Spastic Hamburger

  • I think it serves as a counter for the blacklist but I’m not sure.

    Yep, selective site clearing would be quite handy. 🙂

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Films & TV Shows in the forum Discussion 12 months ago

    Will need to see if I can get it! British series are rather hard to tune in to here. 🙁

    Saw Dolls yesterday and that was a lot of fun. Wasn’t the same level as Puppet Master but still worth it 🙂

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 12 months ago

    Yeah, we just hit our dry season. Granted, we didn’t get much of a wet season this year. I remember several years ago, we had rain every day for two months. Definitely didn’t get that this year.

    Yep. We don’t get too many of these kinds of things here but they do in other parts of the country. I wonder, could a fight have broken out on the boat?…[Read more]

  • That refers to the cookies being pulled in from the current site as opposed to the global list. When you turn them off, you can add them to the whitelist to let them save cookies while still blocking other sites 🙂

    I can test Firefox when I get the chance and see how its UI differs 🙂

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Spoilers in the forum Forum 12 months ago

    And added!

  • The site now has spoiler tags!

    As of right now, they require manual entry into the editor and be used with the following:

    <span class="stearnvault-spoiler">This is a spoiler</span>

    This is a spoiler

    Hover over the black box with the cursor to reveal it. On mobile, you tap the box to reveal it 🙂

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Films & TV Shows in the forum Discussion 12 months ago

    Watched The Stepfather yesterday and it was fabulous!

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Sounds and Music in the forum Discussion 12 months ago


    Second one isn’t available here 🙁

    Here’s an old favorite:

    And what’s the season without the Monster Mash?

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 12 months ago

    I may need to create a TCG thread at some point…

    Anyways! Playing a Gravekeeper deck in Yu-Gi-Oh is quite fun, even if it’s an old tactic and not used much these days (last major support was released in 2018). Essentially, it locks down a lot of the newer strategies, forcing you to play using tactics from a decade ago. They still hold up, too.…[Read more]

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Films & TV Shows in the forum Discussion 12 months ago

    Watched The Last House on the Left yesterday and definitely didn’t care for it. It couldn’t decide if it wanted to be something like I Spit on your Grave or a comedy, the result being a bit of a mishmash that didn’t really work well together. If almost felt as if they were laughing at the events on the screen, which was overall a serious plot

  • I’ve always had issues with hibernate. Back in the XP days, weird stuff would happen so I eventually quit using it. These days, Windows doesn’t even show the option unless you do some magic. Wouldn’t be too terribly surprised if they phase it out altogether by W14

    How do you turn the system back on in sleep mode? Press the power button, I take…[Read more]

  • It’ll definitely require a plugin due to the scripting but we can certainly add it to the list 🙂

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Sounds and Music in the forum Discussion 1 year ago

    Yep, Peanuts has some great tunes!

    We’re missing Pink Floyd:

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Films & TV Shows in the forum Discussion 1 year ago

    Saw From Beyond yesterday and really enjoyed it but the S&M bits seemed like they were randomly thrown into the mix. It was a weird section.

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Films & TV Shows in the forum Discussion 1 year ago

    Yeah, Apple has exclusive rights to it here. Hopefully it’ll be going into the public domain soon.

    It really picks up with the second film when Jason starts his rampage. Of course, the films get sillier with each one released 😛

    Rewatched Hospital Massacre the other day after seeing it as part of a slasher marathon OTA years ago. Still pretty meh. 😛

  • Yep, will need an external disc drive. Sadly, a lot of systems are forgoing drive bays now. Not really sure why as they’re incredibly useful. They also take less space on the desk than all these external hubs we now need as we keep running out of USB ports 😛

    Yep, Chrome. The tablet didn’t come with a browser at all, it was pretty bare bones but…[Read more]

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 1 year ago

    Could be! Definitely not a setting in the online database. In the past, it was much different! It was basically just a checklist of each card and where they came from. Of course that was twenty years ago so things have changed 😛

    I’d recommend Duel Links if you’re looking to learn. It’s a free condensed version available on mobile and the…[Read more]

  • Just don’t eat cereal in the morning or you’d be a cereal killer!

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Spoilers in the forum Forum 1 year ago

    Still looking into adding the note but I’ve confirmed that the spoiler works on mobile by tapping the hidden text. Also, it looks like a plugin is required to add options to the editor for some reason. Will look into that! Surprised it’s not part of WordPress as it’s kind of a basic feature

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Spoilers in the forum Forum 1 year ago

    Will need to play with it some to see if I can get the note added. It’s not letting me change the background color in the ::after style block but that may be due to something else. Not sure if it’s something I can fix or not but I’ll try!

    No idea how to add it to the menu but I’ll do some reading on it. We may need a plugin for customization like…[Read more]

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