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  • in reply to: Litespeed #2722

    Interesting changelog today: – Jul 29 2024
    * πŸ”₯🐞Rest Disabled WP default Editor cache for REST requests to fix editor errors. (Shivam)
    * Cache Supported cache_nocacheable.txt predefined settings.

    The editor errors change is interesting. I wonder if it fixes some of the oddities we have during session timeouts?

    in reply to: Random #2721

    Just finished reading Redshirts and it’s a brilliant piece of meta-fiction. Highly recommended if you enjoy riffing on writing flaws (I do enjoy bad movies, after all). πŸ™‚

    in reply to: The TCG Thread #2719

    Did some basic formatting of the first post. Still need to organize things by game and supply links to rule books, home pages, store locators, and the like but it’s progress!

    in reply to: All Things General and Non-Organizational #2716

    Now we have three options!

    Yep, definitely don’t want to have to use a chat room when I want to, say, get a schematic for wiring something. Can get pretty annoying. One of the reasons why our place exists!

    There’s probably going to be some overlap with the blog categories but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. There may be some other way to display the categories, too. Will take a look at that. We could have the category link to product reviews in the navigation bar, for example.

    in reply to: The TCG Thread #2709

    Okay, started adding some links to the fan formats. The post is beginning to get enough content to warrant proper formatting so I’ll put that on the to-do list πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Site Search #2707

    Thanks. I’m better with library and application level coding. πŸ™‚

    Probably worth a shot. Interestingly, their contact page says to post over to the plugins email. *grumbles*

    I can always pester the folks monitoring that email address if need be. πŸ˜›

    in reply to: Software: On & Off the Web #2706

    Windows at the moment. May try out gaming support on Linux at some point.

    Yep, used to enjoy seeing their NMS posts over there. Starfield is on the wishlist but, from what I gather, it’s a completely different type of game. I’m sure I’ll try it out eventually πŸ˜›

    The current expedition in NMS has you bug hunting. It reminds me of fighting the Zerg in StarCraft πŸ˜›


    You should probably go ahead and play it. A lot of folks over here rave about it. And if you want something that’s just plain relaxing, here’s another one that folks seem to enjoy πŸ™‚

    in reply to: The Thread That Broods #2705

    Sorry! It got misinterpreted as HTML. I pick a random adjective and then follow that with a random noun. Makes for some fun names πŸ˜›

    Yeah. Lately, I’ve been suffering from a lack of creativity and just feel like I’m thinking through sludge. Should get better once the heat starts to subside. My worst test results were always the ones at the end of the school year when Summer started up. I think best when it’s really cold outside. πŸ™‚

    May snag Golf with your Friends at some point to maybe start building a miniature golf course πŸ˜›

    Looks like it was a simple typo in the article. They missed the “1” in front. πŸ™‚

    Been having some issues sleeping lately. Sinuses have been backing up during the night and been making it a tad hard to breathe. Quite annoying.

    in reply to: Random #2702

    Trying to decide on a new electric razor is a bit of a pain. My old one from Philips broke after less than a year due to a lot of plastic in the construction (the foil got stuck in an angled position so was no longer safe). Too many options with too many price points. Looked online at reviews and the reviews lean towards the pricier models. πŸ™

    in reply to: Plugins #2700

    There’s an incomplete article on it over at the Codex. Looking it over, it seems like there’s quite a bit to consider and things could get hairy.

    in reply to: Site Search #2699

    What bit of code did you use? Sorry, I’ve never been good at scripting languages. The hooking process always throws me for a loop. πŸ™

    Only JavaScript I’m able to do is basic stuff that doesn’t really interact much with the DOM. πŸ˜›

    Are we sure it’s BuddyPress acting up, then? I thought it was bbPress that had sprung a leak

    in reply to: Software: On & Off the Web #2696

    Started a new game in NMS (I really need to stay on a single game for more than a few weeks :P) and started in a system with an Earth-like planet. Going to explore it soon now that I need to return to the system and will likely toss a base on it. In another system, there’s a very mountainous desert world that I quite like the aesthetics of. I’ll probably toss a base on that one as well πŸ™‚


    Did some looking and NMS doesn’t include planet cores. They’re just empty space surrounded by bedrock that you can’t dig through. πŸ™

    in reply to: Random #2695

    Yep, Scalzi does use some colorful language. Part of what gives his books their charm! πŸ˜€

    Yeah, Star Wars reviews are all over the map. That’s not even taking into account the changes made with each subsequent release. Han shot first!

    Then there’s the debate whether or not Star Wars is science fiction or space opera. Space opera is a subgenre of science fiction so it’s actually both. One could argue that it’s more of a fantasy film, though, as it takes place in an area where Earth doesn’t exist.

    Ooh, the art style reminds me of Battle for Wesnoth. Really wish I could get a good tabletop RPG group going. Each time I try, the other folks just stop showing up after a session or two without explanation. /shrug

    Always sad to see a tree get hit hard. πŸ™

    Been getting a ton of storms over here. With the heat, though, the water has been evaporating faster than it can fill up the reservoirs so the water level isn’t too high.

    Also just noticed the other day that NMS quotes John Scalzi when you die. Never noticed before!

    in reply to: The Thread That Broods #2693

    Lately, I’ve been having fun with creating a name using this format: . Could create a name generator for it but that wouldn’t be nearly as much fun! πŸ˜›

    Sadly, insurance had stopped covering the only medication that worked for me so the cost became too prohibitive. Did try others but nothing else had an effect. πŸ™

    I only have mini replicas of those. They don’t sound good at all but they look cool on the shelf πŸ˜€

    Sounds good πŸ™‚

    Do need to get back to it but got a bit distracted by my dog’s surgery back in April and then a few other things came up, such as working on the site theme. That and I got distracted by researching plasma containment. Did I mention I have a short attention span these days? πŸ˜›

    In all seriousness, will definitely get back to it. Part of the holdup is that I’m kind of waiting on the next release of PopOS, which should be in a couple of weeks, just in case the upgrade goes sour and I need to reinstall yet again. Didn’t want to install too much outside of the necessities in case I had to wipe the system again. Doesn’t mean I can’t continue researching the Pi and Jetson, however. Will get back on that once I make some more headway on the site theme. πŸ™‚

    I also found this kit in my news feed a couple of weeks ago that may be worth looking into. A little bit pricey but could help with learning the ropes of the Pi API.

    in reply to: Sounds and Music #2692

    An old classic:

    in reply to: Site Search #2690

    Yeah, I’d consider it a security issue with the plugin as it’s leaking private data. I honestly don’t understand their reasoning here

    in reply to: Site Search #2688

    Sounds good. Hopefully they’re able to forward it to them πŸ™‚

    Internet is fine. Just had to reboot the mesh. Somehow, one of my nodes got confused and was suffering from severe packet loss which was confusing the whole network over here. Rebooting it fixed the issue πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Styles #2685

    Thanks, see it now. Another artifact of the 6.6 update. Looks like I missed a :root style. Will catch it!

    in reply to: Site Search #2684

    Sorry, thought they had BuddyPress enabled and PMs set up.

    Yeah, Slack could be worth looking at. It was actually one of the services I looked at before setting us up with Teams. Will give it another looksie once my internet connection stabilizes (super slow today so I think they’re doing some work on the network).

    Yeah, it sounds like trying the plugins email may be the way to go. Everything else is a bit too public for my liking.

    in reply to: Styles #2682

    Could I see a screenshot? I think I’m missing it

    Still wish I could figure out why the post form in groups gets cut off but I haven’t been able to get it figured out yet. πŸ™

    Will keep looking!

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