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Viewing 20 posts – 881 through 900 (of 1,097 total)
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  • in reply to: Gramps #796

    Is this thread ready for me to reply to? Sorry, it never showed up in the stats and was listed as unread two weeks ago when it was hidden so I didn’t realize that you had made it visible

    in reply to: The Thread That Broods #795

    Their keyboards looked really nice but were a bit pricey so I went with this one 🙂

    It’s really comfortable to use! I didn’t know anything about switch types so I just went with the Brown switch type as my research said that was kind of in the middle 😛

    Nice! I really like the second one! GRUB also has support for musical notes! May switch back to GRUB at some point. May not have been as fast as systemd-boot but the theming capabilities were nice 🙂

    Need to finish configuring the monitor’s OSD settings. The pamphlet in the box didn’t cover them so I’ll need to pull the manual off the site. I miss the days of printed manuals. They were so much easier!

    in reply to: Topic: Pending to Open Issues #794

    Seeing similar issues. The stats don’t update and it still thinks the posts that are no longer hidden are still hidden as per the notice in the top bar. Let’s hope they get it fixed!

    in reply to: The Thread That Broods #790

    I have to say, the RGB lighting on the keyboard is really starting to grow on me. I think I’ll dive into the settings and see what all I can do with it. 🙂

    It’s the little things! Like having a graphic at the boot selection (which I sorely miss)! 😛

    in reply to: All Things Site and Organizational #789

    Sounds good!

    Is that your cat? She’s lovely!

    in reply to: Computer Setup #788

    Nope. Not sure how it connects but I’ll see if I can find out!

    Yeah, the change takes a bit of getting used to. Most VR headsets have their own speakers so the speaker configuration shouldn’t affect it 🙂

    Spent yesterday testing things out. A couple of hours in No Man’s Sky and no issues at all. 🙂

    Fans are a bit loud but that’s to be expected with it using 140mm and 120mm fans and I knew they’d be a bit noisy going in so it’s more of a note than anything.

    in reply to: Software: On & Off the Web #778

    There should be a way to reset the orphaned accounts. Had that happen to me a time or two on other sites. I think they used to automatically create a dummy account for users way back when just to sync up avatars before official registration but I’m not sure about that.

    in reply to: Hardware Relics #777

    Ah, gotcha. 🙂

    Oh, no! Hopefully it’ll be okay!

    Let’s hope someone can! That is completely foreign to me. I don’t want to say Greek as Greek is used in math!

    in reply to: Films & TV Shows #776

    Not yet! Still watching sloppy horror films! Yesterday was Humanoids from the Deep! The sexual content was a bit overdone and reminded me of Galaxy of Terror. Corman did have a part in the film so it’s probably not too much of a surprise

    Also caught The Burning which was a lot of fun. It even has Jason Alexander in a very early role and you can see the hints of the George that he would become in his acting.

    Cool! Will see if I can get them! I’ve mentioned this before but I tend to favor European films and shows for some reason, particularly British but I do like a lot of the Slavic ones too. Trouble is, most aren’t available over here! 😛

    in reply to: All Things Site and Organizational #775

    Yep, sounds good! Shouldn’t break anything but we’ll find out!

    in reply to: Styles #773

    Yep, 4k! No scaling under Linux and Windows is set to 150% scaling. 🙂

    Things are gorgeous!

    Yuck! It sounds like we’d do best to wait for 6.3 as they say changing it will be supported directly.

    in reply to: Computer Setup #772

    To reinstall the bootloader in my situation, I just had to do the following steps:

    apt install --reinstall linux-image-generic linux-headers-generic
    update-initramfs -c -k all
    sudo bootctl --path=/boot/efi install

    And audio works! 🙂 Only two speakers work, though, as the onboard sound only has a single line out port compared to the old system. I’ll need to go through Logitech’s documentation again later to see if there’s a way to get the others working without dedicated ports for them.

    in reply to: Computer Setup #770

    systemd-boot doesn’t have any customization options, sadly. It just provides a list of bootable options. I’d love to have a graphical representation for the boot menu even if it’s just seen for a few seconds. I like a little eye candy!

