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  • in reply to: Random #3275

      Conversation at the fireplace is off limits then, so no fireside chats. πŸ™
      Good range in Moma then- have you shopped in the galleries before?
      Always thought a space-age toothpaste tube squeezer would make a quirky gift for a family member, might be a little late for Christmas deliveries now.
      Probably better off searching the mfg websites directly. Tried Ali Express? Great, the hunt is over – got a link to the ultimate Millennium Falcon?

      in reply to: Films & TV Shows #3272

        Mighty film, and a tear-jerker as well by the looks. Tend to shun movies with sub-titles over here – eyes – screen – and of course the native language component – without the German it’s Mona Lisa in monochrome. πŸ˜›
        So many things about Get Out were terrific, the music of Michael Abels, the tension, character interplay, the mystery, so 90% here. And yes, it did lack that extra 10% of X-factor – mostly attributable to turns in the plot, thus rendering the high expectations lightly moistened. Recommended!
        Right now streaming the complete Love/Hate box set – guns, whack jobs, drugs, hissy fits – what more do you want? The Brit answer to that at the time was the more historical (and hysterical) Peaky Blinders, a whopping six series so plenty on tap, (hopefully not too many of the spinal kind!) πŸ™‚
        Edit: On FTA tonight there was Prisoners which ticked all the boxes as a no-nonsense (granular minus the granola) story with heated exchanges in no short supply. Gyllenhaal is together engaging and enigmatic in the role as investigator.

        in reply to: Sounds and Music #3271

          Wild selections there, over here there was Hans on ABC News Breakfast with Camp as Christmas, a lively alternative to Mariah:

          in reply to: All Things Site and Organizational #3263

            No rush thanks, just did a backup in case of catastrophe. πŸ™‚

            in reply to: New Forum – Knowledgebase #3256

              At last, a KnowledgeBase! πŸ™‚
              Definitely a site requirement now the search has been parked, right now it’s fair to say most retrievable content of value on a given subject is broadcast far and wide throughout the various blog and forum topics. Quite a wide range of subject matter, and yes, to such length, depth, and degree on software that it has inevitably become softworn. πŸ˜›
              What we want is a bot to regularly go foraging through all content and return with topical yet non-sensitive material for collation into a wiki-like system of web pages. Or how about an AI generated categorised collection of KB articles rehashed from chinwags of yesteryear? Could be 10 years from now such goings-on will become commonplace, creating a wonderful but slightly spooky rehashed homogeneity not just at StearnVault but everywhere!

              in reply to: Software: On & Off the Web #3250

                Just got it here as well, the install, as with on the last occasion was through the WU interface, relatively painless as an ISO was not required. Also ran GPEdit to prevent the well meaning but “flawed” WU downloading OEM driver updates. That is, funnily enough, has not to-date existed a policy of HP to tinker with WU, as everything driver related (including Intel) should be dealt with through their provided Support Assistant. Not bad in that respect. πŸ™‚
                Edit: Oh, and the current official known issues list, for the unofficial ones it’s easy, just Google “<an_expletive> W11“. πŸ˜›

                in reply to: Random #3244

                  Heh, there’s also the real life Boeing MCAS saga which turned the planes into flying death traps. The FDA, like other large orgs is little more than a coterie of small fiefdoms ruled by folks who care for little more than the unbroken teflon of their backsides. These kinds of criticisms will, as you know, either be denied outright, or referred onto another departmental section, with the end result being that nothing will ever get done.
                  Fortunately, the use of E924 is banned in Australia, however Cyclamate is fine over here, go fig.
                  Trying to get my head around Godzilla’s forays into the real estate industry – could it be a Jurassic Park themed affair? πŸ˜›
                  Okay, now we know where to get the news from. πŸ™‚

