like that happen. Very annoying!

    Was reminded of pandoc the other day. Very useful little program for converting file types. So you could easily turn a Markdown file into a nicely printable PDF or even a PDF into an editable .doc. I used it to convert API documentation into a PDF so that I could print it out and stick it in a notebook for ease of browsing 🙂

    in reply to: Theme Issues #2651

    Thanks to the llamas, everything should be back to normal. Please give a holler if anything else is out of whack, save for the ongoing theme work. Well, you could holler about that but it is ongoing so it’s a good way to get a sore throat. Also, you may want to holler if you find yourself suddenly without a parachute while falling over the Pacific Ocean. Probably a good idea.

    in reply to: Styles #2650

    These are the new selectors I had to add:

    :root :where(body)
    :root :where(a:where(:not(.wp-element-button)))
    :root :where(h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6)
    .wp-elements-fb1dc8a358d6c5ee50b4614eb09d35bb a:where(:not(.wp-element-button))

    Site should be readable now. Let me know if I missed anything.

    It’s weird that they changed everything to use functions instead of directly selecting the classes and elements. Not sure what the rationale was behind that.


    The last two are unrelated to the issue. The contrast one was set by a variable so I backed it out but we’ll want to tinker with it at some point as it affects how search results show up (need to get back to the search stuff, sorry).
    The last item was marked as ! important for whatever reason so I wasn’t able to override it. I’ll take another look at it later. I also need to find it again. I didn’t make a note of which page it was on when I was trawling through things.

    Also, I still need to fix all of the sizing in group forums. Tweaking the width didn’t fix the truncation issue in post forms 🙁

    in reply to: Styles #2640

    Major updates are supposed to have manual approval, if I remember correctly, while minor patches (third decimal) are supposed to be automatic but I’m not sure

    Didn’t do anything myself since I updated the styles in the style pack. Unless the server was hacked

    Do we have a backup from before the changes? If so, we’ll want to manually copy the last few posts on the site and look at restoring

    Though, the file changes are a bit disconcerting. To email!

    in reply to: Styles #2638

    Looks like something may have barfed. 🙁

    in reply to: Random #2635

    If it was twenty-feet, it’d be a moon-ful of lasagna! 😀

    The ad does read as though they may be having issues getting the licensing agreement worked out, which is interesting. They don’t usually advertise products like that unless they know the paperwork is all figured out.

    Cool! Never played Doom myself. Though, I did used to play a lot of Quake and Unreal Tournament at LAN parties. That was a lot of fun. Really miss yelling across the room at the guy when I got shot. 😛 See what we lose by going remote only!

    Been reading John Scalzi’s books and they’re a lot of fun. Essentially, they’re science fiction with a humorous twist and a lot of pop culture references. The Collapsing Empire, for instance, had a starship that was named “Our Princess is in another Castle” for example. He also has a book that satirizes the redshirts from Star Trek. Got that one on the waiting list!

    in reply to: All Things Site and Organizational #2634

    Don’t see a tool in the control panel. Would definitely be nice to have one for cases like this. May be possible via SQL commands but I haven’t the foggiest idea of how to go about that

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