    Fixing it wasn’t really much of an issue in my case, likely due to installing Windows on a separate drive (couldn’t remove the drive as it mounts behind the video card so I would have had to remove that as well). All I needed to do was basically just reinstall the bootloader from Pop after manually booting back into Pop OS from the UEFI. Providing the exact steps may be helpful as the steps in the link weren’t all necessary. Will do so! 🙂

    They use a separate daughter board to connect the fans and IO cables for neatness and to help make accessing everything easier. The power button is neat! It uses a pin connector similar to ancient game cartridges to allow you to open up the front and sides of the case without having to fiddle with things very much 🙂

    It has both onboard sound and a couple of PCI slots that I could install a sound card into, I just haven’t gotten around to plugging the cables in yet even though it’ll take five minutes. 😛

    in reply to: Styles #765

    Oh, a side note:

    Finally got around to looking at the site more closely and it scales really well on higher resolutions. 🙂

    Will get to the other posts soon. I know some of them have been sitting for a few days. Sorry about that, just been a bit busy setting up.

    in reply to: Computer Setup #764

    Installing Windows was rather complicated but it’s done. If anyone reads this and needs help: for System76 Thelio machines, you must choose the ISO option from Microsoft and not the MCT. The latter won’t been seen by motherboard. After you get the ISO, you need to create it using something like Rufus so it can install a dummy bootloader to it to be recognized. Took me half an hour to figure out. The guide from System76 does say to use the ISO but doesn’t say not to use the MCT so I thought it was more a matter of preference.

    Additionally, you need to grab the full version of the AMD GPU driver from AMD’s website. For some reason, the minimal download version isn’t properly set as an executable so W11 won’t be able to run it even though it’s the W11 download on the AMD site.

    Also, the wireless drivers aren’t automatically installed by Windows Update for an AMD board so you must use an ethernet cable initially. Once installed, go the motherboard manufacturer’s website (Gigabyte in my case) and grab them from the support page for your board.

    Next, you need to install the fan board drivers from the link above if you don’t plug the fans directly into the motherboard. This process is relatively painless, it just takes a while for all the components to install as it checks compatibility for each package. I highly recommend doing this step right after the initial Windows Update and before the video drivers are installed to help quiet things down.

    Finally, you need to repair the bootloader. Depending on the situation, this may require a live CD or USB device. In my case, I didn’t need one and could select Pop from the UEFI manually. Afterwards, you’ll probably want to set up a boot prompt so hold space while booting after the UEFI menu and then hit + for your decision time in seconds.

    I haven’t plugged up the speakers yet so I may need to also install the audio drivers from Gigabyte but we’ll see

    in reply to: Styles #763

    Sorry, I’m looking at the summaries in the search results. For each block, the timestamp area is huge and ugly. I may be able to fix it by styling each section individually and then changing up the margins but that’d be rather ugly. Will do it if I need to, though!

    Thanks! Will take a look at that post!

    Cool! Yeah, a static image may be best 🙂

    The one I used is from NASA so it is public domain, which is nice. We can edit it all we want! 🙂

    in reply to: No Bullets or Numbers for UL, OL #762

    When trying to make nested lists, the UI pukes. Instead of creating a new list tag, it wants to close the main list. So one needs to manually type in the tag structure if they want to make a nested list. Annoying!

    in reply to: “Are you sure you want to do that?” #758

    Yeah, the cache has been a bit odd lately. It hasn’t been updating as often as it used to so something definitely changed there

    in reply to: Forward Slash & Question Mark #757

    I think it’s blocking it as a security feature to help prevent arbitrary scripts from being run

    in reply to: Styles #756

    New unread icon is up! 🙂

Viewing 20 posts – 881 through 900 (of 1,097 total)