                  in reply to: Comings, Goings, Doings #3243

                    Erk! πŸ™
                    It’s commonly known sleeping helps flush toxins from the brain, (or at least until recently.) Do we know, or even care much when there’s a headache as a result.
                    All we want is a study confirming the one-to-one correlation to the headache and the yet to be discovered floating flushing mechanism located in some dark nook of the brain. There’s Delayed sleep phase disorder which links on to the International Classification of Sleep Disorders, no doubt a close reading will at least bring on a bout of eye fluttering drowsiness. πŸ˜›

                    in reply to: Random #3236

                      There’s a guest login, only works if you get Messenger so it seems.
                      Most folks feel the best out of life is to get by doing just the bare minimum, until it’s holiday time at least. In many cases, the cattle truck operators are too “nice”, such pleasant demeanour brought on by threats to livelihood/well-being/life from unhinged farmers. πŸ˜›
                      Have not read The Jungle, the Wikipedia condensed plot synopsis is amazing in its graphic detail of Jurgis spiralling down through the gamut of all possible misfortunes that do befall, old predicaments re-emerge with a new twist and each rock-bottom is a portal to the next. But then, out of the blue, he chances upon Ostrinski, someone nice who talks to him about socialism, consequently upon which his troubles suddenly melt away and everyone lives happily ever after. Of course, the book will have a lot more to say on these events, thus surely dispelling any misconceptions acquired from the reading of the aforementioned plot summaries. πŸ˜›

                      in reply to: Content #3235

                        The short answer to the short form is probably no, the long answer to the short form is to find a Readers Digest condensation of a work of literature (e.g. David Copperfield), and to ask the question as to whether the original work should have been read instead.
                        Another thing is that the lasting and positive impression derived from reading a good book is that it was a short read. Short, because there should have been more. Anything that has to be skimmed over is not really worth reading, because, well, you skimmed over it.
                        That’s when format comes in, bullet points, headings, italics, bold, and use flourishes at the beginning of each major paragraph. And images, not the big blaring ones like what I post, little 300 X 50 block representations of something of interest in the text. Feel free to use an image which might be seemingly off-topic to the discussion point, which compels the reader to search the text for the relevance of the image.
                        Flicking through these for example might find you something to taste. And use quotes with double quotes, as with the following:

                        First and foremost, “Don’t panic,” to quote The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.

                        Giffy quotes are cool too, e.g., from Dad’s Army:

                        Although that’s overkill. πŸ˜›

                        in reply to: Films & TV Shows #3231

                          Pretty much the same reaction from some critics at the initial release, it was memorable enough inasmuch such a thing was never before attempted cinematically. In recollection the character dynamics worked well enough, the temptation for a repeat viewing was never there though.
                          Now streaming The Old Man, plenty in there of good entertainment value, including the rather mystifying mystery of why they never decided to include English subtitles for the rather lengthy Afghani scenes. πŸ˜›

                          in reply to: Random #3228

                            Ah, Mr. Monopoly served with marching orders – go to jail, go directly to jail, do not collect $200. Good job. πŸ™‚
                            Good also for Facebook airing the ills experienced by carriers of livestock with Crap Loading Ramps, boasting a growing collection of magnificent and unforgettable images we can be all proud of. πŸ™‚

                            in reply to: Veg #3221

                              Did you find one? Tussocks are reliable for such a job, they also lack what we might call “aesthetic” qualities desirable for our verges. The Californian hair grass might be an exception. πŸ™‚
                              Haven’t been able to secure another Red Rubin over here since posting this update back when, have any cropped up your way recently?

                              in reply to: Software: On & Off the Web #3219

                                In response to this observation, there has been more action on trimming the Wikipedia content down as per e.g the 2007 Wikipedia: “In Popular Culture” Content article. Do like the xkcd ref. πŸ™‚
                                Take, for example, this revision of the page for What Are Little Boys Made Of before the section got chopped. This is the current page.
                                There are some interesting references that have been moved on, it’s possible to argue the items are all relevant because they satisfy certain criteria. In the olden multivolume hardcopy days, one was obviously restricted by physical media, here there is no such restriction. Wikipedans have become too encyclopedic! Having some of the most “important” references in popular culture now as links in the page below, does take something away from the article. Bring them back I say!
                                Edit: Having said that, references are a thing though, one can’t, for example, say something happened in a film without references. If the movie, or at least its transcript isn’t at IA or one of the official video channels that provide access to the film for everyone, the reference might be rejected. Snippets from movie reviews from syndicated sources might be acceptable as long as they are not behind an impervious paywall.

