
  • Happened again at the day of this posting, AutoSSL times out, the internal cPanel error with the certificates was:

    The installed certificate does not cover this domain

    All of a sudden, three hours later, the certificates are fine. No word from the providers as yet, so just in case they missed it, requested a reason for the outage. The certificates…[Read more]

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Films & TV Shows in the forum Discussion 2 weeks, 4 days ago

    All right, went and suggested it. They do that over here, a continual succession of James Bond, Lara Croft, Harry Potter, Night at the Museum, Indiana Jones etc. etc. reboots. It can be said Most JB movies are worth a second look. ๐Ÿ™‚
    For fans of female heroines, Haywire is a slick piece, David Holmes’ score has a clangy sixties feel and the…[Read more]

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Films & TV Shows in the forum Discussion 2 weeks, 5 days ago

    Nice list from the other thread, hovercraft were all the rage in the 60s and 70s, not so much in the later Bond movies. The Griffon 2000TD operated by Brosnan in Die Another Day wasn’t listed, wonder why.
    About an hour into The Voyeurs, changing the channel was very tempting, being the the absolute martyr persisted, and, well was somewhat rewarded…[Read more]

  • LAA flag is just a setting for the linker in the 32 executable code, PrgLnch will set it for sure.

    There was another site derived from GeoCities with numbers in the name, 777 or 888, Los Angeles? based, not listed as a free home page like these:
    <table border=”0″ width=”90%” cellspacing=”0″ cellpadding=”0″…[Read more]

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 3 weeks, 3 days ago

    Boing-Boing don’t like the host listings, so up goes a blocker/wall without a booiiing sound effect. Luckily, you can clear the cache and cookies, then, in reloading the page, quickly hitting stop before the wall comes up again. Yes, its hilarious, sort of thing one would find in TikTok. ๐Ÿ˜›
    Haven’t seen many – if any – of those in this country,…[Read more]

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Films & TV Shows in the forum Discussion 3 weeks, 3 days ago

    Do remember seeing that, Laurie chucked in a few goodies in like the familiar Also sprach Zarathustra, later “stolen” by Kubrick’s gang:

    The Two Faces of January (film) is a classy production around a rather mean plot line. The sets, the acting, the scenes and the music are are all to die for!

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Sounds and Music in the forum Discussion 3 weeks, 3 days ago

    One fine orchestrator for film scores is Alberto Iglesias – here’s the main titles from The Two Faces of January:

    Here’s one from Broken Embraces with cool still-image warping visuals on the…[Read more]

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic MWEdit in the forum Projects 3 weeks, 4 days ago

    Can contact Nimrod if you like, although we’re not sure whether he received explicit permission in the first place, see the post. The project is so old, there’s a good chance no-one will be worried about it all that much. Does Nimrod’s licence permit a third party copying his code, and then attributing his work in the updated project?

  • Just curious, from the other thread, does PrgLnch help any with the monitors?

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Films & TV Shows in the forum Discussion 3 weeks, 6 days ago

    This Catch Me a Killer series is quite engrossing consider the number and scale of serial killings in South Africa at the time. It stars Charlotte Hope, a seasoned actor notable from Bancroft season 2, as the lead investigative psychologist.
    In the episode The Phoenix Strangler: Part II, she relates to her companion an old story of persistence and…[Read more]

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Films & TV Shows in the forum Discussion 4 weeks, 1 day ago

    Cool, going to watch for that, yeah it’s Amazon Prime, so could do it on the 30 day free trial.
    Back to slashers briefly, Scream VI on FTA presented plenty of excitement, thrills and spills, the violence is rampant, as expected for the franchise. Watching this through and after dinner is not recommended for the squeamish, could also be this viewer…[Read more]

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic MWEdit in the forum Projects 4 weeks, 1 day ago

    I’d leave Dave’s for the moment, Nimrod actually has the solution, however conversion of the vcproj to vcxproj is the first port of call. All the included files will be in there – have you got to that stage yet?
    Re-arranging the dir structure is critical, as you know.

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Computer Setup in the forum Projects 1 month ago

    Note to self, the protective familiar spirit (what’s the word?) of HP are wanton to prohibit the usage of the Intelยฎ Driver & Support Assistant outside of the HP Support Assistant, so hands of!

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 1 month ago

    It’s related to the shifting jet streams, going to be a big problem in the future for sure. So better water conservation is a defense.
    They have to be careful about the weather, what happens when the bitumen roads get hot with some vehicles travelling at speed. And how safe would it be for cyclists and pedestrians?
    Found a couple of bones in the…[Read more]

  • Thread up, else things will get clog-orific. ๐Ÿ˜›
    Why not, looks like others found it helpful, there’s something in Adrenalin which might help, global though.

  • DeVaultSetter started the topic MWEdit in the forum Projects 1 month ago

    An alternate editor for the Elder Scrolls: Morrowind computer game. Similar in appearance to the official construction set editor but with the edition of many features to make mod editting easier.


    do wonder how difficult itโ€™d be to swap it out for something more supported like GraphicsMagick (assuming I understand the usage of the i…

    [Read more]

  • Sounds like a project topic in the offing. ๐Ÿ™‚
    We could ask him for comment, or comment for code, or comment in return for code, or vice-versa, or a for recommended flavour of Febreze – over here there’s Glen 20 for extra bug zap. ๐Ÿ˜›
    Do you use NVAC?

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Films & TV Shows in the forum Discussion 1 month ago

    On the list! Super brains were a thing then, Billion Dollar Brain, Colossus, and much later, The Machine. ๐Ÿ˜›
    If you like theatre, suspense, and a highly active screenplay, Deathtrap has it all. Once acclimatised to the rhythm of Lumet’s direction, you won’t be switching off. The article mentions the earlier Sleuth, one for Caine fans too. Recommended.

  • VS is the first preference here as it has an IDE and a feedback system which has good support. There are others like the cross platform VSCode which might be worth trying out at some stage.

    On the Sourcefourge page the licence is “GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPLv2),” still more popular than other versions, but second fiddle to MIT…[Read more]

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 1 month ago

    Funny, despite Reddit and others, no mention of Fallout in the article, or even in previous adaptations in the talk page. Both have a TV series out, of course, on the watchlist. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Isn’t it supposed to be the middle of winter over there, yet these fires in LA. Has anything like that ever happened before at such a time of year?

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