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  • in reply to: Veg #2205

    I’m a bit nervous to do that as they contain a neurotoxin and require special processing. Don’t really feel comfortable with that risk involved.

    We have century plants all over around here. They’re very popular with business for roadside decoration. We have some whose central stalks have gotten so tall they reach the utility poles!

    Yeah, Spanish needle is plentiful around here. I’m always picking the spines off my clothes. Can be a real hassle, especially as the washing machine can’t get them off πŸ˜›

    Tired sunflower! When they start to go past their prime, we harvest them and save the seeds. We’ll then eat the rest of the bloom. Pretty good in salads πŸ™‚

    in reply to: MS Teams Biz #2204

    Yeah, there was a lot of good stuff we weren’t able to throw a life raft to. I’m really going to miss a lot of stuff in there. πŸ™

    Sure, the interface didn’t always work right but it was quite nice for what we were using it for.

    in reply to: Samsung Tablets #2203

    Nope, sadly. I really wish there was one to fix the battery drain issues. I used to be able to go a week without having to charge the tablet before the update, now it’s every couple of days πŸ™

    Maybe, not sure of the current state of extension support on Android. Will need to check

    The old phone is a Motorola Nexus 6. Still use it some for browsing but I replaced it with a Pixel 4a when it started freezing up during phone calls at six years old. πŸ˜›

    in reply to: Random #2202

    This place looks interesting:

    We’re getting an Area 15 in Florida in the next few years. Sounds like it could be fun to explore the venue. πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Samsung Tablets #2199

    Nope, no update here! Works okay for the most part, just pretty slow on ad heavy sites and sites with a lot of images. Running everything in a private browsing session does tend to help somewhat, though. Battery life, needless to say, is garbage at this point πŸ˜›

    Will check the settings menu!

    I’ve got a pretty basic A7 Lite. It came without a lot of the Samsung stuff preinstalled, which is nice. It is a bit sluggish but that’s okay as I don’t use it for much right now (been trying to change that but it’s hard to transition)

    in reply to: Hardware Relics #2198

    For the Oblivion system, have you tried replacing the coin cell battery? When they go belly up, the board can start doing some funky things.

    Yeah, sounds like it’s time to replace the aging workhorses. Always sad when a piece of tech dies πŸ™

    in reply to: Computer Setup #2197

    Yeah, that’d work if you’re looking for pretty basic. You may want to upgrade the cooling a bit if you go with it, though. In my experience, the mass market brands often cut corners with the cooling so things can get a bit hot when you’re playing a game. Should also run No Man’s Sky, which I highly recommend you try at some point πŸ™‚

    Upgrading can definitely be tricky. I did it with an old Sony Vaio twenty years ago. I didn’t run into any hardware incompatibilities but the cramped space was an issue. I upgraded the video card and PSU and the space was so tight, I really cut up my hands. I also tried upgrading the hard drive but couldn’t get enough space to maneuver the drive (it was mounted vertically on the front air intake) so I used the drive in my next computer. Upgrading RAM won’t be an issue since that’s a simple pop in.

    Yeah, System76 overhauled their product offerings a few months ago, removing most of their AMD offerings for some reason. Luckily, I got mine before they made those changes. They did, however, upgrade the case design (which I missed out on) with better airflow, more fan mounts, and front ports for audio and USB. If you don’t mind forgoing a pure AMD build, their systems are quite nice.

    The other option is to get one from a standard custom vendor, preferably with more than one drive, and install Linux on it. Granted, the wireless chipset is the usual compatibility issue though (most Broadcom chips have poor Linux support) so you’d want to check the motherboard specs before you buy. Maingear was my second choice as they seem to have a pretty solid reputation and were very responsive when I was researching vendors. They do ship internationally but it doesn’t sound as though they have international shipping insurance and the cost for overseas shipping may be rather prohibitive.

    in reply to: Films & TV Shows #2196

    The sequel isn’t much better. It spends nearly two hours focusing on his sister’s PTSD. It does have a redeeming feature: Weird Al makes a brief appearance. Still have half an hour left. Ugh but I’ll finish it. Once I start one, I force it through. I got through Plan 9! πŸ˜›

    I need a good creature feature. I haven’t had a good one since Humanoids of the Deep!

    in reply to: Random #2192

    Random memory: many moons ago when I was in the market for a Blu-ray player, the store told me to buy a PS3 instead. Needless to say, I went to a different shop to get one. πŸ˜›

    in reply to: Films & TV Shows #2191


    Saw the Halloween remake yesterday. Haven’t seen the first one so I don’t have much to compare it to but it came off as a rather run of the mill slasher. We had to sit through a good half hour or so of build-up before the story actually started, showing Michael in the asylum. While it was good to give them a backstory, I felt they overdid it by making it the primary focus of the film. While the franchise is supposed to be a slasher, they turned the first bit into a drama with that bit. It didn’t exactly move things along by showing endless counseling sessions. It could have worked better if they had shown some development in Michael’s personality but they only focused on the therapy sessions and his mother’s responses before killing her off at the end of the sessions. A redeeming feature of the film was that they did try to make it feel more timeless than most horror remakes by limiting the inclusion of modern technology. I don’t recall seeing a single computer and a cell phone only showed up once, for example.