                                in reply to: Random #3218

                                  Today, you can get them out of the jar.
                                  Spray on is brilliant, forget about putting it to use in places like Lahore or Delhi until at least the folks over there get back on their bikes/carts/rickshaws, and stop burning coal. In doing that throws up a whole new bunch of issues though. πŸ˜›
                                  Yeah, those hounds still have your address and will not let go of that bone. Fair to say with spam from some ebay sellers, you can redirect it to sp**@eb**.com.
                                  Edit: Oh, here’s the link to the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition we spoke of years ago. πŸ™‚

                                  in reply to: Hardware Relics #3213

                                    Haven’t seen SACDs or the players over here much at all, mostly because of a slightly limp impetus to go looking. Don’t recall them occupying the prime spots in any of the shop display windows either, funnily enough. They might have benefited from an ad campaign of Coca Cola magnitude geared really set the market on fire, and as things have turned out in latter years, likely to have set a lot off punters to the wall no doubt. πŸ˜›
                                    It’s good they are in a cupboard, safe and sound and if the cupboard remains in good nick, soon to be collector’s items. A pleasant prospect for future fossickers. Termites decimated the cupboard in the top shed here, which necessitated ordering in replacement shelving, and if you have to ask, yes, metal. πŸ˜›

                                    in reply to: MS Teams Biz #3210

                                      Hmmm, one of the threads we really wanted ported over is the Dreams thread, and if that were not to happen, an appropriate thread title here might go something like: “I Dream of MeanSie Teams”. It’s bad, exacerbated by the knowledge that sporting such a rotten title in the forums won’t make things any better. πŸ™

                                      in reply to: Random #3207

                                        Some very good ideas from here:
                                        The first link is gone, there’s this one in Chile or another in China for example. The one in the Sahara has its critics. πŸ˜›
                                        Good idea with the bins though, get them enough power to trot away at COB to unload at the local disposal centre. Might be a thing. The outdoor urinals now popular in Europe could flush by the power of the sun as well, in fact an aesthetic integration into an attractive water feature would brighten up the environs for the delight of all. πŸ™‚

                                        in reply to: Films & TV Shows #3197

                                          A fine collection indeed! Still back in primordial 768p here. πŸ˜›
                                          Explored the Fetch range a little, they have a good range of content in the guide. Currently watching The Fall on a TV app though, as waiting for the providers to fix the bugs in other TV apps which make them almost impossible to use. Well into series 3 now, it’s beginning to induce a little tedium, thus increasing the tension leading up to the celebrations of these screaming streaming bugs being silenced once and for all. πŸ™‚

                                          in reply to: All Things Site and Organizational #3196

                                            Thanks! Cheers was indeed the missing ingredient. πŸ™‚
                                            Dropped the PHP version back down to 7.4 no change. πŸ™
                                            Opening up the page with Edge Tools, it displays!
                                            And when duplicating that page tab, we get this page as visible:
                                            However, clicking “Published” or the “Draft” tabs on the left gets the blank page again.
                                            Perhaps one of our pages has a funny character?
                                            Did also notice there is an error on the page with -ms-filter – not supported. see this very old thread:

                                            [line 2] unknown property '-ms-filter' issue
                                            byu/agent_orange1 incsshelp

                                            The code is:

                                            .iris-ie-lt9 .iris-square .ui-slider-handle {
                                            -ms-filter: “alpha(Opacity=30)”;

                                            Don’t think this is related.

                                          Viewing 20 posts – 41 through 60 (of 874 total)