    Huh? SyFy is broadcasting a reality show that has nothing to do with science fiction…? They’ve really fallen! I remember back when they used to show reruns of nothing but science fiction! They would also produce in-house films that were often terrible and some were just cheap knockoffs. They’re the source of the Sharknado franchise, for instance πŸ˜› Roger Corman was one of their main producers!

    in reply to: All Things General and Non-Organizational #2190

    Yuck! And why are some of them in Latin…? And some of them are just random spam posts without a spam email associated with them and no spam links. Wonder where those get off?

    Feel free to send them to the nether!

    in reply to: Comings, Goings, Doings #2189

    Yuck! Could also be a fried chipset. Had a similar experience with the old desktop with the first board. Yeah, could be the PSU. Sometimes, I’ve had to flush the charge in the capacitors by flipping the manual switch in the back a few times. Really don’t know why that works based on my understanding of capacitors.

    Should be able to clean out the files using good old fashioned Disk Cleanup. πŸ™‚

    Speaking of, I probably should check it myself. I may also want to set up logrotate on the Linux machine, if it isn’t already.

    Probably worth giving Morrowind a whirl. I’m guilty of never really giving it a chance. Most I’ve played it has been around ten minutes πŸ˜›

    in reply to: Gramps #2187

    Is it possible to set it up as a tree-view using something like graphviz? Would be a fun way to browse through the history πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Software: On & Off the Web #2186

    Hopefully it goes relatively smoothly. What really irks me is when a library deprecates a function but doesn’t provide a similar function for the task, keeping from being able to upgrade. Gets pretty annoying sometimes πŸ˜›

    Yuck! No options in the account settings to limit the emails? Never used Ali’s sites before

    The search section is pretty neat. Not sure of the practicality of it (sort of like Google’s) but it’s fun from a novelty factor πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Comings, Goings, Doings #2185

    Yeah, we have a similar program here called, “Call before you dig.” Granted, it doesn’t always work and doesn’t help with the lawn crew doesn’t pay attention to where they’re chopping away when the cables are aboveground πŸ˜›

    Yep, modern languages tends towards simplicity, including contractions. We should have a day where we are encouraged to speak the more verbose version of the language such as it was from around 1500. We have Talk Like a Pirate Day so why not? πŸ˜€

    Yeah, I try to get her out every few hours. She doesn’t always want to go far but she definitely does enjoy the walks πŸ™‚

    Hope all goes well! πŸ™‚

    in reply to: All Things Site and Organizational #2184

    Alright, sidebar’s been removed.

    Looks like the footer can be removed via the global template under Edit Site

    in reply to: All Things Site and Organizational #2174

    Yeah, it’s even worse on mobile (makes it very long). It does provide an activity overview but not much else. Removing it may be the best way to go until we get our sea legs

    We could also create a sidebar using columns and such, adding different widgets. We’re editing it under Pages as opposed to Templates (not sure why) if you want to take a looksie. πŸ™‚

    I think I found the style that sets the outline on links but I’m not entirely sure. There’s an esoteric style rule set in the global template without comments or anything that looks a tad suspicious. I’ll toy with that and see what happens

    in reply to: Random #2170

    And from Alaska:

    “Kangaroos are not allowed in barber shops at any time.”

    Some of them really make you wonder πŸ˜›

    Yuck. Asbestos can be messy. πŸ™

    Awesome! Doing an image search shows a lot of them on a banana but what about a bus being enclosed in a banana? That could be fun!

    in reply to: All Things Site and Organizational #2169

    FSE Support enabled. Need to do some theming over the coming days but we can now edit the layout through the editor! I also went ahead and added the sidebar to give us more features πŸ™‚

    Let me know if anything broke!

    We probably want to shrink the sidebar some, too. It’s a little large πŸ˜›


    If we don’t like the sidebar, it looks like I can add each element individually using the Widgets area instead of Patterns. Not a big fan of WYSIWYG, though. Too bad I can’t do this in a text-based layout! Would be much faster!

    in reply to: Comings, Goings, Doings #2161

    Not that I’m aware of but I never did check their newsroom. πŸ˜›

    Often, our outages are due to utility work around town or simply squirrels. That’s what happened at my dad’s place a long time ago: squirrels ate through the lines πŸ˜›

    A few months ago, someone crashed into the crosswalk (zebra crossing) signal and the city had to wire up a new one. They connected the wires to the wrong buttons on one side of it so they’re now perpendicular to where they should be facing. Finally figured it out last week why the button wasn’t working.

    I feel bad for ISPs. People always complain bitterly about all of them when the majority of issues aren’t their fault. πŸ™

    Fun fact: I often use the downtime to do maintenance tasks with their support, such as activating a new modem, even though things won’t take effect until the outage is over. Often, I just feel as though it’d be nice of them to see a bright spot in the sea of complaints they’re getting at that moment πŸ™‚

    Sounds good. Is it too far away for a mesh network to cover it?

    And sorry for not being as vocal the last few days. My dog needs to have surgery to have a wart removed that keeps getting infected and it’s been weighing on my mind as she’s twelve years old. Haven’t really been sleeping well lately. I actually overslept the other day and she had to come in to make sure nothing was wrong

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